Work in Progress

Battle of Bussaco 1/72

Posted by Gen. Freire Andrade on 17 Jan 2021, 23:21

I am new to the forum and finally decided to unveil my long time coming project. That is recreating the Battle of Bussaco. I will be working on this project when I have time. Hopefully a monthly update but for the time being I am not sure if that is possible (or affordable).

About the Battle:
The Battle of Bussaco was fought on the 27th of September 1810. It was the biggest battle ever fought on Portuguese soil with over 110 000 soldiers present. The Anglo-Portuguese army was led by Sir Arthur Wellesley (later Duke of Wellington) and the French forces were led by Marechal André Massena.
The battle ended up being a decisive British Victory which raised the moral of the troops and managed to delay the french invasion.

The ratio of men and figures will be 10-1 (1 figure represents 10 real life men). The figures will be mostly from Emhar, Italeri, Revell, Zvezda and Hat.

I do not own any particular books of uniforms so I will try to get my information via "googling". If anyone knows sites with free uniforms templates of the penisular war I would appreciate.

I was heavily inspired on this vlog style by ADM's 1812 Campaign of russia.
And I would also like to Remark João's Peixoto excellent job at recreating the same battle.

And now for what is the first chapter of this journey. Figures!! Since I already started the project a while ago I managed to acumulate a good amount of miniatures.

For the time being I currently own:

6 x Emhar Peninsular War British Infantry
2 x Italeri British Infatry 1815 (Yes I am aware of the wrong uniforms)
1 x Italeri British Highlanders
2 x Revell British Rifles
1 x Revell Prussian Dragoons (Painting Conversions)
1 x Revell British Artillery
1 x Call to Arms British Artillery
1 x Airfix British Artillery
1 x Airfix British Hussars
1 x Airfix British Infantry Waterloo
1 x Odemars British Command Staff

1 x Emhar Peninsular War Portuguese Infantry
5 x Revell British Infantry (Painting Conversions)
1 x Revell British Horse Guards (Painting Conversions)

1 x Emhar Peninsular War French Infantry
2 x Revell French Grenadiers
1 x Revell French Guard Chasseurs
2 x Revell French Artillery Limber
1 x Italeri French Artillery Limber (same set as Revell)
2 x Italeri French Dragoons
1 x Italeri Dutch Polish Lancers
1 x Italeri French Imperial Staff
1 x Italeri French Hussars
1 x Italeri French Line Infantry
1 x Italeri French Infantry
1 x Hat French Artillery
1 x Zvezda French Grenadiers
1 x Zvezda French Cuirassiers
1 x Strelets French Cuirassiers

There were no cuirassiers present in the french forces... ups

There is quite an amount of figures there, unfortunately not nearly enough the amount that I need (expect french Reinforcements soon). In the next update I will show you what I have been working on (just a hint: a unit of the II Corps). For now some photos of my pile of shame.

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Gen. Freire Andrade  Portugal
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Posted by Kekso on 18 Jan 2021, 10:29

Welcome to the forum. Looking forward to see progress.
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Posted by MABO on 18 Jan 2021, 12:50

Seems to be a project for quiet a long time. I will follow this with great interest. And I think the community here as well. So welcome and have fun here at Benno's.
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Posted by Peter on 18 Jan 2021, 13:09

Welcome to the forum! And you can place updates of new things or progress as much as you want! The more the better with such lovely projects! ;-) :thumbup:
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Posted by Santi Pérez on 19 Jan 2021, 22:58

I also welcome you to the forum, Gen. Freire Andrade. :-)

And looking at the huge piles of boxes, I imagine that yours is a very, very big project. :drool:

Go on with it. :yeah:

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Santi Pérez  Spain
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Posted by CliosPaintingBench on 21 Jan 2021, 01:18

That's an impressive pile! Looks like it'll be a similarly impressive project.
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Posted by Gen. Freire Andrade on 21 Jan 2021, 17:51

Thanks everyone for the kind words!! I will try to give an update as often as I am able!!

I planned this update do be on the french 70th regiment from II Corps led by Reynier but due to work (and partially me waiting for some boxes) I decided to move on with the British.

I decided to start the project by removing all the figures that are officers, marching and charging from all the 6 Emhar boxes.
After that in order to add some variation to the troops I bent the arms and legs of some figures as also twisting some of the heads.


The officers, Sergeants and drummers:


This figures are going to be painted for the 88th foot (charging) and the marching probably 45th foot (at least half).

The first Figures to fell under the brush are part of 1st Division Major General Brent Spencer. 1st Division Colonel Hon Edward Stopford the 1/Coldstream Guards.


The figures are from Italeri.
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Gen. Freire Andrade  Portugal
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Posted by C M Dodson on 22 Jan 2021, 19:56

Excellent start!

The Emhar plastic is a tremendous modelling medium which I wish others would use.

You probably know this but boiling water on the model, watch your fingers, will allow you to twist arms etc with ease.

A quick dip into cold water will keep the pose.

Best wishes,

C M Dodson  United Kingdom
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Posted by Peter on 22 Jan 2021, 21:03

I like the painted figures very much :thumbup: , but why do they have different colored trousers? :eh:
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Posted by PaulRPetri on 22 Jan 2021, 21:50

WOW!!!! Excellent painting. You are off!! Looking forward to the updates.
PaulRPetri  United States of America
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Posted by CPN on 23 Jan 2021, 10:39

Peter wrote:I like the painted figures very much :thumbup: , but why do they have different colored trousers? :eh:

Hi Peter,
In the Peninsular campaign all the armies were affected with supplies issues.
So many uniforms were adapted to the situation on the field.
Many good paintings on the internet are showing this state of affairs and IMO it gives these armies a great look and great fun to paint as well.
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CPN  France
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Posted by Peter on 23 Jan 2021, 14:47

Thanks for clearing out CPN. I thought they had to buy their own trousers. :-D
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Posted by tullo on 24 Jan 2021, 15:49

:yeah: :yeah: :yeah: :yeah: :thumbup:
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tullo  Germany
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Posted by Gen. Freire Andrade on 19 Jan 2022, 18:27

Happy new Year Everyone!!

DISCLAIMER: This update was to be published on September of 2021

Thanks once again for all the kind words and participation. I have been busy with work and also managed to do a lot of hobby which is what is required in order to finish this project.

C M Dodson I am actually just bending the plastic into place, but I will give it a try on boiling water. As you will see the project will carry on with Emhar boxes.

Hi Peter, CPN has already answered your question. Thank you CPN! I will try to give as much variety as I humanly can to the soldiers on both armies.

Thanks everyone that so far got in touch! All this positive energy just gives me motivation to keep on with the project!

Now for the update!

Since last time some boxes have arrived including a massive box that just managed to escape the Brexit Blockade. The new additions are 11 Emhar French Infantry from the Peninsular War boxes, one Hat Penisular War British Infantry and a Hat Napoleonic French Command. I also received a local donation of about 100 Hat Netherlands Infantry and Militia. Thank you so much for the donation! The figures are mostly ones marching with the stovepipe shako. They are great and probably will either be used to represent the Loyal Lusitanian Legion or some Caçadores (In portuguese we say caçadores but I am not sure why everyone else says with a z. It might be from pronunciation If anyone knows the reason why please do tell!)

This additions well help in my objective for this year maybe next year of completing Reynier Corps! The Emhar figures will be used to make the 4 battalions of the regiments 47e, 36e and 70e.

Here are all the boxes that managed to escape the Trade Federation blockade on Naboo:


As you probably guess more prep went on this past months. Figures are being based in bases of 4-6 figures. In total I have removed the mold lines of about 600 figures. All the figures from the British Emhar boxes. All the French in firing and Charging positions as well as the officer and casualty figures. The 100 hat figures as well as some of the British and French command got prepared as well.
I have also painted 30 figures for the 88th foot. The figures are all charging since they had the iconic charge at the Battle. The priming of this figures was all done by hand and I was pretty tired by the end of the process. For those of you who are curious on the painting recipe I leave it all here:

1º- Vallejo Grey Surface Primer
2º-Mephiston red (Red Jackets)
3º- Averland Sunset (Trimming and cuffs)
4º- Mournfang Brown (The bags on their back)
5º- Abaddon black (Everything black in the model) I have now upgraded to Vallejo Black (Less coats)
6º- Death Guard Green, Maccrage Blue and a grey mix (napsacks)
7º- Maccrage Blue (Canteen)
8º-Doombull Brown (Musket)
9º- Leadbelcher (Metal)
10º- Ulthuan Grey (White)
11º-Bugmans Glow (Skin)
12º-Retributor Gold (Gold)
13º-Agrax Earthshade (Wash on everything)
14º- 50/50 Bugmans Glow /Kislev Flesh (Skin Highlight)
15º- Winsor and Newton Silver (Metal Highlight)

For the different colored pants, I used Maccrage Blue, Rhinox Hide, Mournfang Brown, a grey mix and Zandri Dust.

Here are some of the finished figures:


Some redheads are on the way since the regiment was Irish!!

I have been lucky enough to receive an airbrush which will help me with the priming step and basecoating. On those 30 Connaught Rangers I did 3 layers of white in order to get the pants with a smooth coat. As you probably guess that is too much time for a single figure on this project. I hope with this new tool I am able to rush the first few steps of painting.
I am still getting the hang of it. Overpriming is quite frequent but sooner than later I will become better at controlling the paint spillage.

I hope you enjoyed the update. On the next update I intend to show you the plan I have for Reyniers II corps. I am also working on flags for each battalion, I will include the final pdf for free!
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Gen. Freire Andrade  Portugal
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Posted by PhilC on 19 Jan 2022, 19:04

Gen. Freire Andrade wrote:Happy new Year Everyone!!

DISCLAIMER: This update was to be published on September of 2021

Since last time some boxes have arrived including a massive box that just managed to escape the Brexit Blockade.


Here are all the boxes that managed to escape the Trade Federation blockade on Naboo:

Hey hey hey! The French (I am one) are not responsible for the Naboo Blockade (the Brexit, maybe...) :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
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Posted by PhilC on 19 Jan 2022, 19:05

And very nice figures, by the way :mrgreen:
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Posted by Peter on 19 Jan 2022, 19:24

Real nice looking figures! :thumbup:

I think you use the citadel colors (Games Workshop)? Could you do me a favor and put the number of the colors also. I think these start with 22-... I still have the old paints fom them and I have a comparison list but the numbers are not on it. Thank you in advance.
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Posted by Iceman1964 on 19 Jan 2022, 19:34

It's a really huge project, and I'm impressed by the very detailed painting, unusual in such large dimensions.
Very well done, keep going !!!
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Iceman1964  Italy
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Posted by tullo on 19 Jan 2022, 21:06

oh my god what a job the akkes,but have fun
:yeah: :yeah: :yeah: :-D :-D :-D :thumbup: :thumbup:
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tullo  Germany
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Posted by Gen. Freire Andrade on 20 Jan 2022, 13:43

Thank you PhilC. Not to make this political but it is now harder to buy 1/72 miniatures for people outside the UK. I used to order from Hannants but now the shipping costs as well as the import taxes just make it impossible. Since I need to buy boxes in bulk I need to find EU sites that ship to Portugal at lower prices like the ones at Hannants.
It´s something that with time I hope to accomplish!!
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Gen. Freire Andrade  Portugal
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