
Large decal on rough surface advise please

Posted by Howlin on 09 Feb 2022, 06:40

Hello, so I have a large decal I want to put on a sail of a ship. The sail, has some ridges for the rope lines that may make it tricky. The sail looks like this one. the sticker is about 2"x3"


I do not have much experience with decals except for my youth, and I remember even the small ones to be tricky.

I did buy some of those fluids that help float it, and "melt" them to the surface. (to make it look more melded to the surface)

So I see a few options to take.

1. Try it like normal sticker, and slide onto surface, over everything, allowing gaps between the ropes, and sail, then using the melter along the sail ropes to break it, and use a brush to get the edges to fill those gaps, (maybe use exacto to help cut it along the rope lines once set) then use the melter to seal it on there good.
Pros- this may work.
Cons- if I do not get proper placement on first go, it will be difficult to slide to new position due to ridges causing friction.

2. Cut the decal into strips, and cut out the gaps of the ropes and slide each section in individually.
Pros- no air gaps in sail
Cons- may tear he decal easier, and getting proper alignment may be tricky

3. Submerge the sail in a tray of water, then float the decal in the water above it, and lift it up to get proper placement.
Pros- more flexibility in placement
Cons- if it folds its done for, and the glue may all dissolve requiring more of the melter, which may smear the design.

Thank you for any tips
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Howlin  United States of America
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Posted by Kostis Ornerakis on 09 Feb 2022, 12:51

Hello Howlin,
There are setting and softening solutions for decals. ;-)
The various companies that produce them provide instructions. But the general idea is to first apply with the brush, the setting solution to the area where you want to put the decal. Then slide your decal and in the third step apply the softening solution with a soft brush.
My advice is to make some experiments first with decals you don't want on scrap pieces of plastic, so you'll be familiar with the softened decal. The common problem is some riples you have to extend again without tearing the decal.
Cutting decal in smaller pieces is not a bad idea at all, but in this case you should not soften the decal.
Good luck with your project! :yeah: :-D
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Kostis Ornerakis  Greece

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Posted by Howlin on 09 Feb 2022, 21:29

thank you, good advise, I do have a large decal I do not plan on using, and the melter, is the softening solution, I just forgot what it was called.
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Howlin  United States of America
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Posted by Howlin on 10 Feb 2022, 06:13

turned out well enough, not as tricky as I thought but was good to practice to test the limits of the decals ability to hold together vs tear, pics will appear soon on Howlin's triremes biremes and more thread.

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Howlin  United States of America
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Posted by Howlin on 16 Feb 2022, 04:34

well here are the results, it will be some time before I can add this ship to the completed section as I need to paint the crew and that means I need to wait for some warm weather to get outside to glue up the shields.

I am wondering if I should put a clear spray over it to protect it or not. The last time i did that while wet it seemed to make the under paint go liquid and smudge with a finger print so I am hesitant to do that anymore.



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Howlin  United States of America
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Posted by Peter on 17 Feb 2022, 13:10

You did a fantastic work on that sail! I'm pleased for you that it turned out well! :thumbup:
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Posted by Howlin on 17 Feb 2022, 20:34

thanks, other than the shinyness which isnt my fault, it really helps make the model.
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Howlin  United States of America
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Posted by Harry Faversham on 19 Feb 2022, 12:33

Howlin, you've made a magnificent job of a tricky decal/transfer there mate. If you can glean this stuff, over there in the Colonies, your matt varnishing problem will be over forever...


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Harry Faversham  England
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Posted by Howlin on 21 Feb 2022, 02:25

thanks, I wonder if other matte surfaces would work? I saw some matt mode podge at a store I almost picked some up.
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Howlin  United States of America
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Posted by Harry Faversham on 21 Feb 2022, 11:34

Don't know about yer 'podge', but I do know, that in 20 years usage Galeria has never failed me once!

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Harry Faversham  England
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