Wow, sberry, I think you've outdone yourself with this diorama. It's hard to add new compliments to the ones you've already received from the colleagues, but I'll give it a try. Although, from the pictures you were posting in the ‘work in progress’ section, we could already get an idea of what the final result was going to be, the truth is that this one surpasses the best ideas we could have had about it.
All the elements of the diorama are superb: the people, the animals, the objects, the buildings, the natural landscape (terrain, vegetation, river, etc.), as well as the backgrounds you have used to achieve very realistic pictures.

There are so many details that you have to look at each picture carefully and several times to detect and admire them. The paint work on the figures is amazing. What to say about the fountain, the altars, the amphorae, the roasting pig, the temples, the trees, bushes and flowers! Everything without exception is perfect.

After so much sincere praise, I just have one request for you, dear sberry: could you post some pictures of the diorama from a bird's eye view to get a better idea of the whole?
Thank you very much for brightening up our eyes with this marvel, my friend. You know I'm your number one fan and with your permission I've saved all these pictures in my forum photo archive, so I can have them in my collection along with other masterpieces by Kostis Ornerakis, Egbert, Ben90, Iceman1964, Rich W, TK and more.
My best congratulations, sberry!