I red your book. In fact it was the first thing I did after my return from Hann. Munden.
I red it all and I am very much impressed by it. First of all you are a good writer (I am aware Paul and others helped you with translation).
Most important is the fact that I can follow every single step you made by developing the Crobern diorama. It all makes sense to me. Its logical. And every time again you made the only right decision that had to be taken. If I was in charge of that project I should have done it the same way (though thats talking afterwards, I still would not have the knowledge and networks and money to achieve what you achieved).
Very interesting, (also for members in this forum like Thomas Picton), is your search for a museum to exhibit your work. For the readers who don't know this: Wolfgang wanted, of course, to station the diorama close to the battlefield... which is a huge area including many villages and a city so there should be lots of possibilities around Leipzig. Many possibilities showed up and dropped off again and in the end there was nowhere to place it permanently. That's when was decided to start their own museum together with the other members of his group.
Still in central Germany but pretty far from the battlefield. Realizing most of us consider Wolfgangs diorama the best battlefield diorama that has ever been made, its the more surprising and disappointing it was so difficult to find a proper location for displaying it permanently.
Remarkable to read about all the people that worked together with Wolfgang to get this enourmous work done: Our moderators Peter and Paul, MABO who took part in the startup but also Dirk and Frank who I met at Dioramica.
Okay, I can go on forever telling about this book but you guys better order and read it yourself. Most of it is pictures by the way. There is an English and a German version available.
But the most remarkable thing about the whole story is about the village of Cröbern itself. Because it does not exist anymore. Its destroyed in the 1970's to make place for open air mining. So, besides a very good historical report from this part of the battle, its even more an archeological and historical reconstruction of a village that's not existing anymore.
My compliments and deepest respect for your work Wolfgang and all the people who helped and supported you.