
My latest purchase

Posted by Santi Pérez on 18 Jun 2022, 19:24

This is my latest acquisition. I bought it this morning when I discovered it among a few other Caesar sets on the shelves of a model shop. I opened and took it when I saw that included the bonus Pharaoh figure. This is one of my favourite figures from all manufacturers in general and from Caesar in particular. Another one to add to my collection of Pharaohs, hahaha.

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Santi Pérez  Spain
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Posted by Minuteman on 18 Jun 2022, 19:32

A good find and a very good purchase Santi, and with the added extra of the bonus Pharaoh !! :-D
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Posted by Santi Pérez on 05 Jul 2022, 22:00

Yesterday I received from Hannants the last figure set from Caesar Miniatures: H105 Modern PRC PLA Troops. :P

As soon as I was able to see these figures on the internet, I decided that I should get them as soon as they were available. The inclusion of modern soldiers in such unusual poses as standing at attention, presenting arms or saluting, made me realize its enormous potential for a conversion that I have had in mind for years and that I haven't been able to carry out due to the lack of adequate figures. I hope to make it happen in the near future. ;-)




Best regards. :-D
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Santi Pérez  Spain
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Posted by Bessiere on 06 Jul 2022, 05:45

Finally broke down and ordered metal figures from Franznap. I had to have Old French carabiners and marins de la garde to finish out the French army. Painting Russians for the last few months I'm only going at half speed. I am so unfamiliar with the uniforms and gear I have to constantly check sources. Painfully slow and so far I only have a single unit of Jagers, musketeers, cuirassier and grenadiers. The Zevzda hussars are incredible models but a challenge to paint. So much to do, so much to do...
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Posted by Peter on 22 Jul 2022, 12:11

The birthday purchase. All second hand but so beautifull sets! ;-)




And here a lot of loose figures I sorted out. Atlantic, Airfix, Hat, Revell, Italeri, Zvezda....

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Posted by Santi Pérez on 22 Jul 2022, 18:44

It's a very generous birthday present, Peter. :drool:

I like specially the loose figures. I can't recognize all, but the ones I do identify seem wonderful to me, for example those ones from Atlantic or Airfix. :love:

Peter wrote:...Image

Here you have enough material to work with until your next birthday. Enjoy it a lot, my friend! ;-)

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Santi Pérez  Spain
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Posted by Kekso on 23 Jul 2022, 15:42

Peter wrote:The birthday purchase.

I'm jealous of yours Zvezda Russian Strelets Infantry. Never had a proper chance to buy them.

Nice catch Peter.
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Posted by elegantmess on 13 Oct 2022, 02:26

Hat Almoravid Infantry, Strelets Vikings (the recent reissue) and Alliance Southern Kingdom Warriors all arrived yesterday.
elegantmess  United States of America
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Posted by RSDean on 17 Oct 2022, 11:04

I stopped in at Michigan Toy Soldier last Thursday, and came home with the newest Linear A sets, Peloponnesian War Athenians and Sicilian Expedition 1, Cunaxa Persian Cavalry, and Early period Romans, plus a stray box of Caesar Elves.
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Posted by CliosPaintingBench on 22 Oct 2022, 00:28

RSDean wrote:I stopped in at Michigan Toy Soldier last Thursday, and came home with the newest Linear A sets, Peloponnesian War Athenians and Sicilian Expedition 1, Cunaxa Persian Cavalry, and Early period Romans, plus a stray box of Caesar Elves.

I still need to acquire the latest Linear-A sets, shipping is so expensive where I'm from. Lovely haul you got!
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Posted by tullo on 15 Nov 2022, 19:12

here are my latest achievements
I have been looking for the Napoleonic headquarters for a long time.




:yeah: :mrgreen:
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Posted by Kekso on 16 Nov 2022, 13:29

tullo wrote:hello
here are my latest achievements
I have been looking for the Napoleonic headquarters for a long time.

MOD: I've moved your topic here. There is no need to start new topic about purchase. Thank you.
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Posted by Fire at Will on 23 Nov 2022, 15:03

Once Strelets managed to produce some more War of Spanish Succession figures I had to buy them and a few other bits to make up the order.
There are
  • 4 x Strelets WSS Bavarian Cuirassiers - so I will make each of the four Bavarian cuirassier regiments and replace my existing pair of converted regiments
  • 4 x Strelets WSS Austrian Cuirassiers - again to make four new regiments and replace the two old ones
  • 2 x Italeri Napoleonic Dragoons - to replace my old Airfix conversions
  • 1 x Hat Russian Tank Riders - to provide crews for the bren carriers I printed and painted recently
I'm not sure yet how I will use the surplus cuirassier figures, the old cuirassiers will probably go on ebay.
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Posted by Minuteman on 23 Nov 2022, 16:46

This looks most satisfactory, Will!

Both Strelets cuirassier sets are very nice indeed, and it looks as if you are planning to endow your Bavarian and Austrian/Imperial WoSS forces with plenty of armoured cavalry.

Typically, I had already started on my Bavarian cuirassier conversions when Strelets announced these two new sets, and rather than abandon the project I completed these conversions. I am now caught between having two 'styles' of Bavarian cuirassier in my army (conversion; and Strelets); or simply using all the sets that I have purchased as Austrians. It will probably be the latter.
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Posted by Fire at Will on 06 Feb 2023, 15:31

A trip to the Vapnartak show in York yesterday resulted in very little purchased (I'm trying to finish stuff this year and not buy more).
The Natal Native contingent by HaT was a fortunate find as I have been looking for it for quite a while. The back copies of Hobilar on disk will reduce the amount of paper being stored. The additional rules for Rapid Fire Reloaded and Canadian Scenarios were what I needed, but I received an extra copy of the base rules with them. The female gunfighters will make an entertaining addition to my small western gunfight collection.

My show report
Fire at Will  United Kingdom
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Posted by Minuteman on 07 Feb 2023, 09:42

Thanks for the show report over on your blog, Will. It is good to hear that Vapnartak was busy, even if a little less accommodating than before.
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Posted by Rich W on 26 Feb 2023, 15:18

Whilst on holiday I visited two of my 'go to' model shops-both old fashioned with all sorts of stuff for sale. I always try and purchase stuff directly from shops if it's possible, and I do get a little carried away. But it's all about supporting those local businesses still going, right?! So did I need most of this? No. But did I enjoy buying them? YES!

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Posted by MABO on 26 Feb 2023, 18:57

Great purchase!
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Posted by Peter on 26 Feb 2023, 19:09

MABO wrote:Great purchase!

I agree! :thumbup:

And I also agree to support the local hobby shops that still exist! ;-)
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Posted by Dad's Army on 04 Apr 2023, 20:05

Not really a purchase, but a gift....


I showed my Romain army in a Asterix Facebook group, and someone wrote he would love to see them in real, and would bring some Romains for me as well. And last week at EME Lingen there was a man really smiling to my army, I want to explain these are old figures, he said:
I know, I wrote I would come to see them and here you got some Romains. He gave me several labeled bags and when I got home I counted them: 50 wow. Sometimes you can be so happy with this kind of things happening.
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