
Crimean War

Posted by Rich W on 25 Dec 2023, 01:19

As said already, lovely painting Joan! These chaps are full of character. However, your photos recently have been too dark to do your figures full justice!
Rich W  United Kingdom
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Posted by despertaferro on 25 Dec 2023, 12:59

Dear colleagues, I apologize for these inconveniences...

I really don't know what to do... On my screens, computer or smatphone, I can see them just fine.

Maybe it has something to do with the brightness (some system presets, in order to make the battery last longer, tend to keep the brightness low); or maybe the black background adds so much darkness to the image that it increases the feeling of darkness...

And, of course, my tastes. At this point, everyone knows what my painting looks like and I tend to take the pictures aiming more for the mood and drama I would like to add to the scene than the pure reproduction of how the figures are painted.

Anyway, I'm obviously doing something wrong when you all, in the most polite and kind way, warn me about this.
I will try harder...

Thank you so much!

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Posted by Bill Slavin on 26 Dec 2023, 15:23

Well, it is interesting, but true, your photos did get a whole lot darker! it's just that we all love to see your absolutely beautiful painting style more than the mood and drama. 8)
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Posted by Rich W on 28 Dec 2023, 23:48

The main thing is Joan, that you keep on posting all your great updates!
Rich W  United Kingdom
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Posted by PatrickJ71 on 30 Dec 2023, 15:49

Lovely painting as usual, Joan.
These pictures may be dark but you always capture the right athmosphere of dust and smoke on a battlefield in your painted figures.
thanks for sharing and keep them coming
PatrickJ71  Belgium
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Posted by despertaferro on 18 Feb 2024, 18:17

Sardinian Piemontese Bersaglieri

A bit of exotism to the Crimean range...
Looking for information about Sardinian uniforms I found out some pictures about the Cacciatore delle Alpì volonteers. I'm pretty sure this unit wasn't present in Crimea but I liked their looks so, maybe, one day I sneak some of them in this thread.
Wrong, very wrong I know... :xd:

All the best














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Posted by Ochoin on 19 Feb 2024, 02:10

The Crimean war is oone of those periods I'd like but will never do (too much already).

Your fine figures don't make this decision easy.

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Ochoin  Scotland
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Posted by Peter on 22 Feb 2024, 22:58

Real nice painted figures! :thumbup:
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Peter  Belgium

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