Swiss regiments (“Suizos” in Spanish ) were present at the battle on both sides, and the 3rd Suizos of colonel Reding received the surrender of other swiss regiments fighting for the French, so they were “Suizos vs. Suisse”…. something like the renaissance battles in Italy where swiss were on both sides ones against the others.
The diorama shows the Suizos of the Spanish 3rd regiment in action, commanded by Colonel Reding in the hot summer of Andalusia.
The figures are from Massimo Costa, you can see here the top level of sculpture and poses, as usual.
The painting details of the figures are reported in the work in progress section (topic “suizos”).
I spent about 120 hours for this project in the last 4 months (with the help of the Christmas period with more time available !).
Hope you enjoy the pictures here below