Painting Competition

53rd Painting Competition Winners

Posted by Peter on 21 Feb 2023, 21:25

First place:

Your fight is over – 20 mm by Ben90!




Second place:

Panzergrenadiere – 28 mm by T. Dürrschmidt




Third place: And because it is a draw we have two of them! ;-)

Hoplites – 20 mm by Konrad



The last of the Mohicans – 28 mm by k.b.




Congratulations! :-D

The other contestants in the competition were:

Gardefar - Bring it on! 28mm
Santi Perez - God save the Queen 20mm
Santifernandez - Battle of Montenotte Italy 1796 20mm
Kekso - Halfling scout 28 mm

Thanks for joining! :-D
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Peter  Belgium

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Posted by MABO on 21 Feb 2023, 22:17

Another fantastic competition comes to an end. Wonderful entries but for me it was - once more - no question who was the Winner.

Thanks to all of you who presented their work. It was a great show for me to follow it the last weeks.

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Posted by Ben90 on 21 Feb 2023, 23:07

A very special competition this time for everyone, I think. Thank you Peter, for making this passible, again, and thanks to all participants. I am sure, Kostis would have liked it!
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Ben90  Germany
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Posted by Bessiere on 22 Feb 2023, 00:26

Excellent work by all who entered. Lots of merit in every work. I'm stunned by the sheer volume of superb modelling shared here, each years competition bringing out multiple masterworks. I am always inspired by the work you all submit so thank you very much!
Bessiere  United States of America
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Posted by T. Dürrschmidt on 22 Feb 2023, 00:50

Thanks for a great I saw the entries I had no doubt about the future winner....the Idea of a warrior being taken to Valhalla by a Valkyrie....ingenious......aswell as the modelling and painting work, especially the painted blue light effects. Great!

And also respect and congratulations to all other competitors. Great entries.

Best regards from Bavaria

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T. Dürrschmidt  Germany
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Posted by Kekso on 22 Feb 2023, 07:32

It was obvious from the start who will win. And this isn't negative comment.
My congratulations and respect to Ben90.
I also like to thank to all participants.
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Kekso  Croatia

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Posted by Konrad on 22 Feb 2023, 08:08

When I met the Valkyrie right away in the first round, I knew that this was the winner.
Just great. My respect Ben90!
The Bavarian Panzergrenadiers get a deserved second place. As always top quality.
Head to head with k.b.
Very nice figs and very nice pictures.Congratulations.
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Posted by k.b. on 22 Feb 2023, 11:57

Like everyone else as soon as I saw the first photo of Ben’s Valkyrie I knew who the winner was….. saying that there was a nice variety of entries on display, albeit a poor turn out (small number of entries), considering the importance of this particular competition.
Congratulations Ben, once again! Your storytelling ability only had one serious competitor…..but so sadly it’s fitting that this competition was in his honour! Thank you for pushing us all to improve ours!
k.b.  Brazil
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Posted by Susofrick on 22 Feb 2023, 13:32

It wasn't that hard to guess who had done what this time and Ben's entry was something that stuck among the very strong entries in this competition. It was a hard vote every time because all the entries were so great, but Ben's is a very good winner!
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Posted by santifernandez on 22 Feb 2023, 19:24

congratulations to all the participants and especially to the memory of a colleague who left.
The entries have been of great quality.
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santifernandez  Spain
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Posted by Bluefalchion on 24 Feb 2023, 06:04

Every time I clicked on any post for this excellent painting competition, I shed tears of mingled sorrow and joy over all the wonderful entries.

I never got to meet Kostis in person, although he invited me and my boys to Crete more than once. If only we could have made it.

I know he would be very proud to see every entry, and even more proud to learn that the contest was held in his honor. My very best congratulations to each and every one of you, all winners in my eyes.
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Bluefalchion  United States of America
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Posted by Rich W on 25 Feb 2023, 01:01

Congratulations to everyone who took part, all the entries were excellent. And thank you Peter for organising it all!
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Posted by Strolch on 26 Feb 2023, 11:53

Congratulations to all participants. They are all fantastic works :yeah:
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Posted by Santi Pérez on 26 Feb 2023, 19:21

I join all the opinions already posted, especially these:

Ben90 wrote:A very special competition this time for everyone, I think. Thank you Peter, for making this passible, again, and thanks to all participants. I am sure, Kostis would have liked it!

T. Dürrschmidt wrote:Thanks for a great I saw the entries I had no doubt about the future winner....the Idea of a warrior being taken to Valhalla by a Valkyrie....ingenious......aswell as the modelling and painting work, especially the painted blue light effects. Great!
And also respect and congratulations to all other competitors. Great entries...

Kekso wrote:It was obvious from the start who will win. And this isn't negative comment.
My congratulations and respect to Ben90.
I also like to thank to all participants.

Bluefalchion wrote:...I know he would be very proud to see every entry, and even more proud to learn that the contest was held in his honor. My very best congratulations to each and every one of you, all winners in my eyes.

I can only add my own experience of this my first time participating in this much admired competition. In previous editions I always became admired of the high level of so varied and amazing entries. :shock:

I never imagined I would be up against such masterpieces, but this time it was special. When I read that on this ocassion the competition was going to honour Kostis Ornerakis, I felt the need to join, because of my deep admiration and respect for both the person and the modeller/painter. :love1:

I thought that all the places offered would be filled immediately, so I had to decide quickly what I could do and get the conversion and painting done in record time by my usual standards. :sweatdrop:

With the fresh memories of the trip to London in July to attend my daughter's college graduation, I decided that it would be a good idea to portrait a member of the Queen's Guard as a modest tribute to her Platinum Jubilee (How could I have known when I carried out my project that shortly afterwards it would also be a tribute to the late sovereign?) :(



Two things struck me as the competition began to unfold: the length of time that elapsed between entries, and the small number that finally took part. :shock:

I still have no explanation for the second one, but the first was completely clear for me once I could see the astonishing entries presented. :love:

Although I quickly realised that I had no chance of winning, I enjoyed very much this experience and learned that I will have to improve a lot in my future participations. :mrgreen:

My deepest thanks and respect to all forum moderators and members that make possible this competition and other activities can go on. :-D

In order not to be less than the rest of the competitors, as soon as I can, I will post a report with pictures of the origin, development and final result of my project. ;-)

My best regards for you all. :-)

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Santi Pérez  Spain
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Posted by MABO on 27 Feb 2023, 15:16

Hey Santi, for me it was obvious that the Guardsman was from your painting table. I like it very much as well. But in the end it was a tough competition.
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MABO  Europe
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Posted by Santi Pérez on 01 Mar 2023, 21:07

MABO wrote:...I like it very much as well. But in the end it was a tough competition.

Thanks so much, Jan. :-)

MABO wrote:Hey Santi, for me it was obvious that the Guardsman was from your painting table...

Ugh, the fact that my style is so easily recognisable would make it a bit difficult for me to participate in the duel anonymously, as much as Mr. X or any of his rivals. :mrgreen:

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Santi Pérez  Spain
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