Game Reports

Korsun pocket 1944 - SOTCW game at Gauntlet show

Posted by Fire at Will on 05 Jul 2016, 06:51

Had a great days gaming at Gauntlet this weekwnd as three German platoons battled their way up the table to safety. The terrain is all mine and the figures are from various participants.

Table at the start, viewed from the east, the Germans have to cross from the closest edge (NE) to the far end (SW) across both tables and more to escape

German jumping off points are on the bottom (NE) edge marked by entrenchments

The SW table end. Theoretically there was another 12 foot to cross before the river!

And we are off, a boat is discovered in the wood (middle left side), but we need a vehicle to shift it! Luckily I discover a horse drawn wagon in the village

I successfully collect the boat and head off after the other platoons. (I don't want to be left behind)

Russians mass to block our path, Gary (Russian) got in the way of my lucky four phase move and suffered enormously, but it cleared our way out, Phew!.

Simon (German)on the left cautiously advances using the thickets for cover

Gary's Russians rout, but are replaced by another Platoon, supported by a T26. But Andy's (German right) Panzerschreck deals with it on the second attempt.

While I attempt to deal with Russian Ski Troops that arrived in our rear, Simon (German) deals with John's (Russian) troops that are blocking the way.

Overall TFL Chain of Command worked very well for the scenario, and doing the right thing, such as creating a crossfire zone pays off, just a pity for Gary that my die rolling was working well at that time as well. We decided that rather than continue the game on day two we would try something different tomorrow.
Fire at Will  United Kingdom
Posts: 760
Member since:
16 Dec 2009, 16:21

Posted by Fire at Will on 05 Jul 2016, 06:59

Gauntlet day 2

A dry day after the torrential rain returning home yesterday. Rather than continuing the Korsun game, we switched to ACW after I was tempted by Steve's 10mm Gordon and Hague figures. he had a lot and looking through the new Black Powder "Glory Hallelujah" I picked the Gettysburg day 3 scenario as something suited to an all day game. Typically we had to make compromises with the number of figures per regiment to fit in with Steve's army, but we had enough figures, just! I took the roll of umpire, trying to remember all the well reasoned differences in the rules. in hindsight there were a number I missed, so perhaps we should have tried a smaller scenario first. However all six players had a great game. Despite the small scale we used 66% scaling for the game so the action moved quite quickly.

General Hancock (Jamie) surveys the neat Union line as Pickets Division heads for the Union left (note the authentic beard, but the hair length might be more suitable for JEB Stuart...)

After a couple of turns the Confederates surge onwards, but not as quick as they would have liked.

Gary S (playing Trimbles Division) ponders changing his command dice.

While Gary H (Union left flank) contemplates the advancing Rebels

The Union right comes under pressure

At long last Trimble (Confederate Gary) troop get into action and begin to roll up the Union right flank.

Unfortunately by this time the Confederate right under Pettigrew had been defeated and as people had to depart It was declared a very historical draw. Generally the ACW amendments worked well (when I remembered them) but the were a number of flaws in the scenario such as failing to define the objective and "point Z", which highlight poor proof reading of the book. I'll try and write a review once I have fully read it and played at least one other scenario. Thanks to Jamie, Richard, Gary x2, Andy and especially Steve (who provided the terrain and figures) for their participation.

Some other games at Gauntlet

Craig Cartmell demo'ing "Daisho"

and his other new game "Blood Eagle"

A big fantasy game Kings of War?

Dark ages game by Steve Oates (The Baggage Train)

One of the Flames of War competition boards for the desert

and for winter! Independently Pete D, picked the same trees as me

A big Team Yankee game on day 2


of course there were boardgames and other games such as X-wing, Frostgrave, etc. and the traditional WRG 6th edition contest. It seems everyone had a great weekend of relaxed gaming in ta friendly environment. Roll on Gauntlet 2017.
Fire at Will  United Kingdom
Posts: 760
Member since:
16 Dec 2009, 16:21

Posted by Peter on 16 Jul 2016, 20:44

Great game report and pictures Will! Thanks for sharing! :thumbup:
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Peter  Belgium

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