General Wargaming

Just had a read at a novel of Waterloo called 'The Limits of

Posted by Beano Boy on 09 Sep 2020, 14:27

Thank you for your banter Harry. :thumbup:
Where would we all be if we lost our sense of humor?
Thank you Jan, i bought both copies,one being the kindle edition the other something tangible to hold in ones hand while flipping over to the next page.
Bliss on a dark wet afternoon. BB
Beano Boy  England
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Posted by Harry Faversham on 10 Sep 2020, 00:14

Banter is the life blood of wargaming, in my 'umble opinion.
I've got a piccy of His Grace the Duke of Wellington (20 milli Newline Design) on the receiving end of a 12pdr from one of the Emperor's 'daughters', just couldn't find it, so had to settle for Marshal Ney!

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Harry Faversham  England
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Posted by zulu`s 1000`s of em on 12 Sep 2020, 12:20

From the mid 70`s to mid 90`s a great deal of my reading was all things Napoleon , particularly the 100 day`s . Very early I decided to read books not just by Anglicized authors but those written by French and German authors too,translated to English to give balance to my learning and to see things from the other guys prospective. In my view most modern writing is well balanced , David Chandlers The Campaigns of Napoleon being my go to book of them all , and after reading his account of Austerlitz you cannot fail but to be in awe of Napoleon. Wellington in the years after Waterloo was very protective of his reputation more so as he entered politics , most of the accounts with bias stem from that. Every account written by modern historians gives full credit to all the victors at Waterloo.
zulu`s 1000`s of em  United Kingdom
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Posted by Harry Faversham on 13 Sep 2020, 12:43


From this piccy, eagle eyed Airfixists will have spotted that even in 1973 we'd gormed that the munchkin French guns have been swopped for larger brethren.

By 1980 this re-arming had been completed, with green painted RHA 6 pdrs!


In giving my collection it's half century tickle up, one major concession to the march of time has been with the French and Prussian cannon, they've both got proper looking ones courtesy of Newline Design.
My thoughts have turned to providing the Frenchies with a couple of batteries of Horse Artillery. Some very nice plastic/metal figures of these elite gunners are out there. Very tempting, but not in keeping with the spirit of the thing. So how did we do it in 1972?
Simples, we just rolled up a bit of Kleenex tissue, stuck it on, and hardened it with Granny's nail varnish! A be-plumed Battery of Horse Artillery with ACW cannon can be seen far left in the b/w piccy.
Recreating 'em is today's little project!

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Harry Faversham  England
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Posted by MABO on 13 Sep 2020, 21:11

Cool stories from a time far far away!
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MABO  Europe
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