
Enamel Paint`s

Posted by Beano Boy on 27 Jan 2014, 06:05

I have never been one that accepts changes lightly. I guess I am best described as, a Stick in the Mud! Well because I use Enamel Paints when painting my model figures, I was very concerned with the news that the oil based spirit which had been used for Donkey Years in the paint had been banned by the court in Brussels. My style of painting is best described as a Toy Soldier Style, and that's great for me, and I know there are countless numbers out there who use Water Based Paints, to paint their model figures. This is all well and good for them,and some achieve a very high standard of success in doing so. Yes, some Great work has been placed upon this Forum from some highly respected Artist`s, but I am straying from the point of this Topic about paint and the use of. Revell Semi Matt Paints now have what I see as a type of plastic in them which is Vinyl, and I do think everyone knows what Vinyl paint is. Well I recently bought several pot`s of this enamel paint with this new legal makeup, and surprisingly I have found it to be much better then the old stuff! I often mix Semi Matt & Matt paints together to give a better end result especially when painting Horses, and there is no problems doing so using these new paints. I took these photos which shows the Vinyl strands from the tin which is no real problem when painting, and I thought it to be the best way to show you what I have been writing about.


....This is because there is now no longer need to varnish over it to protect my work, which is Great! I`ll still give my models a wash over if I deem it necessary, but I make my own up anyway. I am not saying all Semi Matt paint has Vinyl in it, but the paint that I use does. The stuff skins over quite nicely for me, and seems tough as old boots, and so will save me the expense of buying tins of Clear Varnish! Any saving in this day and age is GREAT! Thank you for taking time out to read this.
Last edited by armpcm on 27 Jan 2014, 10:16, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Correction of text
Beano Boy  England
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Posted by armpcm on 27 Jan 2014, 10:20

Hi Paul,

Thanks for this quick review on the "new" formula that Revell as done to their range, BTW nice Daleks. :-)
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armpcm  Portugal

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Posted by Paul on 27 Jan 2014, 18:33

The stringy paint could have a lot of uses..Spider webs for one.
Beano Boy wrote:had been banned by the court in Brussels. .

Helsinki. the REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals) legislation, basically it controls all imports into the EU area in order to protect health and enviroment and isn´t enforceable (fully) until 2018.
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Paul  China
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