
Miscellaneous Napoleonic Cavalry

Posted by k.b. on 06 Sep 2022, 13:38

A few horses with completed groundwork on bases ready to be painted........


The sequence of these bases is:
i) glue bases with sticky scatter glue using cocktail sticks
ii) add various textures, including baking soda (very fine), broken and sieved terracota brick, woodland scenics ballast (fine, medium and large), dried soil and a few little twigs ......and occasional larger stone(s), leave overnight to dry
iii) add woodland scenics glue with pipette
iv) add grass tufts if desired.
v) 3 random coats of humbrol enamels (olive green and 2 brown shades)
vi) when thoroughly dry use burnt siena, raw or burnt umber and sepia heavily thinned down oil paint washes which run into all the darker spaces.
viii) when thoroughly dry use progressively lighter tones of humbrol enamels and carefully drybrush the different stones.
k.b.  Brazil
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Posted by k.b. on 13 Sep 2022, 15:38


Last photo of plain bases.......
k.b.  Brazil
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Posted by k.b. on 13 Sep 2022, 16:29

Here we have figures with completed bases......








k.b.  Brazil
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Posted by Bessiere on 14 Sep 2022, 02:50

Beautiful painting on these cavaliers. Having just done some Zvezda hussars I can attest to the challenge of making those wolves teeth patterns. You've pulled it all off nicely.
Bessiere  United States of America
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Posted by Peter on 23 Sep 2022, 19:32

Fantastic painted cavalry! :love:
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Posted by PatrickJ71 on 25 Sep 2022, 14:32

The improvement of the bases make the nicely painted cavalrymen stand out even better. They now blend beautifully into the landscape.
thank you for sharing.
PatrickJ71  Belgium
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Posted by k.b. on 26 Sep 2022, 15:29

Many thanks gents for your kind words. Am presently painting up a few more Russian Cavalry as well as a some infantrymen, mainly officers, of different nationalities who have inspired me to add a dab of paint.

It has just struck me how badly British Cavalry is represented in our 1/72 scale. We have Revell's British Household Cavalry, Airfix's British Hussars, Italeri Light Dragoons and that's it.........ah, nearly forgot Italeri's terrible Scots Greys who are so small that they feel as though they are another scale.
k.b.  Brazil
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Posted by MABO on 03 Oct 2022, 07:04

k.b. wrote:It has just struck me how badly British Cavalry is represented in our 1/72 scale. We have Revell's British Household Cavalry, Airfix's British Hussars, Italeri Light Dragoons and that's it.........ah, nearly forgot Italeri's terrible Scots Greys who are so small that they feel as though they are another scale.

Do not forget the different - sometimes old - sets. They are not really bad (imho) even if some details are missing. Not Zvezda of course!

I love to see the cavalry you have painted. And the landscape is worth a special salute! :thumbup:
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Posted by k.b. on 08 Oct 2022, 22:04

Thanks Mabo…..

Are there any old sets other than the ones I mentioned ? I know Waterloo 1815 have a couple of sets (British Dragoons and French Line Lancers, plus some mounted Generals) but they’ll have to wait til Christmas when I get home to the UK.

As far as my bases are concerned, am working on another interesting scenic base which I hope you might find interesting.
k.b.  Brazil
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Posted by MABO on 09 Oct 2022, 08:06

Beside the Waterloo1815 sets, you have already mentioned, there are some HäT and a Strelets set:

8014 KGL Light Dragoons
8033 British Dragoons

Peninsular War
8307 British Light Dragoons
8308 British Heavy Dragoons
8340 British Heavy and Light Dragoons Sampler

119 Napoleonic British Cavalry (Egypt)

Unfortunately PSR is still down so maybe I have forgotten one, not sure.
When they are up again, you find a list of Napoleonic British Cavalry.

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Posted by k.b. on 31 Oct 2022, 13:48

Just to let you all know i'm still around here's a photo of what i'm working on right now......and for yours truly not to forget how to post pictures ............a few more Russian Kuirassiers from Zvezda......


I also opted to vary the colours of the Russian horses to add a little more variation
k.b.  Brazil
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Posted by Bessiere on 31 Oct 2022, 15:54

Today is cuirassiers from Brazil day, not just you but Matteus posted as well. Yours are knockouts K.B., you added all the little details that really make these first class. Superb!
Bessiere  United States of America
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Posted by Susofrick on 01 Nov 2022, 09:07

Looking great! And A LOT of nostalgia seeing those hmbrol paints! I know they are still around, but when I painted my first some time ago (around 1970 maybe) these where the ones.
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Posted by k.b. on 03 Nov 2022, 14:11

Here's another piccie taken with my iphone. Later I'll get some better photos taken with my camera and post them to show what a difference there is between an iphone and a digital camera.

k.b.  Brazil
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Posted by k.b. on 03 Nov 2022, 18:36

Thanks for the kind words gents. Loved the comment about the humbrols. As far as the humbrol paints are concerned I still use a few colours, mainly Matt and occasionally gloss white to undercoat. However, my main use of these paint pots, many which have long ago dried up, is to turn them upside down to provide support for not painting the horses, (I prefer 6-10 cm dowel which allows me a better grip and full access to the underside of the horse), but instead I use blu/white tac to press the horse’s base firmly down onto, afterwhich they let me focus on applying glue and fine brick powder, baking soda, soil, ballast, small stones, twigs, grass tufts, branches, paint, static grass etc etc. Once finished they can be gently prized away from their supports and are ready to be placed on the battle ground to fight or be photographed.
What an interesting coincidence as you mentioned Bessiere that both Matt and I posted photos of Cuirassiers on the same day. I really must get in touch with him to see where he’s based with a view to setting up a little get together! If you’re reading this Matt don’t hesitate to drop me a PM.
k.b.  Brazil
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Posted by Bessiere on 03 Nov 2022, 20:11

You might try reaching Matgc through his blog at ... -mine.html. All his posts are worth looking through but I found his tutorials on painting and basing very valuable though you are at a very high level there's always some new trick worth learning.
Bessiere  United States of America
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Posted by PatrickJ71 on 04 Nov 2022, 17:58

Again some great looking figures, k.b.
I probably said it before but your painting standard is very high and I like all the little details you did.
thank you for sharing
PatrickJ71  Belgium
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Posted by C M Dodson on 04 Nov 2022, 19:44

Very nice figures and painting.

Best wishes ,

C M Dodson  United Kingdom
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Posted by k.b. on 06 Nov 2022, 22:59

Just a different take (and a close-up) on the Russian Kuirassiers...



Photos taken on iphone.......
k.b.  Brazil
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Posted by Peter on 09 Nov 2022, 21:25

Wonderfull painted cavalry! :thumbup:

Are you doing a contest with Matt, to be the best Napoleonic cavalry painter of Brasil? 8)
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