Work in Progress

Steppes Warriors (Set1)

Posted by Konrad on 17 Feb 2024, 14:37

I have started painting these nice figs.
I particularly like the horses.



Will be continued...
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Konrad  Germany
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Posted by CliosPaintingBench on 17 Feb 2024, 14:51

Love the blended highlights and the clear metals on the barding. Masterful as always!
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CliosPaintingBench  Australia
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Posted by MABO on 17 Feb 2024, 17:35

Nice job, Konrad, I like this set as well.
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Posted by JurgenH on 17 Feb 2024, 18:27

Beautiful painting on the horses. I particularly like the metal effects. I'm looking forward to seeing the riders.
JurgenH  Germany
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Posted by Michael Robert on 17 Feb 2024, 20:41

Hallo Konrad,
you know that I'm a fan of you. These horses are really nicely paint. Good colour choice
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Posted by blacksmith on 17 Feb 2024, 22:39

I think this box is the best from DA so far.Great painted horses. I would try some darker tones as well.
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blacksmith  Spain
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Posted by sberry on 18 Feb 2024, 18:06

Awesome paintjob!
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sberry  Germany
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Posted by Peter on 22 Feb 2024, 23:07

Looking at these fine painted horses I can't wait to see the riders! ;-) :thumbup:
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Posted by Santi Pérez on 22 Feb 2024, 23:45

Those horses look superb, Konrad. When you have their riders painted to the same quality, the final result will be a masterpiece. :drool:

I also have that beautiful set and some of its figures have entered my long list of future projects. :mrgreen:

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Santi Pérez  Spain
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Posted by Rich W on 26 Feb 2024, 23:44

Lovely start Konrad. Those figures from Dark Alliance really are top class.
Rich W  United Kingdom
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Posted by Susofrick on 27 Feb 2024, 09:00

Great as usual! And maybe these can meet some Romans?
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Susofrick  Sweden
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Posted by Ben90 on 28 Feb 2024, 20:20

Looks great so far. You achieved a really convincing metal-look on the armour.
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Ben90  Germany
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Posted by Konrad on 11 Mar 2024, 16:25

And even more horses!



Will be continued...
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Konrad  Germany
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Posted by Konrad on 24 Mar 2024, 12:53

..and the last.


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Konrad  Germany
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Posted by MABO on 27 Mar 2024, 21:38

Very nice as well!
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MABO  Europe
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Posted by Peter on 20 Apr 2024, 21:07

Real nice painted horses! :thumbup:
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Peter  Belgium

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