
Attacking Pegasus bridge

Posted by Fire at Will on 29 Nov 2022, 21:40

After quite a while I've finally finished my Horsa glider. Although a relatively simple Kit from Italeri, it took a while to sort out how to create a landed version.

I ended up breaking the landing gear on one side and reduced the central skid to a lower position. This did mean the steps fitted firmly to both the ground and the glider.

In the background is Pegasus bridge, which is still in progress. My next problem will be where to store the glider safely.
Fire at Will  United Kingdom
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Posted by steve_pickstock on 29 Nov 2022, 22:49

Daryl F Zanuck wanted to make some replica Horsas and use them for the landing sequences in The Longest Day, he wasn't allowed to - though I am not sure by who - probably the studio insurance people, because they said that the things were death traps.

I reckon the Ox and Bucks were bloody heroes just for going up in them, never mind making a pin-point landing into a confined space in enemy held territory.

Hold until relieved.
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steve_pickstock  England
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Posted by Peter on 29 Nov 2022, 23:12

I like this very much! More pictures please! ;-) :thumbup:
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Posted by C M Dodson on 30 Nov 2022, 12:57

Interesting start to a most impressive feat of flying and arms.

Stephane did a really nice Peagasus bridge diorama on the forum which may help you.

Best wishes,

C M Dodson  United Kingdom
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Posted by blacksmith on 30 Nov 2022, 14:17

Nicely done!
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blacksmith  Spain
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Posted by Peter on 30 Nov 2022, 18:02

C M Dodson wrote:Interesting start to a most impressive feat of flying and arms.

Stephane did a really nice Peagasus bridge diorama on the forum which may help you.

Best wishes,


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Peter  Belgium

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Posted by PaulRPetri on 01 Dec 2022, 21:51

Excellent work Will. I have that same Italeri Horsa kit but I havent worked up my courage to build it ye. Yours is very inspiring!
PaulRPetri  United States of America
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Posted by Peter on 01 Dec 2022, 23:18

PaulRPetri wrote:Excellent work Will. I have that same Italeri Horsa kit but I havent worked up my courage to build it ye. Yours is very inspiring!

That makes two of us! ;-)
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Peter  Belgium

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Posted by Harry Faversham on 01 Dec 2022, 23:38

They wanted to make a flying replica of the Horsa Glider for the film 'A Bridge Too Far' too. When The CAA informed the film company that it would never get a certificate of airworthiness, the project was abandoned!

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Harry Faversham  England
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