
Pendraken's 2017 Releases!

Posted by Leon Pendraken on 02 Mar 2017, 21:45

I hope this is OK to put here, I thought it best to keep them all our 10mm releases in one place rather than post each one separately!

We've been previewing these for a while and they're now available! There's 5 different types in this first release, including four houses and a barn type. The quality on these is outstanding, so all credit to John at Ironclad for his work on them.

Eastern Front -
SCN-EF01 Russian house, type 1 (Size: 65x50mm) £4.00
SCN-EF02 Russian house, type 2 (Size: 70x50mm) £4.00
SCN-EF03 Russian house with lean-to (Size: 85x50mm) £4.50
SCN-EF04 Russian house, L-shaped (Size: 75x60mm) £4.50
SCN-EF05 Russian barn (Size: 85x55mm) £4.50

And the pics:

EF01 - Russian house, type 1

EF02 - Russian house, type 2

EF03 - Russian house, with lean-to

EF04 - Russian house, L-shaped

EF05 - Russian barn
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Leon Pendraken  United Kingdom
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Posted by zirrian on 03 Mar 2017, 12:32

While absolutely unrelated to the subject (really nice houses!) I was considering putting together some 10mm fantasy armies to play Armies of Arcana with them as I'm getting a bit fed up with painting huge armies for 28mm...we'll see how it goes.
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Posted by Leon Pendraken on 05 Mar 2017, 20:32

zirrian wrote:While absolutely unrelated to the subject (really nice houses!) I was considering putting together some 10mm fantasy armies to play Armies of Arcana with them as I'm getting a bit fed up with painting huge armies for 28mm...we'll see how it goes.

Let me know if we can help with that, we've recently revamped all of our Fantasy ranges for our Warband rules.

While I've been busy with BKC, Dave's had the moulding machine working overtime to get a load of new vehicles sorted in time for Hammerhead this weekend. First up we've got some brand new FT-17's, with round and hexagonal turrets in both 37mm and machine gun variants. Plus we've added the command tank for good measure!

French -
F36 FT-17, hexagonal turret, 37mm £2.80
F37 FT-17, hexagonal turret, MG £2.80
F38 FT-17, round turret, 37mm £2.80
F39 FT-17, round turret, MG £2.80
F40 FT-17 Command tank £2.80

And pics of course:

F36 - FT-17, hexagonal turret, 37mm

F37 - FT-17, hexagonal turret, MG

F38 - FT-17, round turret, 37mm

F39 - FT-17, round turret, MG

F40 - FT-17 Command tank
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Leon Pendraken  United Kingdom
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Posted by Leon Pendraken on 06 Mar 2017, 22:52

Our 10mm Modern vehicle range is continually being added to, and we've got a variety of excellent new releases for you here.

First up, we've got the last of the 'M' variants we previewed last year, starting with the Pershings. Over 2000 M26's were produced in total, with only a very small number being the M45 version we've got here as well. We've also had some spare tracks done as well, so you can now add some useful armour plating to your vehicles.

Elsewhere we've got the M60 tank, in both A1 and A2 versions. This one was produced in huge numbers, over 15,000 across it's many variants, and saw its main action during the Arab-Israeli Yom-Kippur War. The A2 'Starship' version had a completely new turret with both the 152mm gun and the Shillelagh anti-tank missile system.

And finally, a little treat for fsn as we've got the Centurion bridgelayer ready! This is a huge piece of kit, with the bulked up Centurion plus bridge mechanism and the bridge itself, hence the higher pricing on it. We're looking forward to seeing it in a game though!

Modern Vehicles
MDV42 M26 Pershing, 90mm £3.50
MDV43 M45 Pershing, 105mm £3.50
MDV44 Separate tracks for turrets (x10) £1.65
MDV45 M60A1, 105mm £3.50
MDV46 M60A2 'Starship', 152mm + AT missile £3.50
MDV47 Centurion Bridge layer with bridge £10.00

And the pics:

MDV42 - M26 Pershing

MDV43 - M45 Pershing

MDV44 - Track armour

MDV45 - M60A1

MDV46 - M60A2

MDV47 - Centurion Bridgelayer
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Leon Pendraken  United Kingdom
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Posted by zirrian on 07 Mar 2017, 10:27

You make it really hard to resist grabbing some 10mm tanks and look for a game...
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zirrian  Hungary
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Posted by Leon Pendraken on 08 Mar 2017, 00:08

zirrian wrote:You make it really hard to resist grabbing some 10mm tanks and look for a game...

Thanks! We've got a little more temptation for you then...!

We've gone a bit Sherman mad recently, but this lot finishes off all of the variants we've got planned for the 10mm US lists. There's a few more coming for the Brits, but we'll update with those when they're ready. This little collection have got the mid-war hull with a selection of turrets.

American -
A66 M4A1 Sherman, mid-war, 75mm £3.00
A67 M4A1 Sherman, mid-war, early 76mm £3.00
A68 M4A1 Sherman, mid-war, late 76mm £3.00

And some pics:

A66 - M4A1 Sherman, mid-war, 75mm

A67 - M4A1 Sherman, mid-war, early 76mm

A68 - M4A1 Sherman, mid-war, late 76mm

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Leon Pendraken  United Kingdom
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Posted by Leon Pendraken on 09 Mar 2017, 23:56

The vehicle production line continues this week, with a mix of revamps and new models for you now.

First up we've got an addition for the French, in the form of the Laffly W15 TCC, or “Tracteur Chasseur de Chars”, meaning tank hunter tractor. Only 62 of these were made but it's a handy little addition to the range. Moving on to the Germans, with the newer Tigers now in circulation we've had the Sturmtiger conversion done as well.

Finally, we've got three releases for the Soviets. With our revamped KV chassis' we've now been able to make some much better IS-2 and ISU-152 models, plus as a new addition we've got the ISU-122 as well. This lot were produced in rather larger numbers, with 3850 x IS-2's, 1150 x ISU-122's and a massive 4,600 x ISU-152's made. So you'll need a few for your armies...!

FRE59 Laffly W15 TCC £2.80

GR85 Sturmtiger £3.50

SV39 IS-2 £3.20
SV43 IS-152 £3.20
SV78 IS-122 £3.20

And some pics:

FRE59 - Laffly W15

GR85 - Sturmtiger

SV39 - IS-2

SV43 - ISU-152

SV78 - ISU-122
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Leon Pendraken  United Kingdom
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Posted by Beano Boy on 10 Mar 2017, 02:15

Very nice pictures of those new buildings,I expect they would suit many a person into small scale gaming. BB
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Posted by Susofrick on 10 Mar 2017, 08:43

Cute! :-D
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Posted by Leon Pendraken on 11 Mar 2017, 00:16

A nice little addition for you now, with a useful pack of 16 assorted shell craters added to the website and available to buy! These can be used in all manner of ways, so whether it's as scenery on your WWI tables or markers in your WWII gamers, these will certainly find a use somewhere.

The craters vary in size from 15mm for the small ones upto 35mm for the larger types, so useful for 6mm upto 15mm games.

Generic - ... ric-sc360/
SCN-GEN1 Shell craters x 16, assorted sizes £4.00

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Leon Pendraken  United Kingdom
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Posted by Leon Pendraken on 05 Apr 2017, 21:52

We've also been working on a variety of new scenery items, so there's some nice additions in this lot.

First up we've got some MDF fencing, in both regular and snakerail versions. We've been doing some tests with resin fencing for some time now but at this scale it can be quite fragile, so while we continue with that we thought we'd release some MDF ones as well. These packs contain 10 lengths of fence, each 80mm long and 7/8mm high, with the regular fencing coming with an integral base included as well. We've included a shot of some ACW figures with them to give an indication of size.

Next up is some more craters for the 20th C. crowd. The smaller ones released last month have proved extremely popular, so we've added these larger sizes as well, ranging from 40mm-55mm in width. There's a pic of them with a tank to give an indication of size.

And finally we've got some broken stone walls! We've already added irregular versions of our hedges, so it made sense to add some broken/breached stone walls to the range as well. As with the other walls/hedges packs, there are 4 sections per pack (2 of each type) with each section being 80mm long.

Walls & Hedges - ... ges-sc338/
SCN-WLH16 4 x Stone wall broken sections, to make 320mm of walls. £3.00

Generic - ... ric-sc360/
SCN-GEN2 Shell craters x 8, sizes range from 40mm-55mmm £4.00

MDF Products - ... cts-sc364/
SCN-MDF1 Wooden fencing x 10 lengths £3.00
SCN-MDF2 Snake rail fencing x 10 lengths £3.00

And the pics:

SCN-WLH16 - Broken stone walls

SCN-GEN2 - Large shell craters

SCN-MDF1 - Wooden fencing

SCN-MDF2 - Snake rail fencing

And a shot of the craters with a British tank:
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Leon Pendraken  United Kingdom
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Posted by Leon Pendraken on 06 Apr 2017, 23:45

We've got a couple of WWII vehicles ready for you next!

First up is a Sherman for the Soviet range! After the UK, the Soviets were the biggest users of Sherman tanks through the lend-lease program, and they took over 2000 of this M4A2 version with the 76mm gun. As we've been giving so much attention to the Shermans recently it made sense to sneak this one in as well.

Our other release here is the oft-requested M11/39 for the Italians. This one was moulded a short while ago but we'd not managed to get it photo'd up and released properly.

Soviet - ... ian-sc128/
SV79 Sherman M4A2, early 76mm turret £3.00

Italian - ... ian-sc126/
ITA26 M11/39 tank £2.80

And the pics:

SV79 - Sherman M4A2, 76mm

ITA26 - M11/39
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Leon Pendraken  United Kingdom
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Posted by Beano Boy on 07 Apr 2017, 00:06

A really good display of tiny products well fit for war gaming,
and for hobby painting and presenting activities. BB
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Posted by Leon Pendraken on 08 Apr 2017, 22:07

Thanks for the reply!
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Leon Pendraken  United Kingdom
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Posted by Leon Pendraken on 18 Apr 2017, 23:08

In between packaging stock, prepping orders, and cramming it all in the van, we've managed to get some last minute releases ready for Salute!

With our expanding Napoleonic ranges we've been wanting to add some new flagsheets for some time, so we turned to the talented Tony Hughes to help us out! This first lot covers the Austrians, Brits, French, Prussians and Russians, with some other nations planned for the future.

Napoleonic Flags -
PNFL501 1792 Austrian
PNFL502 1806 Austrian
PNFL503 1815 British, type 1
PNFL504 1815 British, type 2
PNFL505 1815 British, type 3
PNFL506 1804 French
PNFL507 1815 French
PNFL508 1808 Prussian, type 1
PNFL509 1808 Prussian, type 1
PNFL510 Prussian Landwehr
PNFL511 1803 Russian, type 1
PNFL512 1803 Russian, type 2
PNFL513 1803 Russian, type 3

All priced at £2.50 per sheet

And the pics!














We hope you like them!
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Leon Pendraken  United Kingdom
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Posted by Leon Pendraken on 08 Jun 2017, 21:44

We had these through just after Salute but it's taken a little longer to get them photo'd and up onto the new website.  The delay turned out to be a positive though, as it meant we were able to get some extra painted shots of them done, courtesy of Paul Davies!  He's just done a review article for Wargames Illustrated which can be found here:

Scenery Items
ACW Buildings -
SCN-ACW2    Small farmhouse, clapboard     £5.00
SCN-ACW3    Small farmhouse, timber     £5.00
SCN-ACW4    Large farmhouse, clapboard     £6.00
SCN-ACW5    Large farmhouse, stone     £6.00
SCN-ACW6    Small barn, timber      £5.00
SCN-ACW7    Large barn, stone/timber     £5.50
SCN-ACW8    Lutheran Church (Antietam)     £8.00

Moving on to the pics, we've got bare resin, then painted, then painted and based to choose from!

SCN-ACW2 - Small farmhouse, clapboard

SCN-ACW3 - Small farmhouse, timber

SCN-ACW4 - Large farmhouse, clapboard

SCN-ACW5 - Large farmhouse, stone

SCN-ACW6 - Small barn, timber

SCN-ACW7 - Large barn, stone/timber

SCN-ACW8 - Lutheran Church

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Leon Pendraken  United Kingdom
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Posted by Leon Pendraken on 10 Jul 2017, 01:00

Things on the release front have been a bit quiet recently while we're working on BKC-III, but Dave's been steadily building a stack of new vehicles on the desk so I thought it was about time to get them released. The thread title is a bit misleading though as a lot of these are revamps, with some new vehicles thrown in as well.

For the Brits, we've got some more Sherman revamps, plus two new M3 Stuarts with the early rivet and later turrets. Moving to artillery, we've done a bit of work on the 25pdr and added the earlier version with the muzzle brake.

On the German side, the new Panther models are all ready and released, as well as a rather random Beobachtungspanzer version, of which there was only one produced! So naturally, most folks will need at least 3 of them...!

The Soviets have got a better T-26 model (which I know has changed previously) but we weren't completely happy with it so asked the designer to do a fresh base model to be used for T-26's and Vickers E's further down the line.

And finally we've got a single French release, with the AMC-35 ready to go. This is essentially the same as the Belgian ACG-1 tank, so it'll be of use to a future Belgian range as well.

The revamped models are all in italics, new releases in regular font.

Vehicles -
BRV14 M4A1 Sherman, 75mm gun, sand skirts £3.00

BRV18 M4 Sherman, 105mm gun £3.00

BRV21 M4A4 Sherman V, 75mm gun, camo £3.00

BRV28 M4A1 Sherman, 75mm, back box, sand skirts £3.00
BRV29 M4A4 Sherman, 75mm, field armour £3.00
BRV30 M4A4 Sherman ‘Firefly’, 17pdr, field armour £3.00

BRV56 M3 Stuart ‘Honey, mid turret £2.80

BRV63 M31 Sherman ARV £3.00

BRV65 Sexton SPG 25pdr £3.00

BRV101 M3 Stuart ‘Honey’, early turret £2.80
BRV102 M3 Stuart ‘Honey’, late turret £2.80

Artillery -
BRA14 25pdr field gun with crew, ammo trailer £2.80
BRA15 25pdr field gun, 8th Army crew, ammo trailer £2.80

BRA22 25pdr field gun, no muzzle brake, crew, ammo trailer £2.80
BRA23 25pdr field gun, no muzzle brake, 8th Army crew, ammo trailer £2.80

Vehicles -
GRV22 Tiger 2, Henschel turret, with zimmerit £3.50

GRV25 Panther A £3.50
GRV26 Panther D £3.50
GRV27 Panther G £3.50
GRV28 Panther A, zimmerit £3.50
GRV29 Panther D, camouflaged £3.50

GRV31 Jagdpanther £3.50

GRV109 Beobachtungspanzer Panther £3.50

Vehicles -
SVV1 T-26 S £2.80

SVV24 TT-34 Engineer tank £2.80

SVV38/SCV4 T-26 B £2.80

French -
FRE60 Renault AMC-35 £2.80

And some pics:

BRV18 - M4 Sherman, 105mm gun

BRV30 - M4A4 Sherman 'Firefly' 17pdr, field armour

GRV22 - Tiger 2, Henschel turret, with zimmerit

GRV27 - Panther G

SVV38 - T-26 B

FRE60 - AMC-35

We've got some more terrain items to come this week as well, so keep an eye out for those.
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Leon Pendraken  United Kingdom
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Posted by Leon Pendraken on 12 Jul 2017, 00:22

John at Ironclad has been working on some more useful scenic items for us, so we've got some handy artillery markers and also some haystacks.  

The artillery markers come in two types and are based on 15mm circles.  These can be used either as markers for your artillery units or just simply as a bit of extra scenery on the table.  The haystacks contain 4 types (2 of each in the pack) and vary from around 15mm wide up to 25mm wide.  Both of these releases are on the website £4.00 per pack.

Scenic Items
Generic -
SCN-GEN3    Artillery markers x 16    £4.00
SCN-GEN4    Haystacks x 8    £4.00

SCN-GEN3 - Artillery markers

SCN-GEN4 - Haystacks

And a quick pic of them with a figure:


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Leon Pendraken  United Kingdom
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Posted by MABO on 20 Jul 2017, 23:40

Maybe you should think about supporting this forum. You are using it to inform about products and events for quite a long time. This is interesting - but also commercial. So I think Benno would really appreciate, if you would become a supportive member here.
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Posted by Kekso on 22 Jul 2017, 16:35

MABO wrote:Maybe you should think about supporting this forum

Why do you think so, Jan? This forum runs on milk&cookies :mrgreen:
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