
British Camel Corps

Posted by Machno on 10 Dec 2023, 16:05

I had a sprue of this Hat Camel Corps set aside, but I didn't like the lack of detail on the faces. So I swapped them for heads from the British Infantry set produced by Esci.
The puggaree were added with dental floss.
The foot soldier is from the Anglo Egyptian Army set produced by Waterloo 1815.
I hope you like them











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Machno  Italy
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Posted by tullo on 11 Dec 2023, 17:02

:yeah: :yeah: :yeah: :yeah: :yeah: :shock:

very nice really first class
with how many lamps and which bulbs was this photographed?
greetings tullo
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tullo  Germany
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Posted by Bill Slavin on 11 Dec 2023, 18:05

I really like your choice of palette and the new heads work very well! Nice work.
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Posted by Michael Robert on 11 Dec 2023, 20:39

Hello Machno,
I'm with my colleagues: the head swops worked great - a real plus over the orginal - and the colouring is really a success
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Posted by k.b. on 11 Dec 2023, 23:38

Like Bill i love the muted colours you have chosen. And even more than that i think your headswaps are absolutely first class.
k.b.  Brazil
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Posted by Konrad on 12 Dec 2023, 07:02

Very clean and detailed paintwork.
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Posted by MABO on 12 Dec 2023, 16:58

Very nice troop of Camel-Riders. As already has been said: The head swop is perfectly done here. Painting is really nice as well. They look like figures from one brand also in combination with the Waterloo1815 figure.
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MABO  Europe
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Posted by Rich W on 13 Dec 2023, 00:12

Lovely work on these! Those faces are full of character and I think you've chosen excellent colours.
Rich W  United Kingdom
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Posted by Machno on 13 Dec 2023, 12:26

Thank you all for the comments!

@Tullo:I used natural light, most of the work was done by the gray cardboard in the background :)
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Machno  Italy
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Posted by C M Dodson on 13 Dec 2023, 18:05

The new heads together with your painting have really brought these chaps to life.

Reminds me of the films Young Winston and the Four Feathers.

Stirring stuff.

Best wishes,

C M Dodson  United Kingdom
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Posted by Santi Pérez on 15 Dec 2023, 20:26

You have made a superb paintjob on these Hät figures, Tiziano. Good idea to replace the original heads. :love: :love: :love:

They remind me of the same figures that I also painted a long time ago and posted here a few years ago. But I like yours much more (both the figures and the pictures). :mrgreen:


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Posted by Machno on 16 Dec 2023, 12:03

@CM Dodson: Thanks! Beautiful adventure novel. It would be interesting to paint a version with the anachronistic scarlet tunics worn by the British in the latest film remake

@Santi: Thank you very much Santi. I love your original painting style!

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Machno  Italy
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Posted by Kekso on 16 Dec 2023, 17:49

Very nice paint job and photos.
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Posted by PatrickJ71 on 30 Dec 2023, 17:31

Nice subject and superb painting!
thanks for sharing.
PatrickJ71  Belgium
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Posted by Peter on 18 Jan 2024, 19:20

Wonderful painted figures, Tiziano! :thumbup:
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