The Duelling Field

May Duel

Please choose your winner

Poll ended at 07 Jun 2023, 21:32

Come back and fight
Posed for the Vase
Total votes : 21

Posted by Dad's Army on 31 May 2023, 21:32

This is duel nr.256 folks!

The rules this time were:

The duel against mister X.
- Greek Infantry - Zvezda set8005
- Monthly duel mister X
- 2 pictures

You have a week to choose your winner.
Once again gentlemen take your places and may the best painter win.
Please leave comments after the duel has finished

"Come back and fight"




"Posed for the Vase"


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Dad's Army  Netherlands

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Posted by Dad's Army on 07 Jun 2023, 22:26

This was another exiting duel, and as you can see on the voting they are close to each other.
But in the end Mr.X didn't got enough votes, so the winner is.....
RSDean (Robert) who isn't very active on posting on the forum.
Great he did want to try to duel, I recon we wil be seeing mor of him here.
So double congratulations for him, first of entering the dueling zone, and second for the win.
But also Mr. X, thanks again and better luck next time...

Thanks to the voters, and if you want to duel mr.X for fun, mail me at
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Dad's Army  Netherlands

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Posted by MABO on 08 Jun 2023, 07:05

This was a close run thing and hard to choose. Congrats to both. And so cool, that you, Robert, took part. Let us see more of your work here in the forum, please.
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Posted by RSDean on 08 Jun 2023, 10:05

Thanks! I am a little intermittant here, but I have the pleasure of being Kaiphranos’s father, so I sometimes get the news second-hand. :D. (I’ll have to get him to help me with some image hosting … )

Now that the ice has been broken on painting Greeks, I just need to get organized and do enough of them for a DBA game…
RSDean  United States of America
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Posted by Kekso on 08 Jun 2023, 11:41

RSDean wrote:I have the pleasure of being Kaiphranos’s father

Kaiphranos, I am your father :xd: :xd: :xd:
Sorry, couldn't resist... congratz on winning :thumbup:
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Kekso  Croatia

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Posted by Rich W on 08 Jun 2023, 23:29

Both are very good entries!
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Posted by Beano Boy on 10 Jun 2023, 01:42

So sorry that i missed this one 2!
Great looking figures though.
Congratulations 2 U both. BB
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Posted by Minuteman on 11 Jun 2023, 23:06

RSDean wrote:Thanks! I am a little intermittant here, but I have the pleasure of being Kaiphranos’s father, so I sometimes get the news second-hand. :D. (I’ll have to get him to help me with some image hosting … )

Now that the ice has been broken on painting Greeks, I just need to get organized and do enough of them for a DBA game…

Well done sir, that is some very fine paintwork! Hopefully we will see more.
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Posted by Santi Pérez on 12 Jun 2023, 19:52

Oh, I've been very busy the last two weeks and I've missed this duel :(

But I agree with everyone. Both entries are great. It would have been hard to choose one between them. :winky:

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Santi Pérez  Spain
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Posted by Peter on 21 Jun 2023, 11:21

Great duel and I voted for the entry of Robert! Congrats to both! :thumbup:

Great to have another father and son on this forum! :thumbup:
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Peter  Belgium

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