Work in Progress

The Lost Island

Posted by sberry on 24 Mar 2021, 11:08

This is a WIP report of my next project, called INSULA DESERTA – The Lost Island.
Pics are taken in an erratic fashion, whenever I remember to do so, so please don’t expect a complete progress report.
Well, here we go.

Look, Romans!


And more Romans!


And even more … no, wait, just pics with different perspectives.


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sberry  Germany
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Posted by Wiking on 24 Mar 2021, 12:27

"Snowy " area.
It is a quite long building and painting way.
Have fun.
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Posted by Peter on 24 Mar 2021, 12:30

Konrad is that you? :xd:

Looking forward to this project Stephan! The start looks promesing! And our friend Konrad would say "More Romans!". ;-) :thumbup:
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Posted by Susofrick on 24 Mar 2021, 13:10

Looks like a fun topic! Will be great to follow this!
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Posted by Graeme on 24 Mar 2021, 13:32

Can't wait to find out what they've discovered on the lost island.

Looks like they've already decided not to be friends with it. :mrgreen:

I'll be following this too.
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Posted by Peter on 24 Mar 2021, 17:52

Graeme wrote:Can't wait to find out what they've discovered on the lost island.

Will this be a new version of King Kong? :shock:

You can find that out in the next episode! Keep watching! :-D
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Posted by MABO on 24 Mar 2021, 21:52

Maybe they fight against the:


Can't wait to see the result!
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Posted by wilberforcefrog on 24 Mar 2021, 23:52

A brave expedition! I'm excited to see what they do next too.
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Posted by sberry on 25 Mar 2021, 09:09

Graeme wrote:Can't wait to find out what they've discovered on the lost island.

Peter wrote:Will this be a new version of King Kong?

King Kong… Sir, I have to reject such absurd speculations in the strongest possible terms! Already the title “The Lost Island” should have made clear that this diorama will strictly adhere to the principles of historical correctness!
Well, time will tell.

For now, some more photos of the Romans.
And yes, they are fighting. Always out for a brawl, that’s how we know ‘em Romans, don’t we.






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sberry  Germany
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Posted by Peter on 25 Mar 2021, 09:39

Konrad's Romans are always on parade! They don't fight! :xd:

But against what are your Romans fighting? Amazones, centaures, aliens? They are historical correct, not? Or is it Brittain, the lost Island? :eh:
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Posted by sberry on 25 Mar 2021, 18:56

So many questions ... be patient, my friends! I am working at high speed on this project. Initially I was hoping to have everything finished by, let's say, April 1. Right now I'm not too optimistic, but who knows...

But look, there are also some plants!


Even more plants, there is definitely something going on.


And some creatures, cute!




The Cure even wrote a song about this diorama project, it’s aptly called “A Forest”:


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sberry  Germany
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Posted by Egbert on 25 Mar 2021, 19:54

Hey Stephan,
looks very nice..
I'm curious where and against whom the romans will fight.
Come on and show us more!! :thumbup:
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Posted by Peter on 25 Mar 2021, 23:10

The more plants the better! The base is getting better! :thumbup:
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Posted by sberry on 26 Mar 2021, 07:21

Whoa, wait a second – everything is gone! Strange! Only some marks on the ground left…

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sberry  Germany
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Posted by Susofrick on 26 Mar 2021, 08:40

First the figures disappeared (Lost!), then the forest, the only thing left is the island that is not lost (yet). Spooky!!!
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Posted by Peter on 26 Mar 2021, 08:59

Aliens! They transported everything! :shock:

Serious, it is nice to see how you make your creations. Now I'm curious what your next step will be. I'm not sure but will this picture be used as a map after the painting and groundwork?

I know. A lot of questions Stephan! :-D
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Posted by sberry on 26 Mar 2021, 16:45

Peter wrote:I'm not sure but will this picture be used as a map after the painting and groundwork?

Exactly. I have made detailed plans where to place everything, but I just don’t trust my memory. For the same reason, I made the quite extensive and not so extremely interesting documentation of the unpainted figures’ position shown above.

But now for something completely different: Today is bathing day!


Now that’s some really nice and clean vegetation.


If the notion of a motley crew wouldn’t exist already, I guess I would have to invent it now for this fancy mixture:

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sberry  Germany
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Posted by Wiking on 26 Mar 2021, 17:08

Dinos, swords and man.
Alone, in the deep dark wood.
This will take a very bloody end.
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Wiking  Germany
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Posted by Peter on 26 Mar 2021, 18:04

Wiking wrote:Dinos, swords and man.
Alone, in the deep dark wood.
This will take a very bloody end.

Jurassic Park for Romans! :mrgreen:
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Posted by wilberforcefrog on 26 Mar 2021, 18:24

Hey, I've got that exact same anklysaurus!
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wilberforcefrog  United States of America
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