Work in Progress

Britons and Romans

Posted by Iceman1964 on 20 Sep 2023, 17:51

Thanks guys :-D

with these final romans I have completed the figures, they are 71 ready to be fitted on the diorama









and here the first assembly in the central zone.... but still work to do to paint and fit the missing part of the wall and large part of the ground...... busy (but happy :-D ) week-ends are coming, unfortunately no hope to have time during the working week :(





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Iceman1964  Italy
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Posted by Santi Pérez on 20 Sep 2023, 18:15

Wow, Enrico, you have already painted all 71 figures? Then we can say that the most complicated part of the diorama is over (in my humble opinion, at least). Now it's time to complete the scenery and put all the elements in their final place. You can see the light at the end of the tunnel. :mrgreen:

These last figures are so good as all the previous ones. And, if all the separate elements are fantastic, the whole can only be a masterpiece. :love:

All my encouragement and my best congratulations. :thumbup:

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Santi Pérez  Spain
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Posted by Bessiere on 20 Sep 2023, 20:08

Some of the most original posing of action I've ever seen. This mad Brit jumping on the testudo is just awesome. Love the concept of action at the gate you've created and inhabited with wonderfully painted figures. Excellent work Iceman!
Bessiere  United States of America
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Posted by PaulRPetri on 20 Sep 2023, 20:32

This just looks great Iceman!!
PaulRPetri  United States of America
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Posted by Rich W on 22 Sep 2023, 23:06

Great update!
Rich W  United Kingdom
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Posted by CliosPaintingBench on 24 Sep 2023, 14:42

Amazing work on the figures, great attention to detail, hope to see the final piece soon!
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CliosPaintingBench  Australia
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Posted by Peter on 01 Oct 2023, 19:34

Are you the secret painter of Konrad's Legions? :mrgreen:

They look very good! :thumbup:
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Peter  Belgium

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Posted by Iceman1964 on 02 Oct 2023, 17:35

Konrad is a mountain, I'm a small hill :xd:
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Iceman1964  Italy
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Posted by Konrad on 02 Oct 2023, 19:26

Don't be so modest, young man.
This is a very nice work you show here.
Full of details and action.
A very successful work you can be proud of. :thumbup:

There are no mountains and hills here.
Just colleagues.
And each as he can. ;-)
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Konrad  Germany
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Posted by Minuteman on 02 Oct 2023, 20:15

I like the action in this diorama very much. I'm not sure that I'd want to be a Roman Legionary in that testudo, what with the mad Briton trampolining on the middle of the 'tortoise' and two very hefty rocks looking ready to flatten the front ranks!

Imaginative, and great work all round. Well done!
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Minuteman  United Kingdom
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Posted by Susofrick on 04 Oct 2023, 09:50

Lovely! You have Obelix stomping on the Roman shields! :-D Great work all over!
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Susofrick  Sweden
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