............a few more photos to show my progress is still ongoing, albeit slow..........
while filling in the gaps with greenstuff i thought i might try my luck at a few little additions, such as the cowtails around this fellows arms, as it's a detail the Perrys opted not to include.
This fellow has had another humbrol enamel undercoat added, after gaps had been filled, and before oil paints were applied.
Now back to the kneeling zulu with several shades of oils, including, burnt sienna, burnt umber, ultramarine blue, yellow ochre, raw umber and titanium white. After these colours partially dry i will start to blend in some lighter shades and highlights.

Still need to work on his face to add details such as teeth, detail his eyes, highlight his lips etc., as well as his hands, feet etc. To do this, though, i need to put on my optivisor 'cos my eyes are not what they were.