
Digging in the garden

Posted by Susofrick on 30 May 2023, 12:00

Three years ago we started cleaning mother-in-law's flowerbeds from stuff we didn't like to see there. It was pretty much so we hired a tiller and started. But we didn't know what we were dealing with. The most common plants were:

And all of them were quite happy for our use of a tiller. They spread! All over! And now I have been using a fork and my hands to get rid of all these terrible rootsystems. None of them are useable in the hobby. But last year I came up with a little gem! A foal! That survived the tiller!


The missus vaguely remembers it. So it probably been there for quite some time.

This year I found a horse! One of her brothers vaguely remembers it. So it's the same there.


My guess is that it is a Giant horse or a copy. I only had Airfix in the smaller scale.

The wonder is not that they are there, children play and lose stuff all the time, but that they have survived.

And here they are together with Strelets horse:

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Susofrick  Sweden
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Posted by C M Dodson on 30 May 2023, 14:51

The second one brings back memories.

If it is hollow I believe it came from the cowboy and Indians sets that were very popular in plastic bags.

Useless sculpting but great for massed attacks as a child and Lego bullet/ soil bombs proof.

Best wishes,

C M Dodson  United Kingdom
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Posted by MABO on 30 May 2023, 21:45

C M Dodson wrote:The second one brings back memories.

If it is hollow I believe it came from the cowboy and Indians sets that were very popular in plastic bags.

Useless sculpting but great for massed attacks as a child and Lego bullet/ soil bombs proof.

Best wishes,


I still have some of those in my collection. I used to play with them as well. :thumbup:
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MABO  Europe
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Posted by Peter on 02 Jun 2023, 21:15

MABO wrote:
I still have some of those in my collection. I used to play with them as well. :thumbup:

These GIANT figures were in fact the first 1/72 scale figures I had. I was 6 years old and they were a gift from my parents because of a good result at school. It was a bag like this:



And I still have a whole lot of them. When I have time I make pictures and post them in a new topic. ;-)

@Gunnar: keep on digging my friend you never know what other treasures/figures you can find. ;-) :thumbup:
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Peter  Belgium

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Posted by Xantippos on 19 Jan 2024, 10:38

When I was a little boy one of my pastimes would be digging in the garden to find lost 1/72 toy soldiers, basically ones that my brother had lost in "intense" battles and subsequent explosions. It was great fun. We also found two real bullets, a rat skull, and a dog's teeth that almost seemed human!
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