
Assault on the Black Tower (Orctober 2022)

Posted by Susofrick on 03 Oct 2022, 11:43

Seems I am the first for Orctober. Well, be it then!

The orcs' stronghold The Black Tower is under attack! The orc wizards Shadrach and Meshach are calling on the powerful spirit Abednego, but it is probably too late. Many orcs are hunted down by cavalry and elves are attacking the main entrance and killing many orcs with their arrows.









The knights are for my very old project Gata Skog
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Posted by MABO on 03 Oct 2022, 12:23

Very colourful arrangement! :-D :yeah:
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Posted by Kekso on 03 Oct 2022, 17:08

Awesome work Gunnar. The tower is really cool.
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Posted by Konrad on 03 Oct 2022, 18:12

Nice scene with some good action.
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Posted by sberry on 06 Oct 2022, 08:00

A beautiful scene, with really cool action.
But you say

Susofrick wrote:Many orcs are hunted down by cavalry and elves are attacking the main entrance and killing many orcs with their arrows.

- if this is true, this scene can definitely NOT get a “No Orcs were hurt during the production of this diorama” label!
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sberry  Germany
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Posted by Minuteman on 06 Oct 2022, 09:36

A great Fantasy battle/siege in progress around this very impressive tower. An interesting array of different figures representing Man, Orcs, Elves and maybe others too, with the characters on top of the tower creating all sorts of magical mayhem. Great work!
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Posted by Ochoin on 06 Oct 2022, 12:23

Looks like loads of fun.

Could you please identify some of the manufacturers?

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Posted by Susofrick on 06 Oct 2022, 15:09

Thanks! Did I wrong? I thought the disclaimer was "A LOT of orcs were hurt during the production ..." Now you say "NO orcs ..." ! Ooops! A little bit late apparently :oops: :oops: :oops:

The orcs are Caesar version 2, elves and some knights are Alliance. Some cavalry is Caesar Crusader knights, but there are also Zvezda, Italeri and Revell. The tower is for aquariums. The spirit? Hmm, took a little research, but it comes from this set:
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Susofrick  Sweden
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Posted by Peter on 13 Oct 2022, 18:27

This is "Orctastis"! Very colorfull and dynamic work! :love:
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Posted by molder on 14 Oct 2022, 15:55

Nice dynamic scene, it looks beautiful and complete! :yeah:
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Posted by RSDean on 15 Oct 2022, 11:59

That’s a good looking game. I was going to ask about the tower too. I haven’t been down to the pet store to look at aquarium stuff for scenery lately, so perhaps it is time.
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