The Duelling Field

Horseman Duel

Please choose your winner

Poll ended at 25 Dec 2011, 11:54

The Knight Before Christmas
Bloody Romans!
Total votes : 36

Posted by Dad's Army on 18 Dec 2011, 11:54

This is duel nr.82 folks!

The rules this time were:

One based horseman, up to 3 pictures and any era

You have a week to choose your winner. Once again gentlemen take your places and may the best painter win.
Please leave comments after the duel has finished

“The Knight Before Christmas”





"Bloody Romans!"



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Dad's Army  Netherlands

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Posted by Dad's Army on 25 Dec 2011, 12:34

And another duel Peter was in, a funy idea to put a christmas tree on the shield in this time of the year, verry original :thumbup:
But the winner is the other duelist, Rich.
A fun duel this was, thank you both for dueling, hope more will folow!

Gongrats to Rich on the win, and to Peter to the oraginality!
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Dad's Army  Netherlands

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Posted by Paul on 25 Dec 2011, 15:54

Oddly enough, I guessed who both duellists were and for a fiver I´ll tell who I voted for :mrgreen:
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Paul  China
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Posted by Duke atreides on 25 Dec 2011, 18:57

That Roman has a face of an alien!! :mrgreen:
But I liked him best...
Duke atreides  Portugal
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Posted by zzed on 25 Dec 2011, 23:00

strange face, but the basing is awesome
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Posted by Peter on 27 Dec 2011, 19:14

Hey Rich,

it was fun having this duel. Congrats with the win :thumbup:

The horse and rider are excellent painted :thumbup: , but agree about the face (not your fault ;-) )

My rider is from Valdemar (Teutonic knight), metal figure painted with acrylics. ;-)
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Peter  Belgium

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Posted by west1871 on 29 Dec 2011, 15:21

Thanks to everyone who voted and thanks to Peter on another great duel mate :thumbup: I really liked yours and even voted for it myself.White is a sod to paint and I never get it right.And yes that face on the Roman is bloody ugly :lol:

Cheers Rich.
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west1871  United Kingdom
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Posted by Peter on 29 Dec 2011, 17:13

west1871 wrote:Thanks to everyone who voted and thanks to Peter on another great duel mate :thumbup: I really liked yours and even voted for it myself.White is a sod to paint and I never get it right.And yes that face on the Roman is bloody ugly :lol:

Cheers Rich.

Thanks Rich :thumbup:

PS: I used some weathering powder on the horsecloth as a test ;-) I still have tolearn how to use it in a proper way. :-D
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Peter  Belgium

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