Work in Progress

Creating a 1/72 Napoleonic wargaming army

Posted by Zed1 on 01 Jun 2023, 08:49

Interesting ideas. My cannons are - as the figures all glued onto the base and connected to the putty layer. Which makes them fixed as fixed can mean. :xd:

I have now finished and based the Prussian general with ADC, plus mounted colonels for the line- and Landwehr regiment. Which means that this army is ready.

I'll take them to this year's FIGZ, try to make some nice picture and show them here in a few days.
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Posted by Minuteman on 02 Jun 2023, 09:19

Zed1 wrote:Interesting ideas. My cannons are - as the figures all glued onto the base and connected to the putty layer. Which makes them fixed as fixed can mean. :xd:

I have now finished and based the Prussian general with ADC, plus mounted colonels for the line- and Landwehr regiment. Which means that this army is ready.

I'll take them to this year's FIGZ, try to make some nice picture and show them here in a few days.

I cannot help thinking that at Waterloo, on a muddy 18th June 1815, some of Napoleon's heavier 12 pounder cannon were probably stuck in the mud, in the same way as your guns are fixed to their bases !! :-D

The progress on your Prussian army sounds very good, and I look forward to seeing it.
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Posted by Zed1 on 08 Jun 2023, 11:12

Finally - here is the general for my Prussian wargaming army. The figure is from Art Miniaturen and represents lieutenant general (later field marshal) Johann David Ludwig von Yorck. He was in command of the Prussian reserve corps that formed a part of the rearguard of Napoleons army for the 1812 campaign in Russia. When Napoleon was on retreat and his core army broken, Yorck made contact with his Russian counterparts and signed the Tauroggen convention, an amistice between Prussia and Russia. King Frederic William III, who had wavered and not answered to Yorcks dispatches, was at first furious that his field commander had signed that truce on his own responsibility and Yorck himself feared to get court-martialled as soon as he came back to Berlin. But public opinion was on Yorck's side and Prussians were eager to get rid of French control over Prussia so the king had no choice but to accept the facts.

The ADC is from Strelets legendary old 'Russian and Prussian general staff' set.




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Posted by Kekso on 08 Jun 2023, 11:42

You've even outlined the cross on his chest :shock: WOW
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Posted by C M Dodson on 09 Jun 2023, 11:58

You have breathed life into him.

Fabulous work.

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Posted by PatrickJ71 on 12 Jun 2023, 20:06

Very well done, zed1!
Nice detailed painting and good highlighting.
I just ordered this Yorck figure myself. Your achievement will be a welcome reference for me when i come to painting it myself.
Thanks for sharing and keep them coming.
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Posted by MABO on 12 Jun 2023, 21:03

I had the pleasure to see him in real life at FIGZ. Very good job!
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Posted by k.b. on 13 Jun 2023, 04:06

A delightful composition Zed. Two very interesting figures, that work beautifully together. I don’t think the horse sculpture is brilliant and the mold line running down the centre of the Strelets figure’s face is difficult to deal with.
Nonetheless, the way you placed them together is extremely sensitive and most convincing.
A great finishing touch to your army. Well done.
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Posted by Minuteman on 14 Jun 2023, 11:13

A really superb setting of the fine Art Miniaturen figure of General von Yorck; the standing aide figure is a great Strelets sculpt too. Fine work indeed!
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Posted by CliosPaintingBench on 15 Jun 2023, 02:05

That general is fantastic, seems to give off a very casual commanding pose. Very nice!
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Posted by Peter on 21 Jun 2023, 19:33

Excellent work Sascha! :thumbup:
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Posted by PhilC on 08 Jul 2023, 09:46

Very nice projects and impressive results. It convinced me to go back painting Napoleonics - a real change when you get used to Ancient and Fantasy figures.
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Posted by Zed1 on 08 Jul 2023, 12:31

Oops. I still owe you the pictures of the complete Prussian army, right?
So here they are!



The line regiment consists of HaT figures except the flagbearer of the lead regiment which is from Revell.

The Landwehr is from Strelets, with some additional figures from HaT-sets. For example, the attached Jagers are HaT figures (reserve infantry and Jager set), as is the 2nd batallion officer (reserve infantry) plus the fifer and the cornet (HaT line infantry). There are plenty of examples of musicians and officers that were drawn from regular regiments and put into the new built Landwehr, they only added the Landwehr cross to their caps/shakos. Later in the 1813/1814-campaign, this all became more standardized and harmonized.
The mounted senior officer is from HaTs russian/prussian commander set.

And here's the cavalry again, all of these are from Strelets.

The artillery in the background is from Newline figures.

Well. So far, I now have a functional Prussian army consisting of two infantry regiments, artillery and a first supply of cavalry. Which is only light cavalry, I know - line and Landwehr lancers plus a hussar squad.

I plan to paint some add-ons to that in order to make the whole army more versatile. This means two regiments of dragoons, a regiment of cuirassiers and two regiments of hussars plus another line (regular or guards, still not sure) regiment. But for now, this has to wait a little bit. Summer is hot and paint dries too fast, it's school break and much to do in the garden.
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Zed1  Germany
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Posted by Minuteman on 08 Jul 2023, 12:46

A fine array of Prussians. I find that any Napoleonic force looks best when it is massed together on the table-top, as you have done here.

Nice painting and basing, good work! :yeah:

Looking forward to your extra units once the weather cools a bit and the school holidays are over.
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Posted by Kekso on 08 Jul 2023, 17:32

That's one impressive army :shock:
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Posted by Santi Pérez on 08 Jul 2023, 19:01

Kekso wrote:That's one impressive army :shock:

I can only agree with Kekso. Those Prussians look awesome, Zed1. :drool: :drool: :drool:

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Posted by Zed1 on 08 Jul 2023, 23:54

Thank you very much, folks. :-)

You know - after the project is before another one. And as I have two armies in basic now, the question is what to do next. Okay - I have all the add-ons for my Prussians in mind. I'm currently working on Franznap Polish horse artillery and I have Strelets Polish infantry here. I have also started to paint Strelets Bavarian infantry, but let's be honest - that's only add-ons for the French side.

So I think the next big thing will be a Russian army. And I have all for that right here... :-D

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Zed1  Germany
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Posted by MABO on 09 Jul 2023, 06:59

I really like your massed Prussian army, Sascha. The add-ons are a good plan. Maybe you need some more infrantry. How about a Schützen-Bataillon?

And a Napoleonic Russian army is one of my plans for the future as well. But since I have a lot to do for my 1. Prussian Corps 1815 this will take long, unfortunately....
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Posted by Rich W on 09 Jul 2023, 23:11

Great looking army!
Rich W  United Kingdom
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Posted by Peter on 10 Jul 2023, 16:48

Great to see this army painted and growing! :thumbup:
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