The Duelling Field

Duel in honor of Leonardo Torricini

Please choose your winner

Poll ended at 01 Dec 2019, 15:14

Duel at the Funeral
Etruscan Hoplite and Peltast
Total votes : 23

Posted by Dad's Army on 24 Nov 2019, 15:14

This is duel nr. 202 folks!

The idea was to do it as a sort of memorial for a very kind and gifted member of our modeling community.

The rules this time were:

- Etruscan Warriors - Phersu set Nr. 4 and 6 from top row in the picture
- 2 pictures
- Full terrain base
- Free choice of shields and weapons

You have a week to choose your winner.
Once again gentlemen take your places and may the best painter win.
Please leave comments after the duel has finished

"Duel at the Funeral Pyre"




"Etruscan Hoplite and Peltast"


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Dad's Army  Netherlands

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Posted by Dad's Army on 02 Dec 2019, 11:46

A nice duel as a contribute is in my eyes a nice idea as a naice duel.
It seems clear who was the winner here:
Stephan (sberry)
who was up against Aaron (Bleulalchion)
Congrats to Stephan, and better luck next time Aaron.
Thanks for dueling both!
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Dad's Army  Netherlands

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Posted by Susofrick on 02 Dec 2019, 14:29

A very nice duel! Thought about making something to honour Leo, but am a bit slow so we'll see if I come up with something in the faraway future.
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Posted by Peter on 02 Dec 2019, 15:13

We can't honour Leo enough, but this is a good way! Liked this duel very much! Congrats to both! :thumbup:
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Peter  Belgium

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Posted by Bluefalchion on 02 Dec 2019, 22:13

Well that was very cool. Thanks for all who voted and all who responded and thanks especially to sberry who did so much to make this duel happen.

I learned of Leo's passing from Mossimo back on June 14. Phersu was one my very favorite contributors to this forum. I wanted to do something in his honor. I had never before interacted with Stephan before, but his response on Leo's thread 3 days later was very touching, so I reached out to him to tell my idea.

Well he had never dueled before, and I did not have any Phersu miniatures. But he agreed to take this on. Mossimo donated the figures at no charge, and then Stephan shipped them to me in the USA all the way from Berlin. Thank you thank you thank you.

And then his entry--so fantastic. The idea for a funeral pyre was an inspired choice and incredibly well executed. It is the first time I have ever voted against my own entry in a duel.

My entry this time was not equal with my best work, unfortunately. A painful tendinitis in my left wrist and an insane work and family schedule left me with less time for this project than I normally alot. However, even if I had had two years to paint, Stephan still would have defeated me. His entry was that marvelous.

I hope somewhere up there Leo is looking down and he has some way of knowing that this tribute was contested in his honor. Thanks also to Remco who helped greatly, as always, to facilitate and present the duel.

I am not sure how I could ever be this happy from losing a duel ever again.
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Bluefalchion  United States of America
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Posted by Kekso on 02 Dec 2019, 22:42

I'm so sorry I missed this one :(
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Posted by Bluefalchion on 03 Dec 2019, 15:36

Kekso wrote:I'm so sorry I missed this one :(

Well you may have missed voting but you did not miss the honor for Leo because you have commented here.
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Bluefalchion  United States of America
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Posted by sberry on 03 Dec 2019, 17:15

When I heard about Leonardo’s death, I immediately had the feeling of a tremendous loss for all of us: Talent and creativity do not always go hand in hand with a kind and warm personality, but in Leo’s case they definitely did. So I really liked the proposal when Aaron invited me to do a duel with him in honor of Leo. Therefore, many thanks again to Aaron for this wonderful idea!
Second, my thanks go to all who participated and voted. This being my first duel ever, I have to admit it was great fun.
And last, not least, I also would like to thank Massimo/daikaigan who, as Aaron already said, supported each of us with a free set of Phersu Etruscan Warriors.
So we had a duel to honor a deceased member of our community – the idea to mirror this in my entry, showing two warriors dueling at the funeral of a member of their community, came somehow automatically, it was just there.
The Phersu figures themselves probably had a part here: There is one pose in the set, that kneeling guy, which did not really make sense to me for closed-order combat, like phalanx vs. phalanx. For a duel one-on-one, on the other hand, it seemed just perfect…
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