Work in Progress

Swiss Guard, Pope and Cardinals

Posted by Kekso on 20 Apr 2022, 14:58

I still can't believe that such neat, opaque paint finish could exists :shock:
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Posted by huib on 20 Apr 2022, 15:32

Very crisp indeed. And a lovely topic. Almost history....
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Posted by Santi Pérez on 25 Apr 2022, 18:46

Thank you very much for your kind recognition words, Jan, Peter, Susofrick, Mr. Andrea, Ben90, Bessiere, Kekso and huib. It's always very nice to receive praise from masters of modeling and painting like you. ;-)

Peter wrote:...They really need a gold car to go from one place to the other one! :mrgreen:

Perhaps you mean something like this, Peter? :tongue:


Susofrick wrote:Really eye-candy! Still think they would look great in marzipan!!

I'm just waiting to receive a good offer from a world known pastry chef to make your wish come true, Susofrick. :mrgreen:

Mr. Andrea I realized I like very much your shade of red. Which read do you use?

My painting style is very simple, Mr. Andrea. I don't apply too much shadows, highlights and washes. In the Cardinals' red clothes I simply use the following acrylics from Vallejo's Model Color range: flat red 70957 as a base and clear orange 70956 as highlight. :neutral:

Kekso wrote:I still can't believe that such neat, opaque paint finish could exists :shock:

I really think that this is my secret, Kekso. To invest a lot of time and effort to achieve lines between different coloured areas as clear and sharp as possible. :P

huib wrote:Very crisp indeed. And a lovely topic. Almost history....

This is one of my fears, huib. Being pigeonholed in the forum as the man of the Swiss Guard and the Vatican Curia, hahaha.

Best regards, my friends. :-D

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Santi Pérez  Spain
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Posted by Santi Pérez on 06 Oct 2022, 19:36

After a long time since the last addition to this work and a few other projects in between, I have added a new character to this my endless diorama. :sweatdrop:

In this case it's another Swiss Guard, specifically a Corporal, who is distinguished from a common halberdier by his pike, red ribbons on his legs and small red pieces on his sleeves. :winky:

As usual, the first picture with an euro coin for scale purposes:


And now, the also usual sequence of converted, primed and painted figure, from four different views:

Front view:


Right view:


Rear view:


Left view:


Now I only need to paint six more figures to finish the diorama: the Pope, two Cardinals, the Cross bearer, the Swiss Guard Officer and the last Halberdier. Fortunately, the next Cardinal is on the way. ;-)

Thank you very much for watching. My best regards. :-D

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Santi Pérez  Spain
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Posted by blacksmith on 06 Oct 2022, 20:28

Santi, I love your crisp, clean and bright style in painting. Fantastic work!
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Posted by Santi Pérez on 07 Oct 2022, 20:06

blacksmith wrote:Santi, I love your crisp, clean and bright style in painting. Fantastic work!

Thanks, Javier, I'm glad you like it. Really mine is a very slow and tedious style, but the final result compensates me when I see the figure finished. :winky:

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Santi Pérez  Spain
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Posted by MABO on 07 Oct 2022, 22:01

Another perfect paintjob, Santi! I am looking forward to see the fnished scene and first the last six figures.
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Posted by sberry on 08 Oct 2022, 09:36

I have run out of superlatives, what can I say? So let me state it is a typical Santi figure, once again. That says it all...
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Posted by Konrad on 08 Oct 2022, 09:48

Exact, clean, accurate and very precise.
As always.
A real "Santi". :yeah:
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Posted by Santi Pérez on 11 Oct 2022, 12:39

Thank you very much for your valuable comments, my friends. They always help me move forward with renewed enthusiasm. ;-)

MABO wrote:...I am looking forward to see the fnished scene and first the last six figures.

If all goes well, Jan, within less than a year I will be able to retire and from then on I hope to have more time and energy to speed up the progress of my projects (current and future). But I think that I can finish this diorama before that...or perhaps not? :mrgreen:

My best regards. :-D

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Santi Pérez  Spain
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Posted by Susofrick on 12 Oct 2022, 11:12

It is very fascinating to see the original figure, who is quite dull and ugly, and then you SantiPerezfy them and they become cute, wonderful and real beauties. It is hard to believe they are as small as they are!
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Susofrick  Sweden
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Posted by Peter on 13 Oct 2022, 18:04

Your way of painting figures is a joy for my eyes. They look just wonderfull! :thumbup:
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Posted by Bessiere on 14 Oct 2022, 01:38

Incredibly fine conversion work and painting. I don't know how you can be so geometrically precise and make such pure patches of color. Very rich and lovely style you have and most distinctive I might add.
Bessiere  United States of America
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Posted by CliosPaintingBench on 15 Oct 2022, 09:47

The new swiss guard is beautiful and ever so bright! Your painting is very neat as always!
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Posted by MABO on 17 Oct 2022, 15:00

Santi Pérez wrote:But I think that I can finish this diorama before that...or perhaps not? :mrgreen:

Reminds me of my Prussian Project. I hope to show some progress this year as well.... or perhaps not? :mrgreen:
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MABO  Europe
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Posted by Santi Pérez on 23 Oct 2022, 19:23

Thanks so much for your positive feedback, dear colleagues. :-D

Susofrick wrote:...then you SantiPerezfy them...

I like that verb, Susofrick. With your kind permission, I will include it in my own dictionary: SantiPerezfy = to make anything acquire the style of Santi Pérez. :mrgreen:

Peter wrote:Your way of painting figures is a joy for my eyes. They look just wonderfull!...

Bessiere wrote:Incredibly fine conversion work and painting. I don't know how you can be so geometrically precise and make such pure patches of color. Very rich and lovely style you have and most distinctive I might add...

OwenChpw wrote:The new swiss guard is beautiful and ever so bright! Your painting is very neat as always!...

I have repeated several times: the only way I can achieve this results is investing a lot of time and effort in every project I make, with a good added dose of patience and pulse. :sweatdrop:

MABO wrote:...Reminds me of my Prussian Project. I hope to show some progress this year as well.... or perhaps not? :mrgreen:

Don't worry, Jan, sooner or later we manage to finish our projects... as long as the new ones we start allow us to, of course. :winky:

Kind regards, my friends.

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Santi Pérez  Spain
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Posted by Santi Pérez on 04 Apr 2023, 17:49

Although my Swiss Guard, Pope and Cardinals' project is progressing very slowly, every now and then I make an addition. In this case, it's a new Cardinal. :lol:

To begin with, the picture for scale purposes:


And then, the usual series of pictures from four different viewpoints showing the three stages of the figure: unpainted, primed and fully painted. ;-)

Front view:


Right view:


Back view:


And left view:


After this one, there are only five figures left to finish the diorama: the last Cardinal, the last halberdier, the Cross bearer, the Swiss Guard Officer and the Pope himself. Bets are welcome on how long it will take me to get them ready. :mrgreen:

Thank you very much for watching and best regards. :-D

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Santi Pérez  Spain
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Posted by Peter on 07 Apr 2023, 22:22

Hurry up Santi! We need the Pope for Easter! :-D
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Posted by Bessiere on 08 Apr 2023, 03:05

Excellent work Santi. You manage to pack a lot of character in to the figures you create which is no small feat.
Bessiere  United States of America
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Posted by Minuteman on 08 Apr 2023, 11:05

Fine modelling, and an interesting subject. This cardinal looks quite youthful, and has the very precise sculpting and painting which is a characteristic of your work, Santi. Well done!

I am looking forward to seeing the Pope!
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Minuteman  United Kingdom
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