
scratch - building with BB

Posted by Beano Boy on 16 Jun 2022, 14:36

Many thanks Peter,for commenting. :thumbup:
And all you other guys, thanks for taking time out of your busy days to look at this fantasy project :thumbup: :thumbup: Bravo ! :coffee: i might as well add here, 'It sure keeps on expanding!'
:eh: When will this Balooning Burst? :mrgreen: How does an invisable Library do such a thing?

:coffee: Have no fear of that defining moment of stretched out time.
:sst: infinity in maths, mentioned the little Button.
:read: infinity in 0 or 8. said the well read Book Worm.


Back in the day of my youth,i cared little for this Buffolo Bill, Annual cover,but chancing upon it after all those years i think it quite colourful in review here. It certainly was a real pleasure making the printing plate on my pc. My system of repetitive copying will ruduce the finished plate down,so i can have my smallest scale books shrunk down given me 15 open book covers across, by 12 covers down in preperation for printing out. I have now added a white surround to each book cover,and this will help with my poor eyesight. I found black surrounds certainly were a chore cutting those type books out.
:sst: where there is a will,there is a way! :mrgreen: Very true.



i placed 3 wedges on the bottom row to stop them flying out. However here are two samples well booked and bundled up with the fresh cut supplies from the little yogurt pot above.

It is back to the drawing board on those curved book cases, although both pieces will be painted soon.

:coffee: Bye 4 now, i'll see you later. BB
Beano Boy  England
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Posted by Beano Boy on 18 Jun 2022, 04:54


Not Jacobs Ladder,but BB, is ploding along upwards. BB
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Posted by Beano Boy on 10 Sep 2022, 04:07

A few specs are seen,which have been identified by the unforgiven cameras eye.


As the nights are pulling in fast now the Library sprawls out its early darkening shadows which move silently as old timely clock hands do.


All are double sided and full to brimming over with loose book style stash!

To stop the L E D light refecting from my glass table top i let lay the book props i tipped out earler. The newly fitted lighting will reduce my ellectric light usage by over two thirds . We are all in this weaponized energy war.BB
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Posted by Peter on 12 Sep 2022, 19:57

Looks like some liberian isn't doing his job! :mrgreen:
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Posted by Beano Boy on 15 Sep 2022, 15:42


Todays work involved varnishing these pre-painted things! So these will provide sufficient space and lodging for a few more books.

( i realise we have had arrive some rather unusual Members) ,so what post follows next was delaid by nearly two months! 'Intel' ; this was due to 7000 Free Lance Agents releasing 70,000 Bots daily attacking all over the Internet , and so i was not able like many to gain acccess to this Forum. along with other zooming helpful places. :eh: i wonder who iz responsible? :mrgreen: Good to know that they are being Spammed now.

:cowboy: Oorah! Shouted Teddy's Veteran Rough Rider,who always sleeps in his boots!


The table top of overlayed toughend glass means these little guys can skate around as if they were upon an iced over magical lake.

Image :eh: Paint needed


Sir Percy and his House Keeper Miss Stella, :sst: meaning stars! :eh: It do? :mrgreen: Yip!

500 puzzel pieces made up each spiral set of steps, :mrgreen: Well it is only a hobby! :read: The mathematics of basic engineering required in BB's odd abstract hobby style way was set into place so that the centre tube could be twisted and turned all the way through them from bottom to top without a hitch! :cowboy: Which both tubes did while remaining tight enough to stay put, :mrgreen: so no glue needed for setting these things upright sound and true.

:coffee: Wide bases, are now needed and other spiralling cut out things.


Meanwhile two inseparable pals had inspite of delay arrived somewhere else lost beneath the sands of time itself. Always trying to return to the little ivy clad white cottage set within the green belt boundary of Fiddle Wood, England. In this great endeavour they've traveled throughout time and space by way of strange anomalies, ( Gate Ways!), never knowing where they will end up.

Sir Percy, although seen high above with Miss Stella, is still lost in his Great Library some place else. The undisputable fact is understood plainly that the outer appearance of that elevated, ongoing place is invisible! :eh: You mean like the inside of a cardboard box? :winky: Why not? :sst: i bow to the intellect of wingnuts understanding upon this matter. :mrgreen: A blue sock moment from Wingnut.

:coffee: Until the next one, take care guys. All the best BB
Beano Boy  England
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Posted by sberry on 19 Sep 2022, 17:02

What an incredible project! Those staircases … and those books! So many books, and all handmade. That’s genuine devotion, I would say. Or perhaps madness? Well, who cares, when the results look that good…
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Posted by Beano Boy on 19 Sep 2022, 23:22

Many Thanks sberry. :thumbup: BB
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Posted by Minuteman on 20 Sep 2022, 14:25

Terrific, nay perhaps even terrifying, modelling work and skills...and on such a tiny scale!

I very much like the picture you have posted of the dalek and dragon, both it seems 'on patrol' in their own style in an Egyptian setting, and with some sort of force field or sonic explosion?? How did you create this photo-effect, it is most convincing?
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Posted by Beano Boy on 22 Sep 2022, 12:53

Many thanks Minuteman,for your question. :thumbup:
i use a 3D Design App that is on my PC,to create in a small way Sci Fi Musical Movies upon the free programme to Aid the Arts on You Tube.
As far as i know all PC's should have this type function available at
'edit more',on all saved pictures on file.

Image 3D Portal :thumbup:

It is a simple act of choosing the right effects i wish to use. What follows is due to the action of pausing the film so i could copy the effect on a photograph.

As i scratch built and cast up all my own rubber molds, the end results of 7 years ago durring a long hot summer, can with confidence and approval be shown here within this journal.

Absent for nearly 4 years the characters that first appeared upon this Forum,
in basic short stories nine years ago, are back for a short spin on visit.

Presented by Paul Howes


Once upon a time,already past or indeed that which is to come,
They whatever they were came through an ancient springfield portal and upon holding their bated breath two PAL'S began to materialize!
This action caused a tremor to such a fragile foundation, and very fine choking dust arose from that lost age whatever it might have been, it softly drifted up while bits of heavier things, were far to busy falling down.


Unsound like those that had commisioned their prominant shape ,all of those that stood upright soon began to wobble! For dead certian sure the builders of such a forgotten realm had long ago lost their power of total domination. A simple fact that their great and powerful armies had only existed upon ancient paper scroll,or deeply chizzled out painted stone due to the corruption of High Office. The gold from such a kingdom,had flowed in from holes in rock, only to be buried deeper in others, along with weighed against a white feather Princes,and rather unsightly scornful scathing Kings.


Perhaps such a bright light had not shone there for over five thousand years?
:mrgreen: Well that is what a rather old, crusty, dusty ,Veteran BB,once wrote.
:sst: or would write at another time in the future.


Their shape begain to appear within that blinding light.
:coffee: There was however no such awareness of this extradinary fact, :sst: for nobody was there to witness such phenomenon , :mrgreen: that could raise every hair upon a head. :coffee: i have a great hope in imagination, and that the reader might too?


As the glow begain to diminish,the return the darkness of moving shadows began to re'appear. :drool: This feeling ain't good.

:eh: Is this X rated ? Grunted WingNut. :shock: I hope not. :sst: i can still remember the march of bb's,lego men. The Little Button ,warned.


"Fred,i,i,i vividly remember this creepy place of uncommon freeze." The MayBell from the stars remarked in a quivering almost silent whisper! 'Don't worry so MayBell,' The Unit F.R.E.D, said in his new soft spoken Norfolk Vioce! 'I'll switch my light and heater on to warm up a glowing smile from you.'


And so it was that Fred,remembered the way into this place the first time of their visit with BB. Which MayBell,the only one of her kind decleared, That will be our way out Fred! 'Yes and perhapes we will be home again,instead of lost in Time?' Fred,said in a question based upon a share hopeful dream !

:sst: 'are fred and maybell ,still lost in the library bb?' The Little Button asked me,i in answer shaking my head replied that, 'i little one,do not know.'

:coffee: All the best my friends,
stay safe,stay well. i'll see you on the next one. BB
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Posted by Peter on 22 Sep 2022, 19:59

Fantastic stairs! :shock:
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Posted by Beano Boy on 24 Sep 2022, 03:01

Thank you Peter, :thumbup:
:coffee: With a much wider range of freedoms choice ,unlike some, there are now the two metaphysical flights of steps to gander ones own view upon. Hobby style work is slow,because time flies away from my day as if chaff upon a high wind of zooming change.

The longest papercard tubes below were that which were left over from a batch of shiny gold and silver parcel wrapping paper,and i am always loathe to chuck such wonders away. So they were stuck in my hobby stash for ages.


My Dear Mrs B,often says to me," What on earth will you need those for?" Of course not in a caustic way,but kind with a bright smile upon her face. i must admit at those odd times,i myself could never give any kind of reason, because it would be completely unknown to me. Rubbish often heading for the recycling bin can be used. :mrgreen: Those steps reach for the sky! :eh: They most certainly do, said Wingnut. :winky: But cut holes through the table top,and they'll vanish underground from view.
:coffee: Very true and at least i'll know that they are most certainly there within the darkest ever basement.

C U all on the next 1. BB
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Posted by Beano Boy on 02 Oct 2022, 05:28

From the reality of constant bad news,
be it tempest or otherwise,
here is
Happy Times
A Child's Garden
Along with another one.
And Then My New Camera
:mrgreen: An oddity :sst: set down by our bb.


i swiped part of the title to create the spine,stood it upright then squeezed it between two pictures. By swiping the three pictures in one sweep,the copy can be used as an open book cover. This charming picture is from the 1930's and is in Public Domain.Sometimes a picture might have a water mark across it,to counter this i use google search to find the original picture that others had coppied and then fouled up with marks. :coffee: i understand why people who print out things must earn money,but for others this is a relief from work hobby.


It took me quite a while of self learning before i could achieve this action of heart to pass onto others.


This book cover is from 1920. Again in Public Domain.


The end result achived once more,
and both sheets of plates have been created for printing.
:sst: downsized for all those that have good eyesight.



i determined that those shown peacefullly above were part of social history so very worthy of a dusty place in our library.

These will all certainly shuffle a mix into place upon a bookcase shelf holding countless authors dreams.

:cowboy: From print to fold overcard this is scratchbuilding Pards!


Mrs B,kindly bought me a film camera so that we could both live stream on Line. It plugs into my upright pc stack system and clips nicely into place upon the top of my wide screen monitor. To aid my hobystyle tutorials i can move this camera about to shoot film to freely aid the Arts and Crafts. It automaticaly transfers colour film onto my pc files, and later i can then pause the film and swipe still photographs for posting elsewhere. :mrgreen: Like here. It will therefore save me a little time for other things.


It only cost £23.00,which was a complete surprise for me as i was looking at buying two new Cameras priced £600 - £900.


Link above a funny Bunter moment for me.
:eh: BB,eating with a mouth full would not please his Mom,one bit.

As my V shaped cheese and pickle sanwidge arrived the test filming was taking place, and 28 seconds of my unplaned antics actually went rival on the Internet. 4,000 views in one day sure delighted me as i broke out in laughter.

:coffee: Having a little humor can lead one to have some great big adventures. BB
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Posted by MABO on 03 Oct 2022, 07:22

I hope that I will also be inspired like you when I retire....
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Posted by Susofrick on 03 Oct 2022, 11:12

I will be very tired if I'll be this inspired when I retire. Nah, just kidding! Great work and I am as usual totally in love with what you do!
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Posted by Beano Boy on 08 Oct 2022, 07:35

Thank you Jan and Gunnar,for commenting. :thumbup: :thumbup:
My own motivation and drive is upon the wane,but i still have a degree of confidence and understanding in what i do mainly in writing and proofreading my Mrs B,s letters on a daily morning bases.i believe it is she who reminds me in a kind way, what i ought to be doing that so inspires me. BB
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Posted by Beano Boy on 08 Oct 2022, 08:11


Once upon a time there was a beautiful picture from the early 1930's which i swipped twice. It being from The Art Deco period of 1908 - 1935

ImageThe swipe of the title i stood upright and coppied. Via Snip and sketch


All three were squeezed in on my pc,and swipped over into a pleasing coppied form. Which is now a beautiful open book cover for my needs.

By repitition one learns,and so now at this point i feel showing the way has come to an end where open book covers is concerned. :sst: three cheers for bb. :mrgreen: Here here! :cowboy: It was so long a comming i changed me socks twice bb.
:eh: I don't understand the three chairs bit ? Asked a very confused WingNut.
:coffee: Well it ain't that kind of chair WingNut,it's cheer. :mrgreen: And before you ask WingNut,you can't sit on it either.Mr green remarked. :eh: I guess one could always sit upon the table. :sst: there is no table wingnut.replied the Little Button. :eh: So what's the point of BB, having three chairs then? :cowboy: This could carry on all the live long day. Remarked the Cowboy with extra whoolie warm, military socks on.
So one might ask what goes on next ? The scratch-building and book filling is still ongoing... And something else is taking place after a long haul of absence. Over two years to be precise.
:eh: Burp! A Sabbatical comes to my mind BB,said the well oiled WingNut.
:mrgreen: Boy! You've gotta stop drinking that stuff WingNut.
While writing down the commic book sketch,the end so reminded me of,'Father Ted.' BB
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Posted by Beano Boy on 10 Oct 2022, 19:40

Neat glue was globed on where i wanted the foam to stick,i then used my cupped hands filled loosely with lots of rubber foam to push gently from both sides at the same time ,which also covered the tops too.This easy fluffy procedure was applied again and again, after first brushing the loose stuff away.There was no concern with foam flying away in all directions,because it had been soaked by the paintful then squeezed out to dry years ago by myself.


Raised upon yogurt pots so dripping onto glass top can take place. :mrgreen: BB, never throws much away. Well it is easier to whipe away,rather than having work super stuck fast onto my overlaid table top of glass.


The Hedgerow!
i have had these castings stacked up for over two years so i began to finish them all.


Wet Water: two parts white carpenters glue,one part water and a little squirt of washing up soap!
One dip then i trickled it on using a cheap brush rather than water bottle spraying.That is way to much a messy job for me or anyone. Been there and done that. A good lessen taught. My way it soaks into my own coloured foam quickly and drip dries hard overnight.

:coffee: Plenty of gaps make it more interesting and little kids can crawl through them like myself and my childhood chums often did.

:sst: model making on the cheap.
:coffee: Or in my case another toy display of realtive ease.
Until the next one my friends, i'm off to play. BB
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Posted by Susofrick on 12 Oct 2022, 11:19

I definitely think it is at least four cheers! Not only your library, but that little forest looks very intriguing to crawl through! And I might let my dog loose in it!
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Posted by Beano Boy on 18 Oct 2022, 19:01


Below the twigy scene i looked upon
was by far long in comming

i happen to have severel dog packs forged from the bright metal of dogged determination,that would be happy at play with your loyal four legged Pal, Gunnar. :thumbup: BB
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Posted by Beano Boy on 24 Nov 2022, 23:05


:coffee: Welcome once more my friends,to
cheap idea's grown upon the twigs of time.
Well at least in my time line that is.

The real little house in Fiddle Wood is far far below,where i sat a sitting comfy enough to type this.


The first set of five trees were stood upon empty yogurt pots,which in turn because of this action raised them higher above my work table; so that made more room for by hands and arms to come into play.
i found out longago that this simple set into place system allowed more freedom of movement too,as turning around such things as groups of twisted wire trees meant even my old fumbling fingers became an odd assortment of acute nimbling at close quarters.


Neat white glue fixed the twiggy bits upon that place reserved for them,way back in the hot summer of 2020.


Well i realised this ain't going to rust! Like wire-wool.
Cheap washing up scourer once pulled appart can form a sturdy platform for the hardened foam canopy to nest comfy upon. That canopy can be viewed on the plastic work sheet in the photograph. It is homemade and splendidly rock hard!


Another two trees have had their twiggy bits placed, for gosh! Me little old hard working hobby did so fill up my little space in the hallway and under the stairs.


With a piece of paper card,i applied neat glue upon them to stiffen them all into accepted welcome place. And so it was the first severn tree's were put upon that mysterious weird production line.


Taken in the winter of 1905 this snap shot was taken just before Sir Percy disappeared without trace.

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