Work in Progress


Posted by Ochoin on 15 Mar 2024, 20:17

I've been re-vamping my Scottish walled town for our ECW gaming.


I'll need to acquire 3 more wall sections from Anyscale & I think I'll make a separate base board for it but I think this will provide some nice enough terrain to fight over.

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Ochoin  Scotland
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Posted by Rich W on 17 Mar 2024, 17:25

These look very good Donald
Rich W  United Kingdom
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Posted by CliosPaintingBench on 20 Mar 2024, 14:06

Donald's going to make Mexico pay for this wall too! :p

Sorry, couldn't resist, the stone work is great, looks like a foundation of foam to me
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CliosPaintingBench  Australia
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Posted by Ochoin on 21 Mar 2024, 09:06

CliosPaintingBench wrote:Donald's going to make Mexico pay for this wall too! :p

Sorry, couldn't resist, the stone work is great, looks like a foundation of foam to me

Resin, actually. You coming up here for a game anytime soon? I'd love to introduce you to ECW gaming.

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Ochoin  Scotland
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Posted by Santi Pérez on 21 Mar 2024, 18:30

Rich W wrote:These look very good Donald

I totally agree with Rich, Donald. :thumbup:

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Santi Pérez  Spain
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Posted by MABO on 22 Mar 2024, 16:16

A very nice ensemble!
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Posted by CliosPaintingBench on 26 Mar 2024, 14:06

Ochoin wrote:
Resin, actually. You coming up here for a game anytime soon? I'd love to introduce you to ECW gaming.


I'd love to give ir a shot too, but I'd need to find the time, you're a bit further than a short drive haha. I'll try to come up soon!
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CliosPaintingBench  Australia
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Posted by Beano Boy on 30 Mar 2024, 10:30

Hi donald, is the postage cost from the United Kingdom to OZ! more than the items cost? BB
Beano Boy  England
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Posted by Beano Boy on 31 Mar 2024, 23:50

Beano Boy wrote: Hi donald,what is the postage cost from the United Kingdom to OZ ? is it more than the items cost? BB
Beano Boy  England
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Posted by Ochoin on 01 Apr 2024, 04:35

Beano Boy wrote:Hi donald, is the postage cost from the United Kingdom to OZ! more than the items cost? BB

I've just bought 3 wall sections & a ruined tower from the lovely man at Anyscale.
These items cost $81 Australian dollars.
The P&P was quoted at $68. However, I was refunded $15 when the exact price for postage was ascertained. So, $53 - a bit less than 2/3rds. Expensive? Yes but when you live at the other end of the earth, what can you expect?

BTW the refund often happens with Anyscale orders. Most companies would just pocket the difference & I'd be none the wiser. Anyscale are a quality organisation.

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Ochoin  Scotland
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