
Making Stuff from Packaging

Posted by PhilC on 14 Jan 2018, 12:09

Very inventive, and impressive !!
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Posted by Wiking on 14 Jan 2018, 13:20

BB is working for an three wheeler!
The powered ones get spikes!
Logical, it is winter.
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Posted by Beano Boy on 14 Jan 2018, 15:01


:drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: " O Dear!"

:sst: " it`s a good looking splodge brush."

:winky: "One must always try and add emotive spice to the constant turning ,
of a hum drum boring and sticking topic." _____ :mrgreen: " I kinda like that Mr Winky."

My PVA Glue is in that old Curry Tub and my glob on brush too. :-D
:mrgreen: "That brush lives in there permanently." :eh: :eh: :eh: :eh: :eh: :eh: EH ?????? They all sighed.
:coffee: "I hate cleaning brushes over and over again,so a quick wipe of the brush with kitchen paper and splodge I`m good for go again."

So not meant to spoil the shot, i just forgot to remove it Dalibor. :-D BB
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Posted by Beano Boy on 14 Jan 2018, 17:05

Cutting out the parts for 39 paddles.


The Template


It is held in place on the card and the edge guids the craft knife blade.




Four Support strips are needed ,two short ones
and two longer ones for each and every wooden paddle.

The stash needed soon stacks up.


The Template is cut to size and slips in nicely.


Placed on top of each piece of required, it guides the craft knife.


Each one fits into place quite snug.
It is now time to scribe each side of the paddle in full hard on pressing.


I usually scribe with an empty pen as it saves getting ink on my fingers,but i used a full flowing pen so neatness is not required is seen.
On the right of the picture at the bottom shows where the supports will be glued into place on the front of each paddle.

So how to make the paddles has now been fully covered.

Now then where did i put my globby thick glue? BB
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Posted by Susofrick on 15 Jan 2018, 09:02

I think he use it like snuff!
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Posted by Beano Boy on 15 Jan 2018, 17:15

I`m Gluing up Stuff today so thought it high time for an .....

........ INTERLUDE

No soaked snotty snuff hanky`s about this place Gunnar. :-D
Here`s a couple of three jumbled up story`s. :eh: "EH?"
Some of which happen to be true.

A few short years after my humble beginning which set me toddling about in one direction then upon others of much interest, our Spluttering Granma Gerty, would often leave such disgusting brown snotty things about my dear Mothers place, Snuff Hanky`s full and brimming. :eh: "Yuck!" And a oozing out In front of us two small boys. Ron and little i. They were often left upon our poor spartan table, windowsill and even upon the fading pattern of our lino floor. i cannot say for the life of me that I ever loved her for it,and never did I miss her when she rode her broomstick back to wherever she came from.
I often thought as youngsters should always do,that there was no point to her except the black bent up one she wore upon her grey haired head of utter sneezing mischief. If in my younger mind or even now in my ancient one , i thought or did think that there were Witches, then most certainly she would have qualified totally as one of the worst of them.

Time now fly`s a flapping hard in an instant to our time.

Within our ivy covered home: a quite place well earned long ago by my often adventurous army life,is Just an odd assortment of jumbled toys, glue,paper, paints ,,,,,,,, :winky: and well hidden Pirate treasure of gold silver and precious gems. :-D i have long sought out a digging for it here and there,and a looking unlucky Ard for it. Wearing out many a spade and bent fork and hammers along the way. ___Well the walls in parts are over twenty feet thick! i even lowered myself 180 feet down the Well in the lowest part of this old place ,but no luck the rope and bucket i was a swaying and a standing one footed in failed to reach the bottom.So Mrs B,and Bella our dog wound me slowly back up again.
It was said Nog Bad Berty Beano, in the age of Pirating Vikings did bury a vast treasure that had been stolen away from the land of the midday sun, ( Now known as Sweden ), somewhere under the stone floor or within the walls of Scratchy Built Beano Castle upon the heights of Fiddle Wood.
A magical place where once Gnomes plied their trade making and selling strange square wheeled wagons and rather strange clockwork galloping horses. Well that is what the little people of ancient times passed quietly on by word of mouth down throughout the ages. It must be true because the tree`s when in full leafy sway upon the North Wind often huddle their tops together and talk of many an adventure of those old wind up mechanical days.

:coffee: It was said Granma Gerty met her end due to woodworm eating and munching troughout her entire crooked broomstick which finally fell splitting into dust while she was in full flight,a causing her to topple down Ard upon her head from a great awful height. __
___Yes Granma Gerty, was snuffed out at long last.BB
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Posted by Beano Boy on 19 Jan 2018, 00:12

It is good to have food for thought when scratchbuilding anything.
Meaning diagrams in this case showing how they work.
So these cover it aptly if you are the inquiring type. :-D

The wheels if made with cheap wood,would work driven by the water flow from a small pond pump.
However guys this is model making upon the toy level costing a few pennies rather than pounds.





So my last wheel,is the first wheel i designed ,
and the paddles have been made longer than the others.
They go in at a slant.
:mrgreen: " Good to see them coming to a finish."


By doing so it makes for deeper buckets.


They were soon painted and dry-brushed.

I stuck 3 in at a time so as to give a little drying time for the glue.
This avoids paddles being moved out of the required position as the wheel is turned.
There are 12 paddles that form the deep buckets on this Mill Wheel.

The first picture shows the type of overhead water shot i have determined to build.
So i`ll get back on track in a few days showing how i start to build that.

:coffee: Before i go some ideal thin free card to cut up for roofing.
:sst: " we like free."




All cut up tidy-like for flat pack stashing until it`s time to use it. :-D BB
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Posted by Susofrick on 19 Jan 2018, 08:52

I am not sure if I could call it toy level! Anyhow, it looks very promising and I look very much forward to see more of this!
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Posted by Beano Boy on 19 Jan 2018, 10:04

Thank you Gunnar. This topic can now be built up.
It has only taken 26 days to actually build these four wheels.
Working 2-3 hours each day. That`s a record for me.


Here are the four Mill-Wheels. The first two on the left are the same pattern.
The other two are both different patterns. The second wheel in from the right turns in the opposite direction from the others.

Supporting structures are ongoing in the design stage.
Walls and roofing tiles will be made using recycled cardboard.



A perfect little ready made base to dress up. :thumbup: BB
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Posted by Peter on 20 Jan 2018, 21:14

Go on Paul! It looks fantastic! :thumbup:
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Posted by Kekso on 21 Jan 2018, 14:32

Peter wrote:It looks fantastic! :thumbup:

What looks fantastic? Empty cardboard box? :mrgreen: :xd: :joker:
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Posted by Beano Boy on 21 Jan 2018, 16:20

It is Sunday. A cold wet winters day indeed and the snow is falling sleety-like in fits, and starts but thankfully here in Fiddle Wood,it has not determined to lay. Although our little courtyard of warm huddled buildings is paved somewhat in sheets of black ice.

Well as the day wore on it saw me marking out the lines i needed, and then typing this.
So i will get straight to it and fully explain

Scratch-Building Wooden Trestles


This is the next universal template that will be used for tracing the pencil around on scrap pieces of card. It shows the full height of the structure from the bottom to that of the overhead top sluice that will eventually direct the water downwards upon the cradled wheel placed within the snug pivot point duly cut out.
There will be two wooden trestles, (made in the same type style as were the wheels,) standing upon raised stone footings,one on each side of my slow turning whim of a wheel. Well at least in my imagination that does tend to rule and ink my day. ;-)

;-) ? ;-) ? ;-) ? ;-) ? ;-)? ;-)? ;-) ? ;-) ? ;-) ?____ :eh: "EH!" __ :mrgreen: "Wing Nut is already confused."

:sst: "why universal?", asked the little button who never speaks in capitals at all.

:coffee: " Good question.There will be a few other trestles made too, that will hopefully fall up and support the overhead sluice from falling down.
As i come to this close. Just beyond these structures will lay a sleepy-eyed Mill of some kind." BB
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Posted by Beano Boy on 21 Jan 2018, 16:37

Boxes come in all delighful sizes Dalibor.


Next to one of my work tables,a much larger sized box that had my new supportive chair inside it.
It arrived two days ago and soon bolted together.
Well my Mrs B,kindly fixed it up for little o`ll me. :-D BB
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Posted by Graeme on 21 Jan 2018, 19:36

Kekso wrote:What looks fantastic? Empty cardboard box? :mrgreen: :xd: :joker:

It looks like empty cardboard boxes in BB's house do turn into something that looks fantastic. It's called metamorphosis. :-)

The waterwheels look fabulous Paul, I'm looking forward to seeing the mill.
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Posted by Peter on 22 Jan 2018, 20:41

Kekso wrote:
What looks fantastic? Empty cardboard box? :mrgreen: :xd: :joker:

YES! :mrgreen:
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Posted by Beano Boy on 23 Jan 2018, 18:31

That large box houses my total collection of Nothing!
:eh: :eh: :eh: :eh: :eh: "EH?" They all in one word asked.
:mrgreen: " If it was tipped out BB,would never be able to find that collection ever again."
:read: " But plans are a foot not to tip it out at all."
:coffee: " Very true,i intend to flat pack the entire collection carefully without losing any of it."
:cowboy: " Yes Pards,and it can be opened up from time to time to see if that nothing is still in there."
That`s the Tip of The Week. :-D BB
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Posted by FredG on 23 Jan 2018, 21:08

Careful BB. I tipped out my collection of nothing and didn't find anything. Now I have to find anything just in case I need it. It's not as if I haven't bought anything lately. :eh:
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Posted by Beano Boy on 24 Jan 2018, 00:49

A slight change.


The template will help out here on the thin recycled card.


I use anything in the home as a tool. Like drawing around my medicine cup for instance.


Shorter items this time with the support curve added.

The polished fronts of the boxes i coat with PVA Glue and let it go tacky,then more glue is brushed over it again.


Then stuck down onto scrap paper card.I will need 6 layers of this thin card to make up each one. It is an easy case of repitition,and i will need four of these structures that will help support the wheels.
When the resin dries it will be quite solid construction ,and most importantly very strong.
:mrgreen: " After all half of each one is resin." Glue!


Good thick books weight it down and keeps them all flat.
The end results of these along with the higher trestles will be shown in a couple of days.BB
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Posted by Beano Boy on 31 Jan 2018, 02:41

Having made this for a few Pennies I began to dress it up for a few Pennies more. I painted it a dark brown so any gaps will be seen dark as shadows.
So I might as well explain this sticky part.


Yes I admit it does look like a fire place. :shock: :shock: :shock:
:mrgreen: "Out came the P , :cowboy: V , :read: A . :wink: Glue."

Last year I made the rubber mould for making bricks. And so it was I began to ponder upon another thoughtful measure on how to use some.
Now since I laid bricks in the garden my laying of them has not improved one iota! That`s good I would hate my walls to be looking neat proper and trim. My rule governing such things is they must be Higgledy-Piggledy: meaning Chaos and Disorder rules, and that`s a well defined neat good excuse for being as I am.


There we go a toy town effort at jumbling.
Cost a generous sounding 20 Pence.

Happy to say I started in on that huge box of double cardboard thickness.
This cardboard will save me a mint of that new plastic money.


Both sides shown.


There will be plenty of curves on this one. Now if rendered walls were required they would be glued up and sanded like the very first items were at the beginning of this ongoing topic. So Zip along there if you have interest enough to do so.




Paper card was glued onto each side and weighted down with a book.
A very strong result costing £2.00 Stirling.

There are another two oblong walls to make up in the same way, and smaller pieces that make the sluice up for channelling the water.
I will show those later after I have glued this entire bottom section together. BB
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Posted by Beano Boy on 01 Feb 2018, 18:13

:mrgreen: "A couple of tips."
:sst: "for already colored bricks, not recommended for thin plastic kits"

My little sample of supporting wall was stuck into place using thick pva glue.
However It has no visible mortar. :mrgreen: " No.not even a hint of it."

Adding The mortar line after the wall has been built up might seem an oddly strange riddle to try and solve,but it can easily be done. :-D

Method 1
Tool needed: small spray bottle.

Spray the wall with wet water ( Water with a little P V A Glue added plus a drop of washing up soap. ) Wipe off the face of the bricks leaving it still wet between the bricks,then spoon some plaster powder onto the whole wall and rub it in with the hand. Leave it for a few minutes then tap the bottom edge on the work table so the loose falls away. Do not go crazy,after all one is not knocking in six inch nails.

:sst: " why the soap bb."

That drop of soap allows the wet water to soak in,
because it breaks the surface tension _and it will go hard.

Method 2
Apply wet water as already instructed but add Talc Carbonate. :shock: ? :shock: ? :shock: ?
Baby Powder. :-D! :-D! :-D! " Of course."
The Powder is healed in by the palm of the hand. It also does make effective looking old style 200 year old walls. I have use this pleasant smelling method before upon buildings on my railway layout. BB
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