The Duelling Field

Mr. X 2023

Posted by Dad's Army on 17 Nov 2022, 20:42

Just 1,5 month to 2023, so time to see if there is a new Mr.X for next year.
And I must say, it looks harder to find members to duel,
thats why I think it will be even harder to find a new Mr. X.
So if there is someone who is interested to do 12 duels, for next year, please let me know.
Just send a mail to
It is fun, because you have to paint figures you wouldn't paint for yourself as well.

If we don't find a new Mr. X.
We just have to find a dueling partner, and do 1 on 1 duels.
So let's see what 2023 is going to happen in the duelingfield.

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Dad's Army  Netherlands

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Posted by Dad's Army on 07 Dec 2022, 09:32


Take your change to be mr.X 2023 now, before someone else does...
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Dad's Army  Netherlands

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Posted by Peter on 07 Dec 2022, 11:52

Common, it is easy, Only one figure a month and you have a lot of fun! I did my turns and I enjoyed it very much! And you paint figures that you maybe never should have painted. ;-)
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Peter  Belgium

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