
Will's War of Spanish Succession

Posted by Ochoin on 12 Aug 2021, 09:46

These are going to be very tasty armies.
They already look very nice & AFAIK Strelets don't look like slowing down on the period.

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Posted by sansovino on 13 Aug 2021, 17:01

I envy you really quite terrible how much soldiers you have already painted with an astonishing quality!
Shame on you! How can you dare it to be so impressive productive.
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Posted by Minuteman on 13 Aug 2021, 19:16

sansovino wrote:I envy you really quite terrible how much soldiers you have already painted with an astonishing quality!
Shame on you! How can you dare it to be so impressive productive.

I agree. Could it be the Fire at Will has an 'army' of helpers there? Gold medals for productivity are in order. In my case, summer holidays, family business and general day to day tasks prevent me getting more than an hour or two a day at the painting table...and that's if I'm lucky!
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Posted by Fire at Will on 14 Aug 2021, 06:57

Minuteman wrote:
I agree. Could it be the Fire at Will has an 'army' of helpers there? Gold medals for productivity are in order. In my case, summer holidays, family business and general day to day tasks prevent me getting more than an hour or two a day at the painting table...and that's if I'm lucky!

My excuse - I'm old hence quantity and retired therefore high output at the moment, but the bones and eyes are gradually failing so I only paint for short sessions about an hour at a time. There were times, girlfriends (so long ago!} small children and work commitments that my output was very low. Just keep on going. My quality has improved over the years as I picked up new paints, techniques, etc. for this forums like this are invaluable.

PS I tried using small children as helpers but not much use for even for undercoating unless you need pink horses
Fire at Will  United Kingdom
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Posted by Peter on 14 Aug 2021, 19:39

Fire at Will wrote:PS I tried using small children as helpers but not much use for even for undercoating unless you need pink horses

But we love pink horses! :mrgreen:
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Posted by Fire at Will on 20 Nov 2021, 21:43

It's been a while and at last another batch of War of Spanish Succession Cavalry. All Strelets and there seems to be plenty more in the pipeline to keep me busy in 2022.

Wyndham's Horse will complete Palme's Brigade for Blenheim

French Grenadiers a Cheval, I didn't need them, but since Strelets produced them and they look unusual I had to get them.

French Gentlemen's Regiments La Baume and Tarnau part of Broglie's Brigade at Blenheim. A painting conversion of the Strelets British Cavalry.

Alongside the French cavalry are a couple of new French Commanders.
Fire at Will  United Kingdom
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Posted by Minuteman on 20 Nov 2021, 23:17

A fine-looking collection of WoSS cavalrymen to add to your forces, well done!

I have held back from using the very good British cavalry set as French, although they work perfectly well as generic cavalry of many nations for this period; and grey-coated as here they look fine. If I have one 'gripe' with the Strelets WoSS range to date, it is that they have not given us a decent French line cavalry set ie: similar poses to the British set, slightly different uniform/hat styling, and more firearms used offensively.

But as you say Will, a forthcoming Strelets release (pre-Christmas?) does offer more WoSS cavalry sets. I'm looking forward to these, perhaps to enable my Maison du Roi to be completed with Gardes du Corps and Guard Musketeers; and maybe also using the French Dragoons in Attack set as line this case I'd be using head-swaps from redundant French Musketeer in Firing Line infantry (the ones armed with other gripe...) to replace the dragoon heads and caps. Might work.
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Minuteman  United Kingdom
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Posted by Fire at Will on 21 Nov 2021, 08:16

Minuteman, I share you concerns, but I've seen the potential sets that include British Dragoon and British Late War Cavalry and decided that Palme's Brigade would use these figures and then make the other British cavalry from the future releases. So I had two units spare, the answer was a couple of French units, although I'm not sure if they actually carried carbines/muskets.
Fire at Will  United Kingdom
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Posted by Rich W on 21 Nov 2021, 12:24

These look great again! Maybe you'll treat us to a photo with your many many units on the table together? I agree with Mark that they really are missing out on a standard French Line set. I'm planning on copying Mark's Zvezda Swedish being turned into French (but I won't go the effort of the nice little conversions on the figures like he did as I'm too lazy).

Really looking forward to the next batch of releases-if the shared artwork is the indication of next releases (which it usually is), then we have dragoons in march and attack, 'late' French dragoons and 'late' British cavalry to look forward to. Enough to keep me busy for a long time (especially with my slow rate of painting!)...
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Posted by Fire at Will on 21 Nov 2021, 21:49

That's my hope too, plus the Austrian Cuirassiers. Hopefully action pictures to follow my old ones have disappeared (thanks Facebook)
Fire at Will  United Kingdom
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Posted by Fire at Will on 06 Dec 2021, 07:58

Just scraped in before the end of the month, my artillery for the War of Spanish Succession, The figures are a mix of the new Strelets sets plus some Zvezda Great Northern War figures. The guns are the same, I didn't use the smaller gun included in the Strelets set. Limbers are Revell Thirty Years War



I did notice that I forgot to add the map to the top of the barrel on the command Vignette.
Fire at Will  United Kingdom
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Posted by C M Dodson on 06 Dec 2021, 09:01

Excellent as always .

Do not forget Egberts copy, paste and reduce idea for your map.

Best wishes,

C M Dodson  United Kingdom
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Posted by Minuteman on 06 Dec 2021, 10:29

These are some fine-looking, well painted and based WoSS artillery. Well done Will !!

The limbers and teams you have provided here are the 'finishing touch' and look very good.

To my mind the Strelets WoSS artillery sets, with only 10 figures and two small (and not really very good) guns are a bit of a disappointment. The value-for-money of these sets could have been boosted quite a lot had Strelets included an extra sprue with a limber and four horse team.

It does look as if Strelets have a heavy gun for the WoSS (and related) periods in the pipeline, so will be interesting to see how this turns out.
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Minuteman  United Kingdom
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Posted by Peter on 06 Dec 2021, 14:03

You didn't forget the map. It's blown away by the wind! ;-) :-D

Great work again Will! :thumbup:
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Posted by Rich W on 14 Dec 2021, 23:50

Looking good again! Nice use of the limber and additional Zvezda figures.
Rich W  United Kingdom
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Posted by Fire at Will on 02 Jan 2022, 14:27

A little extra to finish off the year a British and a couple of French Command stands
Fire at Will  United Kingdom
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Posted by Fire at Will on 27 Mar 2022, 08:20

And now the dragoons

It's taken a while to get these done, they are, a combination of the Strelets Dragoons "in attack" and "on the march". Five were painted as French and one as Dutch. I went for a varied set of uniforms rather than matching an orbat.

Regiment Royal (just spotted I didn't finish the lace on the drummer

Regiment Asfeld/Hauefort/Saumery

Regiment Grammont/Beauffremont

Regiment Lesparre/Granville

Mestre-de-Camp General Regiment

Finally the Dutch Guard Dragoons also called Eppingers
Fire at Will  United Kingdom
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Posted by Rich W on 28 Mar 2022, 23:50

Great stuff again Will! Are you going to be painting the dismounted dragoons next?
Rich W  United Kingdom
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Posted by Fire at Will on 29 Mar 2022, 07:30

Rich W wrote:Great stuff again Will! Are you going to be painting the dismounted dragoons next?

Just been undercoated. :yeah:
Fire at Will  United Kingdom
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Posted by Kekso on 29 Mar 2022, 10:27

Very nice and colorful dragoons.
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