
Waterloo 1815 - Blood in the evening

Posted by krugi3 on 09 Dec 2023, 23:00


After my last diorama with the subtitle "Mud in the morning" here comes the follow up with the telling title "Blood in the evening". More or less I created the same scene, but a few hours later when the French had lost the battle.

The gun is again from Esci with an extensive upgrade. Figures are French guard artillerymen and guard grenadiers also from Esci with some conversions. This time I added some retreating French chasseurs a pied.

The ground is now much dryer, but still puddles can be found. Some wheat is still standing.

Groundwork consists of plaster, MIG dark mud and MIG light earth ground, some colour variations, Faller grass. Puddles are made with Vallejo still water with a little colour added.

Here can see the final diorama:
Pictures: ... ening.html

And here a few teasers:








Greetings from Austria
Thomas Krug
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krugi3  Austria
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Posted by k.b. on 10 Dec 2023, 09:40

A terrific little diorama Thomas. Your camera angle really invites us to feel a part of this scene.
Love your choice of figures and the exploded cannon is a fitting central focal point. I am also a huge fan of dirty uniforms and you have reproduced the mud and the grime better than most - perhaps a few hands could have been a bit dirtier if I had to find a minor defect. However, what I most love about your storytelling and what makes it more poignant is the interaction between your figures. My favourite being the artilleryman holding the right wheel of the cannon. I think you have 7 or 8 little stories inside the diorama. What makes it all so convincing is the little conversions, twist of a hand, turn of a head, extremely convincing. All delightfully carried out.
If I had to be constructively critical I would say it’s very hard to believe the plants would still be standing. Furthermore, I think all of this beautiful work deserved a more beautiful base, even though your base work is absolutely marvellous, the puddles, trampled grass, loose elements such as the tools for firing a cannon. All first class. Well done.
I remember your first diorama on the theme was good, I don’t remember it being this good but now I will look it up and add my comments although am quite sure I must have already added some first time around.
Ps/ I nearly forgot to comment on your wonderfully chosen background and photographic skills. All top class. Thank you for showing here on Bennos.
k.b.  Brazil
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Posted by Bill Slavin on 10 Dec 2023, 15:29

Very nice, and a great companion piece to your earlier diorama. All the hope and energy in the morning, and the despair and tragedy by nightfall. I'm not sure but it looks as if the mouth of the cannon has been shattered by repeated firing. Is that right? If so, a nice touch.
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Posted by sberry on 10 Dec 2023, 16:13

A lovely vignette, the atmosphere of defeat is captured perfectly. And the background photo with the sunset matches the foreground perfectly, making the whole scene very convincing.
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sberry  Germany
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Posted by krugi3 on 10 Dec 2023, 16:59

Bill Slavin wrote:... I'm not sure but it looks as if the mouth of the cannon has been shattered by repeated firing. Is that right? ...

You are absolutely right. Barrel exploded, one wheel broken, some crewmen killed or injured - this howitzer is definitely out of action.
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krugi3  Austria
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Posted by Konrad on 10 Dec 2023, 17:45

Apart from a lost battle,
a won battle is the saddest thing there is.
The Duke of Wellington

An excellent job!
The great pictures (and the music in the movie)
reflect the mood of the day.
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Posted by C M Dodson on 11 Dec 2023, 10:03

Excellent work.

You have breathed life into these old Italieri fellows.

Super painting and a real ‘feel’ of the event through your photography.

That howitzer has had a good bashing.

Best wishes,

C M Dodson  United Kingdom
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Posted by Michael Robert on 11 Dec 2023, 20:45

Hello Krugi
very moody diorama. Good painting and landsculpting skills. I also like that you achieved it with a very old set.
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Michael Robert  France

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Posted by Rich W on 13 Dec 2023, 00:14

Fantastic work Thomas! I love the conversions, painting and groundwork!
Rich W  United Kingdom
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Posted by Santi Pérez on 15 Dec 2023, 20:15

Nice diorama, Thomas. I especially love all the conversions you have made on the original figures. :notworthy:

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Santi Pérez  Spain
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Posted by Bessiere on 18 Dec 2023, 02:50

Hard day at the office for these fellows. I love this piece, you have all the misery and mud and can feel how these poor guard gunners felt. Very natural conversions too keep it all tight.
Bessiere  United States of America
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Posted by PatrickJ71 on 30 Dec 2023, 17:21

There is nothing I can add to what has already been said above: fantastic diorama with nice conversions and good paintwork.
Great idea to make a "before" and "after" diorama.
Just like the previous one, this one also reflects the atmosphere of the battlefield very well.
thanks for sharing and keep it coming.
PatrickJ71  Belgium
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