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Modelling Fair at Lingen January 2023

Posted by MABO on 16 Jan 2023, 21:49

On the weekend of 14 and 15 January the FIGZ Promo Team was in Lingen in the "Emslandhalle" and introduced the figure hobby and the 1/72 scale to the many visitors.


Benno, Hans, Martin and Remco from the Netherlands had organised everything and brought lots of great stuff. I was also allowed to be there as a "quota German". :wave: Even though I still can't speak Dutch after almost 15 years in the forum. :mrgreen:

Benno, Hans, Martin




and me...


The stand was really huge. We had a lot of space and could show especially the great dioramas Waterloo 1815 by Hans and Martin...





... and Cambrai 1917 (Under Construction) by Hans.






We all painted and made things, which especially interested many people who had never seen or heard of the figure hobby before.




The most frequent questions or comments were: "Are the figures from the 3D printer? "How long does it take you to paint a figure - approximately?" "You need a steady hand, don't you?" "Wow, so many details!" "Well, I couldn't do it, I don't have the patience!"

All the visitors who approached us were very nice, interested and sometimes wanted to know exactly what we were doing and why. Many were also interested in the paints we use, because they also paint things when they build railway models.


Even the local television came by... :winky: :camera:


For many visitors, Benno's 6mm figures and Russian tanks from the Battle of Berlin were particularly fascinating.



But as on our last visits, Remco's Asterix figures, especially his exactly 532.75 Romans (I counted them all :mrgreen: ;-) ) were the absolute eye-catcher, especially for all the children. All of them were totally thrilled.





The technical innovation of our stand was Martin's 3D printer. It also attracted a lot of visitors who asked many interested questions.



Martin had prepared a lot and was able to show two large figures, a Spanish village also with printed 28mm figures and many vehicles. For example, he printed Willys Jeeps during the fair. I was allowed to have one for my son and painted it on the spot.



Sunday evening arrived much too quickly and we had to dismantle. It was another great weekend with my dear hobby friends. I am already looking forward to the next time and say "Thank you very much" for being there.



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Posted by Dad's Army on 16 Jan 2023, 23:29

Well written Jan, it was a great experience again, and it was good to have you by my side.
It was both days so crowded, and so much train an car lovers who we could interest for our hobby. Our main goal. 26 children had painted a figure, let's hope they spread the word of the hobby as well.
It was suberb, also to see the Waterloo diorama again, and Cambrai even if it's still under construction.
Now our forum members can have a peek at our weekend, and we did promote them all as well!
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Posted by Konrad on 17 Jan 2023, 14:03

It sure was a great day.
Too bad I couldn't come.
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Konrad  Germany
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Posted by C M Dodson on 17 Jan 2023, 15:39

Thank you for a very interesting report and pictures.

How does Benno stay looking so young?

The Cambrai layout looks very nice indeed, as does the 3D printed collection of vehicles.

Ps Napoleon looks very good too.

Best wishes ,

C M Dodson  United Kingdom
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Posted by MABO on 17 Jan 2023, 17:48

C M Dodson wrote:How does Benno stay looking so young?

He still is, I would say ! :mrgreen:
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MABO  Europe
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Posted by Bessiere on 17 Jan 2023, 20:05

:drool: Sadly we have nothing like this in our area. More than the models I would just like to meet the other folks who share my hobby. Maybe we're a tad off-beat and possibly mad but definitely the group I'd like to share a pint with.
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Posted by Konrad on 17 Jan 2023, 20:19

Bessiere wrote: Maybe we're a tad off-beat and possibly mad...

My wife is absolutely sure of that. :-D
Seriously, we're part of a community that's all over the world.
That should make us proud.
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Konrad  Germany
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Posted by Bessiere on 18 Jan 2023, 01:16

Konrad wrote:
My wife is absolutely sure of that. :-D
Seriously, we're part of a community that's all over the world.
That should make us proud.

Proud? Yes. But only because A) quality people and B) quality work. Both are horrible understatements, I see genius at play here and a genuine effort to share and expand a most rewarding hobby. Knowledge is shared rather than hoarded giving a true sense of camaraderie international in scope. Geography is irrelevant to people with a passion. I'm just happy I stumbled across this place. Feels pretty homey to me.
Bessiere  United States of America
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Posted by Peter on 18 Jan 2023, 14:27

Wonderfull and thank you for sharing! :-D

Looks like a great day indeed! :thumbup:
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Posted by Kekso on 18 Jan 2023, 18:45

Thank you for photos Jan. It looks like you all had great time.

And Benno finally looks like grown up :xd: :xd: :xd:
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Posted by Susofrick on 19 Jan 2023, 15:55

Looks like you had a great day! But I don't envy you packing away all the stuff afterwards. Great work and very nice to see the pics!
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Posted by MABO on 19 Jan 2023, 19:37

This was done in less than 90 minutes. Also a very good teamplay, but also easy, cause Hans has built very cool boxes for all the parts.
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MABO  Europe
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