
Roman Garden Party

Posted by sberry on 09 Sep 2022, 09:50

Now finally I can present my Roman Garden Party. I had shown some making-of pictures previously, with info on the how & why…
I have tried different background photos for taking the pics; here comes the first series:










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sberry  Germany
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Posted by C M Dodson on 09 Sep 2022, 10:13

Inspirational , very different and well photographed.

You took me back to my favourite TV series, ROME.


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Posted by Susofrick on 09 Sep 2022, 10:13

Yes! W could need a little party now! Love the dog pic! Feels like he's going to lick my nose any moment! :-D
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Posted by sberry on 09 Sep 2022, 10:22

Many thanks!
Susofrick wrote:Love the dog pic! Feels like he's going to lick my nose any moment!

The dog is made by Stenfalk. I especially liked the absurd size contrast of the little boy (by Nikolai) and that huge dog happily chasing around in the garden.
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sberry  Germany
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Posted by Susofrick on 09 Sep 2022, 11:51

Recognized it. Have some of Torsten's dogs. Would have bought more if he made more. Have some from Valdemar too, but then you'll get some humans too! :-D
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Posted by Das_Dirch on 09 Sep 2022, 12:45

Very lovely :love: and well designed :yeah:
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Posted by Konrad on 09 Sep 2022, 13:43

A nice party! :yeah:
Very lively and colourful.
A delight for my old eyes. ;-)
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Posted by Graeme on 10 Sep 2022, 02:03

Lovely scene and with a real buzz of activity.

Great painting on the figures and the garden elements and the water all look fabulous. I like the contemplative shot of the man standing at the alter with the party in the background, very nice visual effect.

One feature I really like is the intriguing mound of earth in the garden, makes me wonder what they're burying or planting there. My one criticism would be that the sides of the mound look a little steep to my eye, unless it's compost.
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Posted by Crynsminiaturen on 10 Sep 2022, 10:33

My compliments for your beautiful work dear sberry. Nice to see ancient work from you again.
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Posted by Beano Boy on 10 Sep 2022, 14:25

Most exquisite bright minded pleasing to my average i.
:coffee: Yes everything is peacefully well done. :thumbup: BB
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Posted by Iceman1964 on 10 Sep 2022, 17:21

Very complex arrangement of the garden, most appreciated with the work in progress.
The figures are very well painted, even if my eyes on the pictures are more captured by the garden structures.
A superior quality result Sberry, best compliments !!!!
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Posted by Bessiere on 10 Sep 2022, 18:39

Truly impressive sberry. What a delightful and imaginative scene you have composed. So full of life and color, capturing a lazy afternoon of life in Roman luxury. If I may make a suggestion a touch of ageing on the statues and columns would help accent the antiquity of the gardens. Lovely work.
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Posted by sberry on 11 Sep 2022, 10:53

Thank you very much for all the feedback!

About the mound / work in progress in the garden: I have no idea what these people are up to, for me it is just a heap of garden soil, waiting to be used for …? And yes, the slopes could be less steep.

So here comes a second series of photos, with a different background. Of course, changing the background picture doesn’t turn the whole thing into a completely new diorama, but I like the subtle changes in atmosphere that occur.













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sberry  Germany
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Posted by Kekso on 11 Sep 2022, 14:47

Cool work. Very colorful.
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Posted by k.b. on 12 Sep 2022, 18:49

I personally much prefer this sequence of photos. I think the first backdrop was too agitated and ended up competing with your diorama for our attention. In this second sequence the focus is strictly on your work…….. no distractions. Simply a beautiful scene of an ancient Roman garden. Thank you for showing and well done!
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Posted by Ben90 on 12 Sep 2022, 21:53

Wow! What a nice colourful scene. Amazing work!!! I agree about the background that is more "suitable" in the second series of images.
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Posted by Minuteman on 12 Sep 2022, 23:04

Great modelling and photography, and it's refreshing to have such a different (and peaceful) subject. Very impressive!
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Posted by sberry on 13 Sep 2022, 18:56

k.b. wrote:I personally much prefer this sequence of photos. I think the first backdrop was too agitated and ended up competing with your diorama for our attention. In this second sequence the focus is strictly on your work…….. no distractions.

A very interesting observation! The first landscape photo is from the north-eastern corner of Sardinia. The rocky terrain looks dramatic, but is actually not the type of serene landscape where one would expect such a villa.
The second series was made using a hill range from Campania, a region that was famous for its villas in Roman times and, thus, is much more appropriate. However, I found it quite difficult to use because of the hazy sky that easily becomes too bright in the photos.
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sberry  Germany
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Posted by Hobbyinovator on 13 Sep 2022, 21:33

How did you do the water spraying out of the fountain?
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Posted by sberry on 14 Sep 2022, 14:15

Hobbyinovator wrote:How did you do the water spraying out of the fountain?

It is the transparent plastic string from a circular knitting needle (a donation made by my wife), with some Faller Natural Water for getting more structure.
That plastic turned out to be quite tough, so it was a struggle to get a plausible parabola form for the water stream. In the end, I resorted to treating it with hot water to soften it while getting it into shape.
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sberry  Germany
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