General Wargaming

All for a shilling a day...

Posted by Harry Faversham on 16 Nov 2020, 01:57

Well a few bob more if the interested parties can only get their sweaty mitts on it!
A patrol escorting a strongbox containing wages for Wellington's soldiers has gone astray. A week has passed since the patrol was attacked by French Dragoons and decimated. Luckily for Nosey's skint sowjers a survivor escaped with the pay chest and hid it before his subsequent demise. Both sides want it back and have dispatched their best men to search for, and glean the dosh.
Sadly for the 4th Dragoons of Conflans, in the week since the ambush, all their mounts have succumbed in the blistering heat of the Spanish summer. Captain DeBarkel and his motley crew are now afoot, hoping to use some of the loot to buy some sensible boots, instead of the daft ones they're currently poncing around in.


No such problems for the British, Major Harpe and Sergeant Sharper's 95th lads are used to tabbing and can all shoot a lizard's eyeball out at 300 yards!


Both sides having scrutinised the ground through their telescopes, the search begins!




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Harry Faversham  England
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Posted by raph86 on 16 Nov 2020, 07:54

Hello, the story is beautiful but I don't have a photo at home.
Is it a true story?
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raph86  France
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Posted by Peter on 16 Nov 2020, 09:53

Harry, you used the wrong codes for your pictures. ;-)
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Posted by Harry Faversham on 16 Nov 2020, 11:57

It won't let me edit the original, is this any better chaps?

All for a shilling a day...

Well a few bob more if the interested parties can only get their sweaty mitts on it!
A patrol escorting a strongbox containing wages for Wellington's soldiers has gone astray. A week has passed since the patrol was attacked by French Dragoons and decimated. Luckily for Nosey's skint sowjers a survivor escaped with the pay chest and hid it before his subsequent demise. Both sides want it back and have dispatched their best men to search for, and glean the dosh.
Sadly for the 4th Dragoons of Conflans, in the week since the ambush, all their mounts have succumbed in the blistering heat of the Spanish summer. Captain DeBarkel and his motley crew are now afoot, hoping to use some of the loot to buy some sensible boots, instead of the daft ones they're currently poncing around in.


No such problems for the British, Major Harpe and Sergeant Sharper's 95th lads are used to tabbing and can all shoot a lizard's eyeball out at 300 yards!


Both sides having scrutinised the ground through their telescopes, the search begins!




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Harry Faversham  England
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Posted by Susofrick on 16 Nov 2020, 12:18

Much better! And you have a nice table for your games!
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Posted by Peter on 16 Nov 2020, 12:18

I agree with my friend Gunnar! :thumbup:
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Posted by Harry Faversham on 16 Nov 2020, 12:30

Thanks chaps, these idiot boxes should come complete with a caged twelve year old in the box when you buy it...
only to be released to mend 'em when an old fart like me buggers it all up!

:read: :oops: :read:
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Harry Faversham  England
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Posted by C M Dodson on 16 Nov 2020, 12:37

Very nice skirmish scenario.

Practical war gaming terrain that still looks the part .

Best wishes,

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Posted by Harry Faversham on 16 Nov 2020, 12:46

Thanks chaps...
proves one piccy's worth a thousand words!

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Harry Faversham  England
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Posted by Susofrick on 16 Nov 2020, 14:56

Hmm, I think I see a nice-looking castle under the table! Pics on that?
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Posted by Beano Boy on 16 Nov 2020, 15:01

Yes a very neat table bright indeed, and a cool use of painted 28's too. Nice Painting by the way. :thumbup: Ya!An Eagle now that would be more of prize for Wellington , then regaining a few Dodgy Bitcoin Bob? Swop over names ? Why not, after all you are the author directing the flow!
:coffee: Will there be more of a sparkle from Captain DeBarkel in a Part 2 ?

Stay Safe,Stay Well Arry! BB
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Posted by Harry Faversham on 16 Nov 2020, 20:38

Susofrick wrote:Hmm, I think I see a nice-looking castle under the table! Pics on that?

It's this one made by Elastolin in 1960. Cost a small fortune on fleabay these days, gleaned mine for thirty quid though...


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Harry Faversham  England
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Posted by Susofrick on 17 Nov 2020, 09:15

Lovely! Think I saw it in a catalogue many many years ago, but the price and my wallet couldn't agree.
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Posted by Beano Boy on 17 Nov 2020, 15:33

Why not make a tiny one?
1/700th scale castle for instance! BB
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Posted by Harry Faversham on 21 Nov 2020, 13:16

Harpe drew his heavy cavalry sword, Sharper cocked the volley gun...

"Right you lot, time to earn that shilling!"

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Harry Faversham  England
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Posted by Harry Faversham on 22 Nov 2020, 15:26

"Time to earn yer shilling a day lads, move out!"

Both sides moved forward, Major Harpe sent Lt. Twizzle with two men, right to cover the larger of the bridges. Confident of their superior range and accuracy of their rifles, cover was disdained in the eagerness to engage the Frenchies crossing the bridge...



A devastating volley from the Dragoons put paid to Twizzle and his Corporal! The only survivor of the group, Rifleman Bowlby dives for cover, as the French Dragoons move over the bridge.




Major Harpe and Sergeant Sharper's group fare no better at the other bridge as their lead scout gets one through the canister from a sharpshooting Dragoon.


Sharper's volley gun drops the gloating Dragoon...


Thoughts of the strongbox are lost as a general firefight breaks out...




What followed next was a perfect example of why the French have no conception of cricket and playing up and playing the game. A Dragoon sneaks furtively through the back door of the church, opens the front door a smidge, and shoots Major Harpe in the back!!!



In a dastardly that puts even this to shame a Dragoon finds a discarded British uniform in the building he searched. Donning it, he waves to a Rifleman who runs up, and is bayoneted to death!!!


:mad: The vile French turncoat! :mad:

Over on the right Rifleman Bowlby makes a fine lone stand, he's spotted the strongbox through the cottage window and breaks cover. In a flash Captain DeBarkel and his flagman fall upon Bowlby, in an epic struggle the Rifleman falls, but not before wounding both his adversaries. The strongbox has fallen to the French...


Even with Sharper adding his weight to the fight the two Veteran Riflemen are forced back into the church. Powerless to stop the strongbox being carried off.


The Good Father tends the two wounded Riflemen. It will be some time till they are both fit to fight again...
Captain DeBarkel and his scurvy crew march off in triumph. He's not lost a single Dragoon, dispatched six of Wellington's elite Rifleman, and gleaned a strongbox of gold coin for Marshal Ney!


A week later, almost recovered from their wounds, Harpe and Sharper bid farewell to the Good Father...


As they march back over the bridge Major Harpe gives vent to his feelings with a terrible insult pertaining to Debarkel's parentage...

"I'll meet that Captain DeBarkel again, and when I do Patrick... !"

"Aye 'an it's probably Major deBarkel by now, so it is."

Replied Sergeant Sharper... helpfully.


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Harry Faversham  England
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Posted by Beano Boy on 22 Nov 2020, 17:25

The theme of your posting was well worth casting ones roving eyeballs upon.
Much better than boring TV.
:coffee: So no white feather for you this time Harry. BB
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Posted by Harry Faversham on 23 Nov 2020, 01:17

I took the part of Major Harpe in this little dust up. My opponent was unfair, unscroopulus, and brought a complete lack of gentlemanly conduct to the fields of glory.

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Harry Faversham  England
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