

Posted by Beano Boy on 03 Feb 2014, 18:06

My Wife has bought for me the 4 Volume Set Napoleonic Uniforms by John R Elting.These book`s are Reference Book`s containing thousands of finely painted plates of Napoleonic uniforms from all the Nations that ever fought in those cruel wars.These book`s I could only ever study at the Norwich City Library and they were so expensive that one could never get them out on loan. So only on rare ocasions could I ever hope to see these book`s,and the Library only had two of these book`s ,because they are very Rare Book`s. So now I look forward to see the two book`s that I have never seen in this Set. I have agreed to wait untill our Anniversary to take a first look at them,but I was very unsure about her spending so much money on Me.My Wife Mrs B said to little old me," You deserve these book`s Paul,because you worked damm hard for this money all those years ago." Let me explain. Many years ago. 32 Years in fact,I paid a Max amount of money into a Pension and Insurance Fund! It has now matured by over 1200%,and so we can after many years of hardship,money wise that is.Well we can afford to splashout on little something`s for each other.Reality is though there is not really anything that we need,so most of this money will go to helping out all my 5 children and my Grandchildren.I feel,it to be far to much to late in my life,but it will help out my family in a wise way.For me the book`s will be that Rare Gem,that I thought I`d never,ever have. or indeed see.
Beano Boy  England
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03 Sep 2013, 14:45

Posted by Beano Boy on 03 Feb 2014, 20:41

Gosh! I forgot to add,What sort of book`s do you like?
Beano Boy  England
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Posts: 8100
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03 Sep 2013, 14:45

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