Am starting out on a new project. Inspired by Wolfgang and his AMAZING Rorke's Drift Diorama, I have decided to tackle a box of Perry Miniatures 28mm Plastic Zulus. I already have over 200 painted and based Redoubt figures in the same scale but thought it would be interesting to see what can be done with these fellows. Here's a couple of shots of my first two completed figures.
Fine work on these fearsome Zulu warriors. The skintone you have achieved is very good and the slightly glossy sheen suggests sweat brought on by some vigorous 'jogging' on a warm day in South Africa.
Meeting these two out in the open would entail some some serious sprinting to escape...and probably a futile attempt at that !!
Thanks gents for your kind comments. ‘Tis funny Minuteman ‘cos I had exactly the same thoughts flash through my mind when I saw this photo. The athleticism of these warriors alone must indeed have been a daunting site. That’s without the war cries, foot stomping and banging of assegais/knoberries against their shields. Bloody hell, I’m off to hide……… Ps/ Yep……and for once the sheen from the oils was used for a special effect!
Finally opted to return to my zulus in 28mm. Hoping to get a few more completed over the next couple of weekends. As you may have noticed i have chosen to put these fellows on heavier bases because they are forever falling over otherwise. With more space one can add more variety.
Added a few new tufts, bought on my last trip home at the end of the year. However, before i take any more serious photos i'll definitely need to dust these lads down........which is a giveaway that these two were finished quite some time ago but just needed basing.