
The Rubber Mould

Posted by Beano Boy on 14 Mar 2016, 16:38

Being quite unable to paint at this time. Me o`ll hands shake :-D
However my figures need unique sets so i`m making the props needed one by one for a story set within my book The Jungle Photograph on my Blog. A great work meaning many a chapter of which i write two a month then update the plot.
i set myself upon a pathway this time not to place stuff on Kindle Books! i pay quite enough taxes to Caesar now as it is.
However i still intend always to share certain things here. This being one of them. :-D


Collecting stuff as i do, The Griffin, he arrived in a job lot of fantasy stuff his wings having been broken off. Having no intention of repairing him i set to and made him into a pattern which i used to produce him chizeled out upon a rock face. The Griffin was patterned this way by moulding him in Oyumaru!


Everything prepared. i have covered the production method i use to make rubber on tutorials before so see no great need to follow through with that here within this topic. So if there is interest scoot along and investigate my other tutorials. Thank you.


The Box is filled.


The pattern removed. A perfect success and every thing i hoped for.


Cast up with Plaster of Paris a wonderful product still used by Master Masons.


The rubber mould produced a successful looking rock casting.

A touch more trimming under his belly and back legs and he will well look the intended part.
The intention is to mass produce him facing this way and also his other side facing the other way.
That pattern has also been made too. This will be part of a larger work involving lots of pattern making and castings. However that is well set for a fantasy sci fi future time.
Thank you guys for looking. :thumbup: BB
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Posted by Beano Boy on 07 Apr 2016, 00:48

Because these are Fantasy Castings i placed them here to avoid historical issues.
Today i made up several Patterns which will enable me to produce on mass other work. The results i`ll post here later. For now if there is interest just follow the pictures.


This Pattern was laid in the bottom


This Pattern was pushed into the rubber after the bottom had been filled


This Pattern was pushed into the top of the mould when filled with rubber


The guide holes were pressed in


This four Part mould made it possible to produced five castings.
The Full Column,two half Columns and two Flat Wall Castings.
Thanks for looking.BB
Beano Boy  England
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Posted by Peter on 07 Apr 2016, 08:31

Great work Paul! Almost like in a factory! :-D
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Posted by Beano Boy on 07 Apr 2016, 16:30

How right you are Peter.
Mrs B,puts up with my Production Line set up in the Great Hall of Longbottom Beano Castle,because she knows i must be happy active doing stuff.
This old historical place has real stone floors so mixed up plaster spilt ,and settled white dust is easy to mop up.
When the Drawbridge is lowered with a bang and clouds of rusty dust rattles from each and every noisy iron link,then the heavy Portcullis is slowly raised and finally the Double Gate is squeaky unbolted and swings open inwards.
The Colossal sight that greets many a visitors is one of highly organised clutter, because there are mountains of castings reaching up the high stone walls.
One section of the Great Hall is where Pattern shapes are cut and put in place and made.
Another section is where the Lego Bricks are now in constant play,and is where the rubber is mixed and the moulds made.
The next untidy but well thought out line of crazy paved production, is where the casting-up takes place.I cast up four moulds an hour with Plaster of Paris for two or three hours a day.

Then i return to my real world of Writing Fantasy Story`s some for on Line.A thing bright seen or otherwise i love to do.
Although now having insight into part of my day,
one would never really believe that. BB
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Posted by Peter on 07 Apr 2016, 19:50

Great reply on my comment! :-D

Just keep them coming! The castings and the stories! ;-)
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Posted by Beano Boy on 23 Apr 2016, 14:15

mythologuFantasy______________not Historical!

I work in the chaos theory




The first Colourwash went on OK!


Just a test shot of what could be, but once seen perhaps not.
This is just a glimmer, as the end result on a film set for 28mm figures will include over128 castings.

In Mythology only the female Griffin had wings.
I guess the male had to run about trying to avoid her.

:read: "That`s right BB."______________ i Know BB
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Posted by Beano Boy on 23 Apr 2016, 14:18

It should have read

Mythology and Fantasy__________________ Not Historical

Sorry for any confusion! BB
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Posted by Peter on 23 Apr 2016, 14:42

The mess (I mean ruine :-D ) looks excellent! :thumbup:
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Posted by Beano Boy on 02 May 2016, 18:26


Just the right size I need for the next stone work castings,and all the way from China. Sure I had to wait 5 weeks because they came by way of the slow boat from that far eastern land. Junk jewellery very true but a perfect for my needs. :-D BB
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Posted by Beano Boy on 03 May 2016, 16:44

The Cornflour box,is in the background,and its contents did play a small part in creating the work.


Here`s an illustration, a mere glimmer. For future projects unique props for HO OO, 20mm,1/72 and 28mm scale figures. BB
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Posted by Peter on 03 May 2016, 17:57

Looks real nice Paul! :thumbup:
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Posted by Bramble15 on 03 May 2016, 23:45

That is fantastic Paul! I am very much looking forward to seeing this completed!
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Posted by Beano Boy on 04 May 2016, 01:22

Thanks for your comment Bramble, it helps to know that there is extra interest out there. BB
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Posted by Kekso on 04 May 2016, 08:44

That would look great for some sci-fi scene. I'm thinking of Riddick's Chronicles for example right now.
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Posted by Beano Boy on 04 May 2016, 22:29

(i) Fantasy Sci Fy,is the name of the game Dalibor.


With a small outlay these props as I call them were very simple to make.

One Cannot Get Cheaper Than These

Bicycle Handle Bar Grips and Laser Cut Cup Cakes,that were turned into Patterns!
Silocone, Cornflour and oil for making the moulds,and a bag of Plaster of Paris to cast them up.

If you would like to,"type BB`s Blog"and your there. You will be most welcome i`m home most days. BB
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Posted by Beano Boy on 12 May 2016, 15:32

Although I made it first in the black stuff,i decided to make a much more flexible rubber mould. The result a much better casting of this quite complicated design. To remove it from the OYUMARU, i had to leaver it out with a couple of dinner knives,because of the tight knit closeness of the multi winged Pattern.

Here is the Pattern The Flexi - Rubber Mould and the first casting it has produced.


i added shadow intensionally.
Just a wee bit to scribe out by hand and these casting will fit the bill.
This will be part of a lintel across an ancient entrance in a Sci-Fy Fantasy Setting. BB so
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Posted by Beano Boy on 08 Jun 2016, 03:37

Retaining Walls

Styrene Patterns

Unconventional True But There Is Always A First Time For Everything



A Sort Oblong One Already Scribed


The Stone Work Looks Huge It Is


it Soon Shrinks Down As Planned


i Work Slow But Methodical

And After Six Hours Work A Reward Of Sweets & A Welcome Tea Break

A Culvert


i Need Several So i Make The Tiny Parts


Soon It Was Lego Time


The Cheap Patterns Worked A Treat


Total Cost £5.50

i Never Waste Time and Needing Quite a Few Castings Of Each

i Will Have Saved Lots Of Time Too by Not Having To Scribe Each Of Those Out.

It`s Been A Long Worthwhile Day

Casting Up Next :-D BB
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Posted by Peter on 08 Jun 2016, 08:45

Can't wait to see this finished Paul! Great project again! :thumbup:
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Posted by Beano Boy on 08 Jun 2016, 15:07

Hi Peter, and many Thanks.
The 07/06/2016 ,was an awful long day for me, but I chased away all of it by throwing myself into none stoppable work inspite of morphine that I take and other painkilling stuff.i was up and awake for over 26 hours straight,because our little Dog Bella,was very sick indeed and i would not leave her side. :(

i am thankful that I can write reams of work,and do stuff in the hobby, because it kept my mind occupied while Bella was seeking comfit near to me. Mrs B, was worried too, but leads a much more active day than myself so i was on a long vigil that`s for sure,until our little playmate our Dog Bella`s fever broke :thumbup: and she was responsive again.
As for today after 14 hours she is her playful eager self again.
As for myself i feel that i have run a Heck Of A Psychological Marathon.
So i have written this off the cuff report,
knowing many a Member on this Forum who have family pets would fully understand. ;-) BB
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Posted by Peter on 08 Jun 2016, 16:44

Good to hear that your Bella recovered well ! :thumbup:
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