
War Elephants

Posted by Konrad on 23 Sep 2022, 16:29

The War Elephants from ZVEZDA

Hope you enjoy!




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Konrad  Germany
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Posted by sberry on 23 Sep 2022, 18:11

They look superb! I like those colors, bright, but not unnatural/toy-like.
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sberry  Germany
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Posted by Peter on 23 Sep 2022, 19:26

I like them a lot! Wonderfull brushwork my friend! :thumbup:
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Posted by Kekso on 25 Sep 2022, 15:55

Love them :love:
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Posted by atalante on 25 Sep 2022, 16:02

Super peinture pour de belles figurines !
atalante  France
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Posted by k.b. on 25 Sep 2022, 18:42

Beautifully rendered miniatures Konrad.
Excuse my ignorance on the subject but did they cover the ears of the elephants with a fabric or did they simply paint them , as in this case - red?
Either way they are very nicely painted!
k.b.  Brazil
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Posted by MABO on 25 Sep 2022, 19:58

In the meantime really classic figures. You did them justice.
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MABO  Europe
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Posted by Konrad on 26 Sep 2022, 14:08

k.b. wrote:Excuse my ignorance on the subject but did they cover the ears of the elephants with a fabric or did they simply paint them , as in this case - red?

To be honest I don't know. :oops:
But red is an "aggressive" color.
Maybe that made these animals seem even more menacing.
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Konrad  Germany
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Posted by Santi Pérez on 26 Sep 2022, 17:50

Two new masterpieces to add to your collection of ancient figures, Konrad. Very well done, my friend! :notworthy:

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Santi Pérez  Spain
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Posted by Beano Boy on 27 Sep 2022, 02:52

:coffee: Super looking war Elephants,and well painted too. :thumbup: BB
Beano Boy  England
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Posted by Rich W on 27 Sep 2022, 23:20

Wonderful Konrad!
Rich W  United Kingdom
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Posted by Crynsminiaturen on 03 Oct 2022, 15:33

very nice dear Konrad!
Crynsminiaturen  Netherlands

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