
Water - Need your help.

Posted by Das_Dirch on 07 Feb 2013, 12:00


I need your help, for my next project. It should be an landing scene in the pacific, with a bunker, a piece of beach and water.
And that's my problem. I used Vallejo Water Effects: Still Water Clear, but it do not work. It seems to me theres is a chemical reaktion with my underground (Wood repair filler, painted with oil colour).
When the water dries, it looks like a very dry and of burst desert soil.

Have you an idea? What do you use to create a good water effect.

Thanks a lot.

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Das_Dirch  Germany
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21 Jul 2010, 07:24

Posted by Marshall Nay on 07 Feb 2013, 13:36

Artist's oil color take a very, very long time to dry. They can dry to the touch in a week, but it actually takes years for the linseed oil film to completely oxidize. And the film needs ultra-violet light to oxidize, so they dry more slowly in the winter months.

I haven't worked with the Vallejo water product, so this is just a guess. But my guess is that a solvent in the water product dissolved the oil paint. Perhaps do a small test with modeling enamel or acrylic paint to see if the oil paint was the problem.

I hope this is helpful. :thumbup:
Marshall Nay  United States of America
Posts: 248
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04 Mar 2010, 01:29

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