Work in Progress

A Tivoli Fantasy

Posted by Santi Pérez on 26 Nov 2024, 20:04

Iceman1964 wrote:the more progress you show the more I love this diorama!...

Rich W wrote:Great updates! This will look super when all together!

I couldn't agree more with Enrico and Rich's words, sberry. Everything you've done so far looks amazing: the temples, the scenery (the water effect is striking) and the figures. When all these elements are put together, there is no doubt that the result will be superb. :drool: :drool: :drool:

By the way, what are the figures you used, is it possible that some of them are from Strelets or Phersu Miniatures? Most of them are unknown to me. :neutral:

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Santi Pérez  Spain
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28 Aug 2016, 19:42

Posted by JurgenH on 26 Nov 2024, 21:20

II can only agree with Santi. Great job so far.
JurgenH  Germany
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01 Aug 2022, 20:28

Posted by sberry on 27 Nov 2024, 12:46

Thank you everybody for the encouragement!

The project is now in the critical stage where work is about 95 % complete – and one big, irreversible mistake can ruin everything…

I suppose many people in our hobby have similar experiences. In my projects, it is frequently the water surface that causes problems. And that’s really annoying, because for a number of reasons, adding the model water is always a late step in the whole project. However, in this diorama here, the water is already finished, without serious incidents (let’s hope that no other catastrophe comes up instead!).
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sberry  Germany
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12 Mar 2010, 20:37

Posted by sberry on 27 Nov 2024, 12:49

Santi Pérez wrote:By the way, what are the figures you used, is it possible that some of them are from Strelets or Phersu Miniatures? Most of them are unknown to me. :neutral:

About the Phersu and Strelets figures, you are right dear Santi.
I have used in this project a mix of figures and other parts from a stock that has accumulated over some 20 years:
The temples, as already mentioned, are by Imperial Modellbau.
Amphoras: Crynsminiaturen
Dancers: Germania?
Goats, cat: Noch
Musicians, braziers: Phersu (R.I.P. Leonardo Torricini)
Peasants: Fine Scale Factory
Small altar, statue: Atlantic
Standing female priest with big altar: Nikolai
Standing men: Senators by Strelets
Triumphal procession (Bull + 2 attendants): Germania
Well: Fredericus Rex (R.I.P. Conny Schulte)
… and some other figures which I cannot track anymore.
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sberry  Germany
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12 Mar 2010, 20:37

Posted by Santi Pérez on 30 Nov 2024, 19:00

sberry wrote:...About the Phersu and Strelets figures, you are right dear Santi.
I have used in this project a mix of figures and other parts from a stock that has accumulated over some 20 years:
The temples, as already mentioned, are by Imperial Modellbau.
Amphoras: Crynsminiaturen
Dancers: Germania?
Goats, cat: Noch
Musicians, braziers: Phersu (R.I.P. Leonardo Torricini)
Peasants: Fine Scale Factory
Small altar, statue: Atlantic
Standing female priest with big altar: Nikolai
Standing men: Senators by Strelets
Triumphal procession (Bull + 2 attendants): Germania
Well: Fredericus Rex (R.I.P. Conny Schulte)
… and some other figures which I cannot track anymore.

Thank you very much for the detailed explanation, sberry. It's amazing how many different figures and manufacturers you have used. The important thing is that they all help to achieve the superb desired end result. ;-)

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Santi Pérez  Spain
Posts: 2227
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28 Aug 2016, 19:42

Posted by Michael Robert on 01 Dec 2024, 19:37

Very nice diorama creation, SBerry,
everything I like is in there: beatiful landscape and interesting recreations of buildings, animated and assembled figures, good topic. Makes me envious, because I only come around figure painting. Some day.... (and retirement is not so far off now)
Waiting eagerly for finished opus
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Michael Robert  France

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