
War of Spanish Succession armies

Posted by Rich W on 27 Apr 2023, 23:37

I'm not sure you can 'exceed the red coat limit' with too many photos. Excellent again. Approx how many figures do you think you have on parade here?
Rich W  United Kingdom
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Posted by Bessiere on 28 Apr 2023, 01:28

I caught your action shot but will say no more. Very nice effect. I had to give my irregular Cossacks one of Peters galloper guns too. Such a great model and seems like the kind of antique they would stash in a barn for a century for "future emergencies".
Bessiere  United States of America
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Posted by Minuteman on 28 Apr 2023, 08:59

Rich W wrote:I'm not sure you can 'exceed the red coat limit' with too many photos. Excellent again. Approx how many figures do you think you have on parade here?

Many thanks Rich.

I think I painted around 250 British infantry as well as the two light artillery pieces with their crews in a concentrated burst of activity over about 7 or 8 weeks during February and March. Knowing that I wanted to complete quite a lot of figures in a fairly short time, I increased my usual batch size from around 12-14 figures at a time, to a whole regiment (30 figures) at a time! This proved quite challenging, especially with the Foot Guards (which number about 50 figures)! All those buttons.... ;-)

Ironically, once I've done a couple of (blue coated) Hessian battalions I'll probably be back to red coats. But this time it will be more 'Wild Geese' Irish for my French army...After all, the model C18th village that I am still labouring to complete needs more defenders !!
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Minuteman  United Kingdom
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Posted by Minuteman on 28 Apr 2023, 09:09

Bessiere wrote:I caught your action shot but will say no more. Very nice effect. I had to give my irregular Cossacks one of Peters galloper guns too. Such a great model and seems like the kind of antique they would stash in a barn for a century for "future emergencies".

Many thanks Bessiere.

The action shot is simply a photo embellished using Microsoft Paint, which is about the limit of my technical expertise when it comes to photoshopping. One day I might teach myself to become a little more proficient at this, but for the purposes of adding some muzzle flashes and smoke MS Paint is OK.

The little 'galloper guns' that come with the Zvezda Peter the Great artillery set are a fiddle to put together but do make nice little models; and quite versatile too, as very similar weapons served during the C17th (TYW and ECW), as well as later in the century. And I believe that similar weapons served in the European theatres of war through to at least c. 1750, and indeed in the War of Independence over there in North America into the 1770s/80s?

As for stashing one in a barn future 'future emergencies'. Yes, maybe; these are, after all, large shotguns on wheels in effect!! :-) Over here in the UK, being a member of a re-enactment group (eg; Mr Pickstock's Sealed Knot for example) might help to persuade the local Police that you have best intents and the necessary licences.....
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Minuteman  United Kingdom
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Posted by Bill Slavin on 28 Apr 2023, 13:41

Just fantastic stuff, Minuteman. We see a person's production at the paint table in dribs and drabs so it is always super gratifying to view them all out at once. Your army looks fantastic, and I really enjoyed the history as well, reading about all of those regiments I am familiar with that went on to fight Napoleon decades later. The uniforms for this period are fantastic - I think, possibly my favourite, with the heavy long-tailed coats and tricornes, and you have brought them all to life.
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Posted by Santi Pérez on 29 Apr 2023, 13:58

Minuteman wrote:...I took a lot of photographs over an afternoon of this latest 'parade', and so (at risk of exceeding the red-coat limit) here are just a few more...

No matter how many pictures you post of so fantastic figures, Minuteman. All of them are always welcome. ;-)

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Santi Pérez  Spain
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Posted by Minuteman on 30 Apr 2023, 09:40

Santi Pérez wrote:No matter how many pictures you post of so fantastic figures, Minuteman. All of them are always welcome. ;-)


Thank you for these encouraging words, Santi ! :-D
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Minuteman  United Kingdom
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Posted by Peter on 01 May 2023, 21:31

Wonderfull work Mark! I really like the group shot! :thumbup:

And by this I wish you a lot of bottles with red paint! :-D
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Peter  Belgium

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Posted by Kekso on 02 May 2023, 11:50

Awesome sight. These red uniforms are eye candies.
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Posted by MABO on 04 May 2023, 03:53

Fantastic Army! And it is always a pleasure to see massed group-shots like this. You have been really busy, to finish all those redcoats. Thanks as well for all the additional informations about the units and personalities.
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Posted by PatrickJ71 on 07 May 2023, 22:03

An amazing line up of your red coats, Minuteman.
All very well painted and based. A big achievement.
I appreciate the interesting background information you give on those different units.
Thanks for sharing!
PatrickJ71  Belgium
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Posted by chen on 31 May 2023, 14:12

Really nice looking. It seems the WSS is so tempting a subject which I must do (one day). I especially like the mixture of different brands. Thanks for sharing!
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chen  China
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Posted by Peter on 02 Jun 2023, 21:47

chen wrote:Really nice looking. It seems the WSS is so tempting a subject which I must do (one day). I especially like the mixture of different brands. Thanks for sharing!

All you need to start is a big can with red paint and you can paint most of the uniforms of that period! :-D :joker:
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Peter  Belgium

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