
hobby tools

Posted by dykio on 30 Jan 2023, 21:49

Hi guys,

i dont know how you guys keep the tools which you use for youre miniatures but i always make a mess of it.

so this is what i have :

these are al kinds of stuff from hobby knives to paperclips. small drills, pliers, small plasticcards and whatever i think is handy. As you can see this is al very tidy ( :-D :-D )



than the painting stuff.
these are al the paints i use. not to many but more then enough

and a very very cheap plastic paint palet (also very clean :-D )

next brushes. i used to buy expensive ones but because i didnt clean them properly they lasted not to long. so now i buy just cheap ones...

the rest is stuff i use for dioramas and that is cheap wallpaint and everything else i think is usable...




so just out of curiosity i ask you guys how do you stuff youre working materials ?
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dykio  Netherlands
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Posted by Kekso on 31 Jan 2023, 11:12

It seems that you are well organized comparing to my hobby space.

If you need more brushes we would be happy to send you some :xd: :xd: :xd: :xd: :xd:
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Posted by Minuteman on 31 Jan 2023, 11:30

It is always good to see how other Forum members and fellow-hobbyists organise their 'tools of the trade'. Thanks for the photos.

I tend to keep tools in one box, glues and filers in another, and paintbrushes standing upright in old mugs etc. It is a bit untidy at times, but generally it works for me. I have a plastic cabinet for paints, and with a couple of hundred Vallejo pots I organise these into colour groups and then bring out the ones I need for a particular painting project and have these on the painting table in a semi-organised plastic tray/holder.

It is good to see that you, like me, seem to collect paint brushes! I keep my dice separately, so am interested to see yours in the tool box. :yeah: :-D
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Minuteman  United Kingdom
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Posted by Peter on 31 Jan 2023, 20:20

I refuse to show pictures of my whole home! :mrgreen:

Nice topic and welcome back Dykio! ;-) :thumbup:
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Posted by Susofrick on 01 Feb 2023, 09:28

Very nice. My stuff is a bit all over. I lost my box of Prussian Dragoons somewhere in the hobby room. That's how tidy the hobby room is right now.
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Posted by Konrad on 01 Feb 2023, 13:23

Everything looks very neat on you.
Are you so tidy or is it your wife's will? :-D

My wife forced me to use these boxes.

As you can see, I don't have so many brushes.
That's all I need for painting.

My favourite colours.


When I want to paint many figures at the same time.

My rec room.



So I'm not as well equipped as you are, and I'm not as tidy either.
I hope my wife doesn't see your pictures. ;-)
Then I can listen to something again. :oops:
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Posted by Bessiere on 01 Feb 2023, 18:50

On the subject of tools I come up with a good solution to pliers that only hold a figure due to teeth that grab it. You can use 2 pieces of leather or tough rubber and glue to the inside surfaces so the teeth don't mar the figure and chew it up. Just superglue the pads and cut off the excess.
My work area is a cutting mat set on top of my laptop keyboard. bits of plastic, metal and paint all gumming up the keys yet the computer keeps on chugging after 6 years. For storage I got a nice cart on rollers and I've attached 2 - 45 bottle paint racks on the side yet need 3 boxes to hold other paints in.
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Posted by JurgenH on 01 Feb 2023, 21:20

Good evening all
Here my workplace
First I have cutting board and PC. My tool box. A jar with tweezers and tongs. My brush case Two drawers with colors A drawer with my cutters and grinders. My eletr, mini drill with transformer. The two desk drawers left cutter and sheets, right washes and measuring tools.










This area is in our dining room, therefore always (almost) neat. My painting area, poison kitchen, model store and spare parts store are in the basement.
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Posted by JurgenH on 02 Feb 2023, 21:52

Good evening
I wanted to see if anyone else wanted to show their work place. It occurred to me that I could show some of my self-made tools and aids.
Here are some tools I made. I have seen the models on the Internet or on retail sites. Some things are also my ideas.



For example : The 2 finger saw, wire organizer, the wooden block for the painting aid that becomes a vise. Cast branches covered with different types of emery for hard-to-reach places. The punch and die set is reproduced, as is the ruler for cutting plastic profiles to length. I'm happy to answer any questions.
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Posted by Iceman1964 on 04 Feb 2023, 19:05

Here is my "mancave" :-D

the workdesk with various tools I'm using now


the two dressers for the tools when not used


the paints

all boxes and containers

the box with the cork pieces, bases for the future dioramas


Ciao all :P
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Iceman1964  Italy
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Posted by PhilC on 05 Feb 2023, 13:06

Alright gentlemen, I think it's high time to stop this!

With the pictures above, any ordinary (meaning not figure painter :mrgreen: ) person would believe that this hobby is an activity for only very well organized people. I must say that it is not the truth, and I mean to prove it right now. Here you are my painting room in the basement of the house - a place where I keep my gardening tools, my old packing boxes, etc...





So this place is a mess, and the tools can be anywhere, particularly in other rooms in the house !

Among all this improbable stuff, this is my painting desk: only a few old brushes (need to replace them one of these days), some paint pots, a few figures here and there, a couple of knives, some more figures all around, some glue, and even more unfinished figures...


More a "bearcave" than a "mancave" :-D
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