General Wargaming

Wadi Fookem, May 1941...

Posted by Harry Faversham on 02 May 2020, 08:08

Major Shytes McCregor, OC commanding B Company 1st Bn. the Black Watch, lowered his field glasses and said…

“Hoots Mon, Sarn’t Major, yon laddies are no Eyeties… them’s Bosche, the noo!”

B Company had been ordered to hold Wadi Fookem till nightfall, a job Major McCregor had been more than confident of doing against the Italians. Germans arriving on the scene however, were fish of a very different kettle, for his under strength Company. Fortunately an 11th Hussar’s armoured car had turned up and offered to cover the bridge.

On the front line in the Wadi, Private Alf Tupper B Company sniper, slid a round into the chamber of his Lee Enfield… he’d a score to settle for both Dunkirk and the blitz with the enemy advancing into his crosshairs…

Wadi Fookem…



B Company Black Watch…




Private Tupper can be seen skulking in the palm trees at the end of the bridge.


Battlegruppe Von Richter of the 12th Panzer Grenadiers, deploy their mortar and heavy machine gun to support the assault!






Over the horizon came a flight of sinister looking gull winged silhouettes, twirling his moustache fiercely Major Shytes McCregor said.

"Hoots Mon. I'm sure we can make a bigger screech than yon bastards!"

He turned to his stalwart Pipe Major, who'd by now changed into his full dress kilt, and shouted...



"Blue Bonnets!"

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Harry Faversham  England
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Posted by Peter on 02 May 2020, 08:50

Looks like a great game and I like how these figures are painted! :thumbup:
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Peter  Belgium

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Posted by Harry Faversham on 02 May 2020, 11:32

Peter wrote:Looks like a great game and I like how these figures are painted! :thumbup:

Well, you shouldn't, because I'm an idiot and a crap painter!
Somebody pointed out that the Black Watch is 'Royal', consequently the bagpeepers wear the Stuart pattern tartan. How I dropped a goolie like that I'll never know?
Anyhow, if you look at the piccys now, Piper Potting's frock is the right colour!
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Harry Faversham  England
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16 Nov 2013, 13:56

Posted by Harry Faversham on 02 May 2020, 11:39



Over the horizon came a flight of sinister looking gull winged silhouettes, twirling his moustache fiercely Major Shytes McCregor said.

"Hoots Mon. I'm sure we can make a bigger screech than yon bastards!"

He turned to his stalwart Pipe Major, who'd by now changed into his full dress kilt, and shouted...



"Blue Bonnets!"



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Harry Faversham  England
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16 Nov 2013, 13:56

Posted by Ochoin on 02 May 2020, 13:25


you have fun with your games, I enjoy the photos & accompanying text.

Keep doing what you're doing: it's a delight.

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Ochoin  Scotland
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Posted by Graeme on 02 May 2020, 18:14

Harry Faversham wrote:Well, you shouldn't, because I'm an idiot and a crap painter!

Some kinds of idiocy, the world needs more of. Keep it up. :-D

Actually I think the painting looks pretty darn good.
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Graeme  Australia
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Posted by Harry Faversham on 03 May 2020, 01:02

Thanks chaps, it's only going to get dafter, mainly because Herself has taken command of the 12th Panzer Grenadiers!

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Harry Faversham  England
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16 Nov 2013, 13:56

Posted by Harry Faversham on 07 May 2020, 03:39

“Open Fire!!!”

A thunderous volley stops a section of the 12th Panzer in their tracks, but support fire from their machine gunners exact a grim revenge, the fight’s on…



On the right flank the Grenadiers come on in fine style, till a burst from the advancing Cherrypickers’s armoured car, drives them into cover.


A Jerry scout creeps out to recce the way forward, in the shrubbery round the bridge, Private Alf Tupper puts the crosshairs of his sniper rifle right between the scout’s minces, and gently squeezes the trigger…


But the sun’s glinted on his telescope and a burst of MG fire drops him!


In the heat of the moment the armoured car presses a tad too close to the Germans, a loud clang from an anti-tank rifle round brews it up…



Luftwaffe Stukas dive out of the sun reigning death and destruction on the Desert Rats’s mortar positions.



After bitter fighting with heavy loss on both sides the British forward line is overrun. The 12th Panzer Grenadiers storm into Wadi Fookem…




Major McGregor and Piper Potting move forward to bolster the line, halfway through ‘Scotland the Brave’, Potting gets potted right through the Bagpeep!



In a shower of stick grenades and machine pistol fire the bridge is overrun. Nothing has prepared the Desert Rats for the brutal ferocity of a DAK all arms assault. As the dust and smoke blot out the sun the Major and Piper Potting are rounded up by grinning Jerrys and put into the bag!


The self same conditions enable B Company’s few survivors to slink away into the rocks, Private Alf Tupper, nursing a flesh wound accepts a welcome cup of char from the Major’s now redundant batman…


Back at the bridge Von Richter’s triumphant Battlegruppe break into a pc acceptable chorus of the Horst Wessel Lied. While on the roof of B Company’s old command post their master and commander plans his next objective…



Luckily for the The Von, the rifle that has him in it’s telescopic sights is out of ammunition. It’s owner moves back down the ridge to the remnant of his Company. Once there he makes an announcement

“They’ve marched the CO into Fookem under guard, and we’re going in to get him oot… tonight!”

As the B Company survivors rested in cover Alf Tupper studied Fookem and it’s little garrison through his telescope…

he was forming a plan!



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Harry Faversham  England
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Posted by Harry Faversham on 09 May 2020, 08:13

“Haz zer Englander began to singing like zer Canary?”

“Nien Herr Oberst!”

Major Shytes McCregor answered that one alright…

“This here Sasanach’s a Scothcman laddie! They’ll nea break us Potting if they canna even tell what country we’re from, the noo!”

Suddenly, out of the night came a loud bang and a piercing scream…


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Harry Faversham  England
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