
Will's War of Spanish Succession

Posted by Fire at Will on 23 Apr 2021, 20:28

I normally glue flags onto florists wire so instead I use some thicker wire coated with a thin coat of vaseline to prevent sticking, then slip it off once set and onto the normal flagpole.
Fire at Will  United Kingdom
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Posted by Fire at Will on 03 May 2021, 06:50

The last of the French, for now. A couple more units and I have varied the shade of grey again. Du Roi in front and Crussol behind.

and reversed, the morning sun was very bright

The next WSS infantry will be British, but I will still be adding some more French later
Fire at Will  United Kingdom
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Posted by Peter on 03 May 2021, 10:30

Grey combined with another color is something I really like. It gives these uniforms something special! Great work again Will! :thumbup:
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Posted by MABO on 03 May 2021, 22:41

Wow, and you must have big collection of boxes for all your units. And you are a quick painter as well. Good looking army.
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Posted by Rich W on 04 May 2021, 22:55

That army is growing at rapid speed! Good work again!
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Posted by Fire at Will on 26 May 2021, 16:10

Completed my first British units for the War of Spanish Succession, there does seem to be a lot of contradictory views about the exact uniforms, flags, etc. so it does allow a degree of flexibility in how to depict the units.

At the front Webb's or the Queen's regiment, behind is Marlborough's or the 1st Guards regiment
Fire at Will  United Kingdom
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Posted by Peter on 26 May 2021, 21:27

Great work again Will! Not my period of figures but I like it how others paint them! ;-) :thumbup:
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Posted by Minuteman on 26 May 2021, 23:05

These look very good Will. Nicely painted and the flags are, once again, very effective. The large (2 metre square) infantry flags of the period are a definite plus for wargames units. I note the use of one of the officer figures from the French Pikemen set for the standard bearer of Webbs, and this works very well; just a shame that there are not more of this pose in the box!

As you observe, there are enough different poses in the three Strelets British infantry sets to create good-looking units advancing/marching, or in firing line indeed you have demonstrated here.
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Posted by Rich W on 27 May 2021, 22:59

Good work again Will, coming along very nicely! I keep meaning to ask, how do you get your ground effects, as I always think they look effective?
Rich W  United Kingdom
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Posted by Fire at Will on 28 May 2021, 07:38

Rich W wrote:Good work again Will, coming along very nicely! I keep meaning to ask, how do you get your ground effects, as I always think they look effective?

Rich, I wrote up my current approach to basing on my blog

Quite surprised that I've been using it for so long now, but I still have a long way to go to rebase all my painted figures, about 10,000 out of 32.354, so at my current rate that will take 10 years to complete :lol:
Fire at Will  United Kingdom
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Posted by Minuteman on 28 May 2021, 08:54

Fire at Will wrote:
Rich, I wrote up my current approach to basing on my blog

Quite surprised that I've been using it for so long now, but I still have a long way to go to rebase all my painted figures, about 10,000 out of 32.354, so at my current rate that will take 10 years to complete :lol:

10,000....That's a lot or rebasing Will: A tanker full PVA and a truck of kitty litter is on its way....!! :-D

I am also impressed that you keep track of the exact number of figures you have and that you have completed. It's a project manager's approach. This must be driven by a spreadsheet surely?

Keep up the good work! In the face of so much excellent British WoSS painted soldiery from yourself and from Rich, I am now trying my hand at some Dutch infantry (using Zvezda GNW Russians) and will post as soon as I have enough painted...although I fear my production rate is no-where near yours !
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Posted by Fire at Will on 29 May 2021, 14:49

and two more units have joined my forces Churchill's (the Buffs, 3rd Foot)) and Seymour's (24th Foot) and appear in the front rank


The flags came from the warflag site
Fire at Will  United Kingdom
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Posted by Fire at Will on 18 Jun 2021, 14:17

Two more regiments join my British forces for the War of Spanish Succession. Orkney's regiment to the left and Ingoldsby's to the right.

It's nice to add some diversity to the army, despite having the very common blue cuffs, they are from the Sottish and Irish establishments so they have appropriate flags for their origins.
Fire at Will  United Kingdom
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Posted by Bill Slavin on 18 Jun 2021, 16:39

Your armies for this period are growing rapidly! Nice additions.
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Posted by Minuteman on 21 Jun 2021, 13:22

More fine and well-painted British infantry. These pictures demonstrate how good the massed Strelets WoSS figures look, and are surely an advert for this period, which has so much to offer in 1/72 scale.

If only I were able to complete units as quickly as you do Will. At this rate you will soon have completed ALL the British infantry units that fought for Marlborough in the northern European theatre of have done about half of them already! Great work :yeah:
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Posted by Rich W on 22 Jun 2021, 22:27

Good stuff again! I envy your productivity!
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Posted by MABO on 23 Jun 2021, 07:20

Rich W wrote:Good stuff again! I envy your productivity!

Me too :oops:
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MABO  Europe
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Posted by Fire at Will on 01 Jul 2021, 15:59

in a final push yesterday I managed to complete all the four remaining British Infantry regiments.

The four units are left to right and front to back: Ferguson's; Lord North & Grey's; Ingoldsby's Fusilers; Rowe's Fusiliers

Luckily there were two units of Fusiliers under Marlborough's command so I could use up all the excess Fusiliers in the Strelets packs

The flags on the front pair of units were provided by David from the Not by Appointment blog (link below)
Fire at Will  United Kingdom
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Posted by Peter on 01 Jul 2021, 16:40

Excellent work again Will! :thumbup:

How is the situation with your can of red paint? :mrgreen:
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Posted by Fire at Will on 01 Jul 2021, 17:07

Peter wrote:Excellent work again Will! :thumbup:

How is the situation with your can of red paint? :mrgreen:

getting low, but enough for the cavalry (I hope) Then down to the model shop to get another pot of Humbrol 60 or one of their new more expensive dropper bottles.
Fire at Will  United Kingdom
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