Plaster board section added. Well paper card in reality, but you guys know just what i indirectly mean?

White acrylic paint thined out with a paint brush dipped into tap water transformed each and every step.

Well eight coats later it sure looked a neat cover over.

Well yes,yes but the grubby sides were left without a licking of paint on em.

Very true WingNut,i did so because these cut out stringers, are now awaiting their turn next to be stuck upon this sample.

Or simple to say really, that the first side panels will cover completely over each side.

You mean they will cover over any botch job ?

'Certainly not WingNut',said the little bookworm.

'Well Pard's, it does look like a jumble, but with a 4 inch brush full of globby thick glue all will be covered over and totally unseen by any eye-balling would be critic! '.

'Very true Lonesome Cowboy.' remarked a rather tired BB.

o no! bb, tired. this will never do. The little Button, said.

'Yes even our script writer, must sleep his restful dreams away.'

'Or we will all be disappeared.'

A little bit of trimming off was done and dusted after the glue had dried off. This was my easy way to produce sturdy, strong ,solid steps. Over many years i've often made stone steps in the same way.

Sir Percy, was all of a wonder, as to what BB, was scribbling down?

*Always let your template be your guide.*

Yippy a O! BB,was trying hard ta' sing.

This certainly was very strange behaviour for Paulus our little Fiddle WoodGnome.

i found myself sort of working in the dark, so pictures are a bit on the shady side.

A little thing to tuck under the stair steps that is being made out of off cut left over. i try not to waste anything laying about this old dusty place. At times i can't think where it all comes from.

i will do a something on the other side too, to finish off a nothing space into a something space.

I get that.

I don't.

What follows is just a dry run so others can view what was in my minds eye a few weeks back.

Sir Percy, was getting a little better after his long ordeal of being lost in his Library that does not exist, but in his dotage he believes that it does.' Yes, yes, this is the way that i remember it was, but BB, where is the rest of it? And where are all my friends ?' He asked, in his rather bewildered perplexed puzzled condition.
As the author concerned, i decided to spin out this situation in a kind way.

Over this year when time gives me a free hand to grab a craft knife, i will construct more flights of stairs that will change direction as they rise up or down while hugging a simple something or nothing. Well that was how my spiral steps already spun, wound their own busy way upwards.
Take care, stay safe,
and i'll see U on the next one. BB