General Wargaming

First game in a while

Posted by Ochoin on 01 May 2020, 12:14

This is one for those of you who game in your own homes.

We've had a partial easing of restrictions & two friends are allowed to visit from this weekend; provided you keep your distance. Obviously, I quickly arranged for Dave & Damien to come over on Saturday for an ECW game.

And, equally obviously, it being Friday afternoon, I've set up the game, taking about an hour. This means moving my car out of the garage, setting up the table tennis table & putting the mats over it, bringing out the scenery and troops (Covenanters & Montrose's army) from the cupboards in the garage &, as per pre-arrangement, putting everything on the table.

So how long does it take you? Not the planning stages but just the mechanical tasks leading up to throwing the first dice?
This took me, as I wrote, an hour. Bigger games than this medium one might take up to half an hour more.

It's been a while so time well spent.

Some photos...






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Ochoin  Scotland
Posts: 2425
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16 Jan 2010, 04:00

Posted by Harry Faversham on 02 May 2020, 07:58

About the same time, unless I get carried away developing the scenery to better fit the scenario. Your time was well spent, the battlefield looks superb.

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Harry Faversham  England
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16 Nov 2013, 13:56

Posted by Ochoin on 02 May 2020, 09:49

Thanks, Harry. As you know, there's always something needs improving, replacing, building.

Lucky it's a hobby otherwise it'd be work.

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Ochoin  Scotland
Posts: 2425
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16 Jan 2010, 04:00

Posted by Ochoin on 03 May 2020, 04:07

A short report:

My two opponents (commanding Montrose's thugs) are both ex-army officers. They are infinitely wiser than me &, I'll add, more cunning.

I decided I'd concentrate my four Horse units on the left flank for a -hopefully- winning flank attack, hold (using the bulk of my Pike & Musket units & the medium artillery) in the centre & feint on the right.
My Covenanters are overwhelmingly Average with some Poor & one Elite unit (Campbell of Lawler's Foot). My opponents had a similar force but they had many mad Highlanders, including McColla's bodyguard & the rather excellent Strathbogie regiment.

It was an 9 turn battle & to cut it short, my Horse regiments on the left, after a promising opening, were beaten to a standstill. My right feint turned into a sweeping hook that saw my dragoons burn their camp down. And in the centre......we stopped them!

Somewhat inconsistent artillery fire, some relatively steady P&S regiments (Lothian, Buchanen's, Erskine's 'Ministers' Regiment & the Edinburgh Trained Band - Sutherland's levies having run off) & we halted, then destroyed McColla & Strathbogie.

My two gracious opponents conceded & I had a rare win. I'd killed one of his general (Ogilvey), scattered or destroyed 6 of his 12 units & taken their camp. Montrose, alas, escaped to fight again.


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Ochoin  Scotland
Posts: 2425
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16 Jan 2010, 04:00

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