
Minairons previews 1:144 Breguet XIX

Posted by Lluis of Minairons on 30 Nov 2016, 22:39


It's been a long time since our latest addition to our SCW aircraft range, a perhaps longer than wished lapse of time. However, now we've retaken the range placing on workbench a Breguet XIX, a two-seat biplane that was the Spanish Republic Air Forces standard bomber before the outburst of civil war, and was intensively used by both sides in the very first stages of that conflict.


Model itself will be quite easy to build --with no more than 8 parts besides of pilot and gunner. A few smaller parts will be white metal made, while the larger ones will be high quality resin.


We are planning to complement the model kit with a decals sheet that will include markings for both SCW sides, naturally --but we had also in mind to also add some early WWII identifiers. We're thinking of Greek and Polish ones; would you support this choice?

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Lluis of Minairons  Europe
Posts: 259
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18 Sep 2013, 11:09

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