General Wargaming

Today in downtown Kleesamlabad...

Posted by Harry Faversham on 17 Jul 2023, 13:13

The market's just opened as young Captain Faversham leads his patrol into the village square...
wot could possibly go rong!!!???






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Harry Faversham  England
Posts: 561
Member since:
16 Nov 2013, 13:56

Posted by Harry Faversham on 18 Jul 2023, 11:32

Nar' then, young Harry didn't get to be the British Army's youngest Captain in military history, without having a brayn like a steel trap!
An example being, removing his ballistic tin lid and pulling on his cherry berry. An old trick of his dad's, to make him look friendlier, to the people he was about to slaughter!
As Captain Faversham's patrol fans out, his gun team scale the compound wall. They spot movement in the compound (blue marker thingy) and crawl forward to have a pike at wot's-wot...



'Wot could possibly go wrong'

Wot always happens in a interfering busybody shows up!


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Harry Faversham  England
Posts: 561
Member since:
16 Nov 2013, 13:56

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