Work in Progress

Battle of Stones River (Murfreesboro)

Posted by C M Dodson on 17 Jan 2024, 18:06

Hi John.

Thank you for the mention.

They do look very nice and the flag information is interesting.

Just a thought.

I use Game Wash umber wash, applied lightly following a suggestion from that genius Crynns.

It will really make your troops stand out , but apply sparingly, too much and they can look like a chocolate cake fight aftermath.

Best wishes,

C M Dodson  United Kingdom
Posts: 2632
Member since:
01 May 2015, 18:48

Posted by John Simmons on 25 Feb 2024, 22:47

Our Stones River game has now had to be postponed a second time, this time because of illness. But I've used the extra time to add some figures in cold weather clothing to both armies. The Union army issued greatcoats to nearly all of their troops, so the standard light blue coat was available to most of the northern troops at Stones River (including many officers, who wore the enlisted man's greatcoat in preference to the officer's dark blue greatcoat that made them stand out as prime targets). The Confederate troops were both far less well supplied and travelled much lighter than their northern counterparts. As a result, many at Stones River lacked suitable cold weather clothing. Those fortunate enough to have greatcoats wore a motley collection of "liberated" Union coats and civilian overcoats in all shades of grey and brown. Here are some photos of recently added stands:

First, a Union gun on the move. most of the artillerymen in greatcoats:



And a Confederate gun and limber, with a few warmly dressed outriders. Several artillery batteries in the Army of Tennessee used the battery flag depicted here -- a white cross on a blue field:



Next, a couple of Confederate guns in action, some of the crew sporting greatcoats:



Last, I've added more cold weather clothing -- in the form of various overcoats, heavy coats, blankets, etc. -- to some more of the Confederate infantry stands.




With any luck, this game will actually get played soon. A battle report will follow as soon as possible afterwards.
John Simmons  United States of America
Posts: 62
Member since:
17 Apr 2020, 14:12

Posted by C M Dodson on 27 Feb 2024, 05:31

Well done John.

Once again you have proved that a wargame can be visually dazzling if you go the extra mile.

There is an authenticity about your pictures that speaks of the era even though the terrain is temporary.

The little details such as the withered corn look brilliant in my opinion.

You have definitely caught the ‘feel’ of this event and I am looking forward to seeing the action unfold with your lovely troops.

Best wishes,

C M Dodson  United Kingdom
Posts: 2632
Member since:
01 May 2015, 18:48

Posted by Peter on 22 Mar 2024, 13:57

Very nice! :yeah:
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Peter  Belgium

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